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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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Lance staff is covered by Falcoknight both in this game and in FE4.

I'd prefer swords personally, but I wouldn't lose sleep over lances either.

But I'd most rather axes because I want an army of female axe users

I knew I was forgetting something. Never really on foot though, I should have pointed that out.

I'd rather have axes too, but the chances of that are like .01%

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I'm surprised that only a couple people are threatening to storm IS for such a drastic change, considering how anal people have been about remaining faithful to the original games. I, on the other hand, am loving this. I'd much rather see an interesting redesign and re-imagining than a restrictively faithful adaptation, and Eirika looks positively radiant in her battle gown.

I'm also really looking forward to putting Lucina in a wedding dress as well.

Yes. This. Why does everybody hate everything? There can't be anything sexist about it, really, other than the obvious 'girls like wedding dresses' thing, which as far as I'm aware is completely and utterly true, so why not let them wear them? Sure, it's not apt for battle, but there are loads and loads of characters with impractical designs in Fire Emblem; this is not the first game to have them. Anyway, it's unexpected and exciting and she is in fact very well designed. I love it, and honestly, we should be thinking more about how the class plays than its aesthetics. Bows, staves and presumably swords? Hell yeah!

I like the artwork itself. I'm not thrilled about the class or the fact that it's the sword-wielding EIRIKA who was chosen to represent this class.

I get what you mean, but I'm of a different opinion: I really like it how they've put this spin on her, and anyway, I have a few points to make: play-wise, you can just Change Seal her into a sword wielder; she may in fact use swords anyway, and considering that this is Eirika, this is probably the case; and finally, if she can't use swords, remember that Elincia's swords were taken away from her too - you should have already known that and have been prepared for it.

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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Lance staff is covered by Falcoknight both in this game and in FE4.

I'd prefer swords personally, but I wouldn't lose sleep over lances either.

But I'd most rather axes because I want an army of female axe users

Battle nuns, battle nuns everywhere

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Personality wise maybe. But ability wise? We are talking about magic here. Remember what Erk said about how difficult it was for him to make progress in the field? So she is now suddenly a magic wunderkind?

And if she had the ability to attack from safety, she would have used it in the game. She even says in her support with Innes that she has to fight in melee.

As far as FE13 itself goes though, and even the FE series in general, some characters can "learn" magic even if they don't start with it (and I'm not even talking about the universal reclassing of the guests). Of course, they then go on to have only E rankings...

Now, yes, it's true that Eirika could only use swords in her game, but I don't think this weapon set or costume are out of character for her - as long as swords are still there. It's different from her gameplay and presentation in her original game, but that costume is hardly something out of character for her, it's just impractical for battle. But it's not something I can't see the original Eirika wearing. Now, it if had been Lyn getting this class, then it'd look odd (well, the class itself in general is pretty odd, but Lyn would be the worst possible choice for it out of the female lords avaiable).

Eirika also was portrayed as someone who didn't enjoy to fight but wanted to protect others, so the new support weapons fit in. Obviously she couldn't use bows and staffs in her original appearance, but I don't think giving those abilities to her transform her into someone else.

(anyway, I must say I'm looking forward to see some of the other girls class changed into Brides)

Edited by NeonZ
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As long as she isn't only staves, it's whatever, but turning her into solely a healer might as well have stopped being a "new turn" at the character- it'd be a different person entirely.

Yes. This. Why does everybody hate everything? There can't be anything sexist about it, really, other than the obvious 'girls like wedding dresses' thing, which as far as I'm aware is completely and utterly true, so why not let them wear them? Sure, it's not apt for battle, but there are loads and loads of characters with impractical designs in Fire Emblem; this is not the first game to have them.

What? All girls like elaborate dresses? All girls like going into fights in elaborate dresses, and all girls think seeing somebody go into battle in one is undoubtedly an improvement? That's flat out incorrect and a generalization at best, and saying there can't be anything sexist about it smacks of tempting fate, really, until the day the actual scenario is revealed in full. There's also a difference that can't be overstated between "not everybody likes everything" and "everybody hates everything." That's kind of nonsense.

Granted, this incarnation may not be primarily a frontline fighter (which is weird of itself), but dude. She's in a ballroom dress. Stealing Kiryn's words, she's in Disney Princess getup. The other redesigns skirted the waters of impracticality, but Eirika's redesign took a big old belly-flop into the deep end. Anybody who disliked any other redesign's sense of practicality should logically be questioning this one pointedly, if they were to stick to that principle. The arbitrariness of Eirika's redesign is so baffling to me that it damn well better be skillfully illustrated. I have already accepted that pure realism isn't something to be expected from Fire Emblem at large, but putting somebody in a ballroom dress is truly a new high that I can honestly say I hope isn't repeated much.

IS has the right to do whatever they want, or whatever the person to whom they have given creative license wants to do with their character, but we're not obligated to fall in line and consider a Disney version just one more thing to expect from the franchise and shut up about.

Edited by Rehab
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Yes. This. Why does everybody hate everything? There can't be anything sexist about it, really, other than the obvious 'girls like wedding dresses' thing, which as far as I'm aware is completely and utterly true, so why not let them wear them?

Man, I love that dress, and I'm a guy. I'd totally want it if I was a girl. So gorgeous~

Edited by Terper
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It is hilarious that so many people wish for FE to be "realistic."

Oh please, not this "realistic" nonsense again.

As if there is nothing between 100% historical accurate armor and freaking wedding dresses.

Edited by BrightBow
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The art is beautiful! I can see L'Arachel having a field day with her exposure of shoulders.

Her class a pretty weird, but at least this time her model looks like it matches the official art, unlike Alm's.

Would be strange if she doesn't have her sword, but might be a little strange if she DOES have it...maybe she can be like Kanan from The Last Story and still wield a sword while wearing a dress? Like she could possibly rip the dress.

Edited by SilvueWolf
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Well that's certainly a pretty picture but.... Eirika? Is that really you? Honestly her new design makes no sense to me and neither does the class "bride" (unless there's actually a wedding involved, of course.) It's not as bad as Miccy at least. I've kinda given up on this games ability to come up with female character designs that aren't incredibly stupid, OOC, or sexist, though.

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Then they turned Eirika into a lame staff chick with an awful class,

and there was no one left to speak out alongside me.

Oh there is.

Er ... I like the picture itself. It looks pretty, and it's well-drawn. It looks better-drawn than Elincia and Micaiah's DLC's. However, at the same time, I'm not sure how I feel about Eirika (who used physical weapons in her actual) having a staff and wearing something ... ridiculously frilly when in the game she wore a practical skirt and armor. ._.

The art doesnt bother me. Its actually quite lovely. The concept here is nice to look at. Its...the class and the implications that follow that bug the fuck out of me. Srsly? Bride? You are fucking kidding me. The implications here. They are unfortunate. So my third favorite lord in the series gets to be a simpering bride wielding a staff.

Thanks a pant load, Intelligent Systems.


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As long as she isn't only staves, it's whatever, but turning her into solely a healer might as well have stopped being a "new turn" at the character- it'd be a different person entirely.

What? All girls like elaborate dresses? All girls like going into fights in elaborate dresses, and all girls think seeing somebody go into battle in one is undoubtedly an improvement? That's flat out incorrect and a generalization at best, and saying there can't be anything sexist about it smacks of tempting fate, really, until the day the actual scenario is revealed in full. There's also a difference that can't be overstated between "not everybody likes everything" and "everybody hates everything." That's kind of nonsense.

Granted, this incarnation may not be primarily a frontline fighter (which is weird of itself), but dude. She's in a ballroom dress. Stealing Kiryn's words, she's in Disney Princess getup. The other redesigns skirted the waters of impracticality, but Eirika's redesign took a big old belly-flop into the deep end. Anybody who disliked any other redesign's sense of practicality should logically be questioning this one pointedly, if they were to stick to that principle. The arbitrariness of Eirika's redesign is so baffling to me that it damn well better be skillfully illustrated. I have already accepted that pure realism isn't something to be expected from Fire Emblem at large, but putting somebody in a ballroom dress is truly a new high that I can honestly say I hope isn't repeated much.

IS has the right to do whatever they want, or whatever the person to whom they have given creative license wants to do with their character, but we're not obligated to fall in line and consider a Disney version just one more thing to expect from the franchise and shut up about.

If you paid attention, the statement you're attempting to bash was Mr. Dracul agreeing with assuming that "all girls like dresses" is sexist. And why can't she wear a dress other than it making no sense in battle? Her normal outfit's one of the most girlish in the entire series, especially considering every other female Sword Master or Lord ever. She basically looks like a Pegasus Knight on foot, and at least isn't at staff chick level, but still. It's not a stretch considering her personality. If she can't use swords, that'll be weird and maybe tick me off, but still. C'mon.

...I just noticed my own verbal tic. I feel so strange now, >.<

Edit: As for it being Bride, well... maybe by the time she got married she could use staffs.Nino can use magic while being illiterate, for crying out loud. Bows...work with staffs? Plus with all the time her battle sprite displayed her with a rapier and her stats gave her high dodge and whatnot, she could have the physical skill to use Bows. And these are still alternate versions of each character in the story anyway. For it making sense with anyone else: Noire got married. Boom. Don't go too crazy over it.

Edited by Only My Unit
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Considering what unit type Eirika was in her game, is there any chances of this class being classified as "Swordfighter Family" if this class can indeed use swords?

Now, it if had been Lyn getting this class, then it'd look odd (well, the class itself in general is pretty odd, but Lyn would be the worst possible choice for it out of the female lords avaiable).
What makes you say that?
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