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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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@bbm: I told bal that it's probably best if I get replaced, sorry

@bal: if you have time, could you get on msn maybe? my phone doesn't have skype ):

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Kay [4]: eclipse, Manix, Blitz, Marth, BBM, scorri, Paperblade, Marth

BBM [3]: Bluedoom, Pride, Haze, Manix, Blitz, Elieson, Kay, Kay, Manix

Marth [3]: eclipse, Paperblade, Iris, Subieko, Manix, Haze,

Blitz [1]: Manix, BBM, Strawman

Pride [0]: scorri, Kay, Subieko

Elieson [0]: Iris

Bizz [0]: Elieson, Strawman

Nano [0]: Paperblade, Subieko

Subieko [0]: Blitz, Bluedoom, Kay

Strawman [0]: Paperblade, Blitz

Paperblade [0]: eclipse, nano

eclipse [0]: subieko, Haze

Iris [0]: Paperblade

Manix [0]: Blitz, Marth

The crowd gathered around the Egyptian, and sensing things were going very wrong she activated her thought partitions. If there was a way out of this situation she would need all of her brain's processing power to find it. Alas, however, there were too many of them, and while she could attempt to use her Etherlite, that alone wouldn't be enough to reverse the tide. There was a short struggle, but as the sun set, Sion was hanging from a noose made from her own monofilament weapon, after they'd wrested it away from her.

Kay was lynched! She was:

Dear Kay, you are Sion Eltnam Atlasia


You are an Alchemist from the ATLAS organization.

You possess the Etherlite monofiliment. You can use the Etherlite to connect to the bodies of the fallen, and access the memories of the final moments before death. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Access <USER>'s memory with Etherlite". USER must have been killed at night. You will find out whether anyone aside from the killer visited USER on the night of their death, and if so, you will determine the names of all players that visited USER.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Night 1 begins and ends in approximately 48 hours.


BBM [3]: Bluedoom, Pride, Haze, Manix, Blitz, Elieson, Kay

Kay [3]: eclipse, Manix, Blitz, Marth, BBM

Marth [2]: eclipse, Paperblade

Pride [2]: scorri, Kay,

Blitz [1]: Manix, BBM, Strawman

Elieson [1]: Iris

Bizz [0]: Elieson, Strawman

Nano [1]: Paperblade, Subieko

Subieko [0]: Blitz, Bluedoom, Kay

Strawman [0]: Paperblade, Blitz

Paperblade [0]: eclipse, nano

eclipse [0]: subieko, Haze

Iris [0]: Paperblade

Manix [0]: Blitz

##Vote: Marth.

##Unvote ##Vote: Pride.



##Vote: Marth

##Vote: Kay

##Vote: Marth


##Vote: Marth

##Vote: BBM



##Vote: BBM



##Vote: Manix.

##Unvote, ##Vote Kay


##Vote: Kay


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Kay wouldn't have been that much of a problem, because, and I reiterate here: Her ability did not find the killer: Hence, it could only see what non-killing roles had visited that person that night. ie: It wouldn't be able to confirm a lot anyway.

some people.

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That's fucking great. :/

Marth, why did you switch onto Kay? Did you think she was scum? I mean, she objectively has the better role than you. I guess save yourself before save others, but aahsklfajfaksfjg, that could have VERY MUCH ENDED IN A NO LYNCH, MISTER I TIE THE LYNCH ONE MINUTE BEFORE PHASE END.

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"You will find out whether anyone aside from the killer visited USER on the night of their death, and if so, you will determine the names of all players that visited USER."

Let me go and clarify this for all the people. This is exactly why this role is not stupidly OP. That is all.

I'm very quite annoyed at this. And Marth, you're my next target. Because by hell I did not like what you did just then.

I'm out of here. I won't be posting for the rest of the night. Because I'm not giving out any more information at all.

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No, the way the role works is

if anyone besides the killer visited, you get the list of EVERYONE who visited including the killer

otherwise you get nothing

I thought you get everyone who visited no matter what

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If you know you are town it is better to lynch someone you don't know is town

I know I just said I wasn't going to post again, but this is just stupid.

Mafia can pose as town and use the same argument. Because THAT'S what they are meant to do.


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Yes, that's why it's not an inherently scummy action. It's neutral. Unless you're a fool or some other role that likes dying, you have no reason to let yourself get lynched.

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Well shit. I was in the middle of typing a most when phase ends and we mislynch.

Though this is more useful than if we would have tied the vote.

That's fucking great. :/

Marth, why did you switch onto Kay? Did you think she was scum? I mean, she objectively has the better role than you. I guess save yourself before save others, but aahsklfajfaksfjg, that could have VERY MUCH ENDED IN A NO LYNCH, MISTER I TIE THE LYNCH ONE MINUTE BEFORE PHASE END.

No, a no lynch would not have been good, I don't think. We would have 3 claims with none verified and nothing to speculate/gain from the wagons that formed on her even after she claimed.

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So, status update. My adapter is completely dead(to answer Eli earlier, the battery holds a charge, but the adapter no longer delivers said charge. Either way, I did manage to find a replacement, but I can only make use of it when the main user isn't. My time around will likely be limited, but I should be able to work around it.

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Sigh, If we have a vig, fucking shoot Marth in the face.

I really doubt we have that role since I have a secondary ability to turn off my PGO and force everyone to target me.

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Which I would have claimed sooner, but I was writing a massive amount of flavour for SFMM2's ending.

My thoughts on SFMM2:


Now on the game, I guess it just pissed me off more than Marth decided to opportunistically (let's face it, not the case here), vote one minute before. The one minute part is just really annoying. I could go on.

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Ether: Yay! You're back!

Everything else:

Ugh. That just... ugh. Did we seriously just lynch someone who could have helped identify killers? And yes, I know. I didn't have a vote on anyone. I wish I could have. But still. Moving on from that though, people who voted for Kay in the end :Blitz, BBM, Paperblade, Marth

Marth: voted so that he wouldn't die. understandable, but it was a last minute switch that really makes me not quite happy.

BBM: voted because Kay's votes seemed suspicious

Paperblade: voted because Kay's role seemed too overpowered

Blitz: voted because of Kay's vote on Pride

So, both BBM and Blitz voted for Kay's vote on Pride. Which could mean they're all on a scum team together. However, that would be *really* sloppy if it's true. Marth's vote... while I don't like it, I can understand why it was made. Paperblade misunderstood Kay's role and because of that thought it was overpowered. Any other thoughts on the votes?

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That's fucking great. :/

Marth, why did you switch onto Kay? Did you think she was scum? I mean, she objectively has the better role than you. I guess save yourself before save others, but aahsklfajfaksfjg, that could have VERY MUCH ENDED IN A NO LYNCH, MISTER I TIE THE LYNCH ONE MINUTE BEFORE PHASE END.

Uh, sorry, not my fault you guys were hell bent on mislynching. I never wanted to vote kay/BBM, but apparently even when we claim, you guys were hell bent on lynching one of the three of us. Also since Paper said Kay's role could be a fakeclaim, I decided to vote for her. And before you say we could have had a no-lynch, the scenario wasn't as such at all. Let's look at one minute before: Oh hey, I'm gonna get lynched. Also iris, why do you care about ties, one of us was gonna get lynched anyway.

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Far out the logic is making my head spin. Not to mention I have to keep breaking my vow of silence to fix the logic.

Marth, a tie is a NL. Which has been clearly explained to be a horrible idea. Just be glad we even got a bloody lynch out! You very clearly attempted to force the NL, which is quite possibly the worst move a townie could even do.

Besides, single target lightning rod is not nearly as strong as Kay's role, nor BBM's. A townie would probably have accepted that and dealt with it. Which you clearly didn't. Was Kay scummy at all during D1? A little bit, but not nearly enough to go "hurr durr, let's force a tie and NL".

Don't push your luck. I also agree with Haze that a theoretical vig should shoot Marth in the face.

also, I'm lifting my self-imposed vow of silence because apparently, I have to talk.

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