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Wait, so... No one likes Marth?


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I always thought people loved are pantless hero. That is, until recently I started to notice so much people saying stuff like. "Oh. Ike is so much better than someone like him" or "Marth? Nah. He's nothign special." and even some people saying they hated him just for being in so many games. I always thought the fan base liked him. When did people start to hate him?! and where have I been?! mellow.gif

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I like Marth, he's a cool dude, especially after they gave him more of a personality in Shadow Dragon.

Also everyone should love him after his performance in the FE1 LP.

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I like Marth enough. He's a good guy, in spite of being almost a cliche. (It's only almost because he was the first in FE to be like that)

However, Ike is much more awesome, (in my opinion) and I was under the impression that the fan base agreed with me.

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Marth is boring, a mediocre character in most of his games (can't promote, w00t) and his appearances in smash have both been lame. I've never really liked him, but I respect him for being the face of FE.

Ike has a surprisingly good personality for a stock FE lead, (both in PoR and RD) and he was a damn good unit too.

Edited by Starwave
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I like Marth, but just not as much as Ike. PoR was my first FE, so I have a particular soft spot for FE9 and its characters. Ike is currently my favorite lord, and probably the only lord whom I'd call one of my top five favorites. I don't like Lyn, Hector, or Ephraim much. Eirika and Eliwood were okay, but kind of boring. Never played the other games. As for Marth himself ... I've only played FE11 and no one in that game had much of a personality. I don't think I've even got through that game more than twice. Maybe three times at the most. Other FEs, I've played through dozens of times.

I can't speak for everyone else, but for me ... Marth doesn't particularly interest me because the only game of his I played did not interest me. All the other lords in the FEs I've played were more memorable, their surrounding characters and stories more memorable. Marth is ... just there.

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Marth is the most overrated lord in the series! Fanservice, annoying personality, and the stupid pairing peoples pair him with! Like MarthxCatria...

There are other lords that deserve more attention then him like Roy and Leaf.

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Marth is a likely decent character who had the misfortune of being caught in three games which didn't do a particularly good job of demonstrating and developing him (or anyone else) characterways (well, those and FE12, about which I honestly don't know yet); some of my favourite parts of FE11 are the ones where by some miracle he actually shows something resembling personality, like the prologue and the opening of chapter 13. Had FE1/3/11 been better-written (and/or his portrait in FE11 hadn't been really odd-looking), he could've turned out much more favourably. Immediately following Ike, aka seemingly everyone's favourite, as the next main character for the majority of the audience probably also hurt his perception because he draws an inevitable comparison with that predecessor.

Though, I do remember some guy on some forum years ago, who would butt in every time someone even vaguely mentioned Marth with comments like "Bah, I hate Marth. Him and his stupid hair" or "Ike is soooo much better". It was amusing in how stupid it was.

Fanservice, annoying personality, and the stupid pairing peoples pair him with! Like MarthxCatria...

Please explain. I mean come on, fanservice? Also, what personality, and why do common ships have anything to do with him as a person, especially where reciprocal canon basis is non-existent?

Edited by Rhinocerocket
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FE12 does a pretty good job of characterising him... as a prime example of "pansy". Nah. I like Marth. His performance in FE12 is pretty solid and he actually cares about people and in FE12 Elice actually points out that he's really naive which is kind of a nice touch.

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I don't really mind him. But I'm not a fan of him either. I don't like how Smash Bros. fans treat him. Or Roy or Ike for that matter. Unfortunately, out of the games that feature Marth, I've only played FE11. (Where a good chunk of the cast has no personality whatsoever.) Based on another post on here, my opinion of him may change for the better if I play FE12. At any rate as it stands, I've always found Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, and Sigurd more interesting than him at the least. Don't like Roy's personality all too much as it is in canon. I liked Ike better in PoR. I don't really mind the others.

I've liked using him as a playable character in SSBM and SSBB though.

Edited by Fancy Grunt
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One of my favourite FE11 convos.

Jake: Are you the Altean prince? The name's Jake. I just joined up.

Marth: Many thanks, Jake.

Jake: You know, I've been to Altea once. Have you uh…ever paid a visit to the ecret-sayop-shay there?

Marth: The what?

Jake: The secret shop! Didn't you know there are secret shops hidden all over thecontinent? Well, there's one in Altea, too.

Marth: Oh,really? Where exactly?

Jake: If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a secret, now would it? The entrance isdisguised so you can't find it.

Marth: Disguised?!

Jake: And they don't let anybody in without a VIP card. So don't expect to waltz throughthe door by accident.

Marth: But…how do they stay in business?

Jake: Who knows! Last I heard, they were desperate for customers.

Marth: Then maybe they should reopen as a "tell your friends" shop…

Jake: Ha! Very clever. Anyway, you should drop by when you're in the neighborhood.

Marth: But I don't know- Ugh. Never mind…

Edited by Refa
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^ The best parts of FE11's script are definitely the parts which were newly written specifically for it, like that. Unfortunately, they make the rest of the game feel inconsistent and patchwork-like, which is a tremendous shame.

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Marth is the standard to which the other lords scale. It's like Mario compared to all the other Mario characters. Sure, they're good, but sometimes you want something off the wall instead of ol reliable.

Fire Emblem needs its own Waluigi is what I'm saying.

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I love marth ever since i play smash. I love his playstyle in SSB. His attacks are so graceful and he just felt...natural and fluid to me from the get-go. He really is amazing in SSB (hes top tier in both SSBM and SSBB). My opinion of marth changed a bit with FE11. I found him bland there and his combat was awful. I fell in love with marth again after I played 12. Hes pretty good there. Dem growths. And his portrait is awesome.

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No, I don't really like Marth. He's just so...normal...so regular, nothing extraordinary. He isn't something really good in FE11, maybe better in FE12 but nah. I prefer Ike, maybe because he's far more reliable than Marth is in his surrounding conditions. I prefer even...Lyn...Hector...Lolliwood...Eirika....Eph, all of them over Marth.

I love so much when Lyn slashes Marth in SSBB gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Can't say much about his personality, but I thought he always held up pretty decently in all his games. People may cry, "can't promote!", but that was barely noteworthy in FE1, not that unusual in FE3, and not terrible in 11/12 because he still got 10 more levels even though he lacked a promotion boost. His growths and rapier probably would make him worthwhile even if he wasn't required to deploy. Not to mention, his inexplicable thief utility...

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He's kind of meh. I don't really have a strong opinion on him.

Yeah same here. Im pretty ambivalent to Marth myself. Hes not fantastic in Shadow Dragon (at least what i played of it) but not awful.

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I thought I've heard that the Japanese like him.

But otherwise, like most others here, I much prefer Ike.

Well, no one in the Jugdral series gets any love over there, and us Westerners (everyone else that's not Japan) love Sigurd to death.

But the Japanese like Ike too. That's what got him int SSBB along with it being really recent. <3

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So far, I like Marth.....except Marth at the Shadow Dragon DS (i want to sacrifice him because i'm frustated due to his bad growth. Too bad he is main character in that game). For his personality, well......I think he is a caring person (i just guess that from his convo with Shiida and MU in FE 12).

For Ike, I don't know much about him since I've never play PoR and RD. So, I don't know if I like him or not.

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