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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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The rest of you. . .where the hell are you? I will be most unhappy if another lynch target is chosen five minutes before deadline. This is the time to press each other, vote, and talk.

I want to echo this. I hate that last five minutes, because people will make mistakes, which we can't afford. And seeing as how we seem to always decide a lynch target... come on.

Also, how else am I going to ignore my study we going to get anything productive done?

This is even though we have a long time left in the phase, but come on, we need something to be done.

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First, I'd like Elieson to come back and respond to the latest post I made. After that, I start going after people who aren't giving Yours Truly enough to form a solid opinion on.

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Ether doesn't believe in votals. I guess that's why he hired me.

Marth [3]: Manix, Paperblade, Elieson, Haze

Elieson [2]: Helios, Subieko, eclipse

Subieko [1]: Marth

nano [0]: Marth

Helios [0]: eclipse

Pride [0]: eclipse

Haze [0]: Helios

##Vote: Marth

##Vote: Elie

##Vote: nano


##Vote: Helios

##Vote Marth


##Vote: Pride


##Vote Marth

##Vote: Subieko


##Vote: Marth

##Vote: Elieson


##Vote Haze

##Vote: Elieson


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Yeah, speaking of Paper:

Ring ring.

Make this message public or I will have you lynched

scorri didn't kidnap me as my action still went through. Also I can still vote. Currently voting for Marth because lol

got this Night 0

You suddenly feel an affinity for Emiya Shirou and desire to be part of his harem. Your win condition is unchanged.

Dunno if it was related to me being silenced

Also people who are saying scorri was obvtown are dumb, she had no opinions on anyone and was pretty scummy. Also her role sucked so nothing of value was lost.

How would you know if roles that targeted Paper were redirected, unless you knew the role that was responsible for this?

I was silenced. Obv roles targeting me weren't redirected unless you are claiming you target'd me and were redirected, which means there's a driver. Also that's not what Elie was saying at all, not that what he said made sense.

doubt that Marth redirected the hooker to himself and idk why people are jumping to that conclusion.

Char limit

You may not receive any more messages.

Now then this is interesting., we seem to have two people claiming to have received the harem message night 0.

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Also having seen the flavour that Marth received, I don't think he redirected the hooker to himself either, as it specifically said he got hit before he reached [redacted].

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can someone please explain in layman's terms



I would actually wanna know Marth targeted

also, Helios, you are looking pretty scummy


I didn't like what you said about Subei being noob town, cause she seems to be doing a bit too well

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Second, why are we bringing up third parties right now? We've got a mislynch and a dead townie, and that's not a good start. Let's worry about those weird messages later.

You have something better to discuss other than shut your faces? You seem pretty anti discussion, and it's rather annoying, since there isn't much else on the table.

In fact, you said I shouldn't ask for information (like I've been), manix shouldn't have claimed, we shouldn't be talking about 3rd parties.

Lastly, Eli, the redirect text is none of your business. If you get hit by it, you'll know. I'm not giving out flavor so that the mafia can fake results sometime in the future.

Ok, i'll just wait until we are losing more before I press for more info. Since no one else is trying anything, and it's frustrating as heck to try to learn anything new in this game right now.

Yes we have 2 dead townies. Unless you investigated someone or got some message from another player, you know equally as much as I do, which probably hadn't changed much since Manix made his public claim. Do you even believe that there could be a third party? You seem more pissed off that one us under consideration, which I just find downright odd. Some new info came out, and you say don't talk about it?

Ok yea, I get it. Don't give scum info to use against us. Well until you find a way to get info & share it with townies who don't know it, without announcing it to everyone, I don't have any better ideas, and I'm not seeing any from you either.


I didn't say anything about my role until D2. This makes it sound like you knew my role beforehand. I don't like such statements, which is why I'm leaving my vote where it is.

I dunno your role or your alignment. In fact, the only thing I said I knew was that your role, whatever it may be, is active. That, and sind it's active, it can be targetted to someone (or multiple someones). You seem to be jumping to conclusions a bit early, though I admit my poor choice in vocabulary probably led to that.

There. I have said more to your responses than most of the rest of the game. Do whatever you want, I don't give a fuck. But I wanna see you contribute something of use eventually, instead of attacking me for trying to do the same. It's not helping my opinion of you to see you essentially banning discussion, then asking for it from others, but w/e, it's your method.

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Eclipse, replies above bolded for your reading ease, because phone.

Also, you seem to be votehopping a lot. Like I said, your perrogative, not mine.

And paper was hit by that too...but there is a different rolename mentioned in his quote. Now we have 2 potentially different named players sending out these masonry or arson or priming or w/e they are things. Odd that it's N0 for both paper and Subieko (was it Subi?I forgot and can't be arsed to backtrack mid-post), but yea, both claimed N0.

Straw and Paper claiming N0

Subieko claiming N1

Maybe 2 3rd party members? But only one claimed target for N1. This is strange.

People, talk dammit! Haze and Eclipse and I shouldn't be doing the majority of this!

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Well, if Paperblade and Strawman both got hit with whatever it is N0, I guess that shows it's not like...insta-dangerous. And now that we know who's been hit with it we can all just report if anything changes.

On other topics, I did some re-reading of D1 now that Scorri was killed...but I didn't get any new ideas sadly. She didn't have particularly strong opinions about anyone, no one voted for her at any point, she didn't vote at the end of the day...oh, and she said she thought Marth was Town during N1. That's pretty much it, though.

At this point, I'm in favor of lynching Elieson and so-so on lynching Marth. Nothing new to say on either of these fronts at the moment.

Also curious about Eclipse and the messaging Haze thing...she was going to SMS Haze, but then decided it was a bad idea? Eclipse, do you think Haze is suspicious or is something else going on?

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First off, I think it's understandable why people are worried about this third party thing seeing what happened in SFMM2 (which was almost won by a third party). It doesn't sound like a townish thing, and my guess it's a third party priming you ladies up for something, so if anyone learns anything more about it say so in the thread. I'm curious as to why Paper joined into a different harem though. With only 2 nights passing I don't think it's possible that 3 people would be "primed" by one person, so (assuming no one is lying about this) I guess there's two of these third party guys? I guess we'll learn more next phase.

Second, so Paper's the announcer then. I heard that announcers usually have a secondary ability as well as announcing, but in two games that I've been in with an announcer they've just been vanilla town announcers. Does being an announcer clear him? What are your thoughts on that guys?

Also, he's basically saying that any theory that involved Scorri kidnapping/silencer him isn't possible, so there must be an actual kidnapper/silencer around as well. That knocks down another possible role!

Third, Elie, Clipsey has a point. If you throw out too much information about her role (which she's been breadcrumbing as a PR if you couldn't tell) then scum's job is a whole lot easier. Using her role she probably had a plan with Haze and his mass lightning rod but decided against it. I suggest you don't fish for things any further because you're already in hot water (well sorta since you're like number 2 scumspect in everyone's eyes right now), and if you want to ask something like that at least send an SMS.

Fourth, Blitz it's just my opinion. She looks much better now, and she's been doing better than the other newbies, but that doesn't mean she hasn't made mistakes, and she was getting grilled for em earlier in the game. So I thought she's just town making honest mistakes since it's her first time. She's read a lot of games up until now so she obviously has at least an idea of how to play.

I still don't really like how Pride and Nano aren't posting much, and I know that newbscum/third parties tend to just lurk around and see more how the game plays out while echoing other people's posts. Things could change up in time thought but I do think it's something to look at. Iris is falling in the same category right now, but she does have the excuse of all the schoolwork she has to do. Otherwise I guess like popular opinion would say right now Bluedoom and Elie look the scummiest right now. I'll probably reread things later and see if I can fish out anything of importance.

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Holy shit I'm retarded that was an SMS not an announcement. Completely ignore that part of my reply. I thought Haze was doing Ether a favor or something since he quoted Ether. Yeah I'm an intelligent person I know.

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So I'm gonna respond because hell I've been away almost the whole day. Except for that sms to Haze, I haven't said much.

Actually, I was suspicious of you because your reactions seemed so...panicked and flaily. Your current posts are looking more calm and rational to me, so I have actually become a bit less suspicious of you. I still want to keep my eye on you and watch your behavior during the rest of D2, but I don't feel a need to vote for you at the moment.

This looks like you're backing out. Panicky and flaily? Well, I have to defend myself, come on, I need to respond to statements. If you mean my D1 jumpvote, then I would've died anyways, big deal. And ok, let's say they are panicky , I honestly don't think I've changed the way I've posted. I'm pretty sure when I was talking about Manix's behavior and claim generally, I wasn't very calm. Didn't it look a bit like I was shifting focus away from myself at that time? Wouldn't that make me look a little more panicky, look scummier? You'll need to elaborate.

If you want to know why I didn't ask for a vig shot on you, it's because that seemed too hasty to me. You looked quite scummy to me from your first defense posts, but I wanted to see more and then if you were still really scummy on D2 we could lynch you. Maybe I don't know how vig is meant to be used and I'm totally off base here, but you DID end up looking less scummy to me, so I'm happy vig didn't shoot.

Well, when I was talking about the vig, I was talking about how Manix's behavior worked more in his favor. When I die and flip scum, Manix won't look so bad, but the rest of those who went on my case would.

Also, to answer your question (about why I stopped questioning you after one post): I read your reply, started writing a reply to that...and then I realized I was basically just repeated stuff I had already said, which would probably lead to you repeating what you'd already said. Combined with the fact that the discussion had kind of moved on by the time I checked the thread again, I felt like it wouldn't be productive. If I had spotted something new to question you about, I would've.


My vote will remain on you Subieko, for that reason. I favor a lynch of either you or Elieson, because Elieon has not come up with great logic, like jumping on me because 'scorri's death was to throw suspicion off me' and 'outing your target is cool marth, we'll know who's the roleblocker'. Yeah man, especially when its not even confirmed that I targeted a roleblocker. And you think I'm lying? Then why would I even tell you guys I got roleblocked in the first place? That would be too risky for me, whether I'm scum or not.

I'm not sure what to think of Paper's alignment atm, sorry.

Finally, I'm finding it weird that we have two chars with that same weird 'harem' effect. I'm not sure what to think of that, but maybe it could be the same player with two character names? Is it even possible?

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Holy shit I'm retarded that was an SMS not an announcement. Completely ignore that part of my reply. I thought Haze was doing Ether a favor or something since he quoted Ether. Yeah I'm an intelligent person I know.

Ok and I thought he was the announcer too. That's what happens when I sudenly read posts and decide to post like that. >.<

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I was wondering why an announcement would show up in the middle of the day phase and not at the beginning like they normally do. I shouldn't post things immediately when I wake up, especially when I'm woken up by a drunk girl.

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Well, when I was talking about the vig, I was talking about how Manix's behavior worked more in his favor. When I die and flip scum, Manix won't look so bad, but the rest of those who went on my case would.

Scumslip anyone? Lol. I'm assuming you meant "flip town"?

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This looks like you're backing out. Panicky and flaily? Well, I have to defend myself, come on, I need to respond to statements. If you mean my D1 jumpvote, then I would've died anyways, big deal. And ok, let's say they are panicky , I honestly don't think I've changed the way I've posted. I'm pretty sure when I was talking about Manix's behavior and claim generally, I wasn't very calm. Didn't it look a bit like I was shifting focus away from myself at that time? Wouldn't that make me look a little more panicky, look scummier? You'll need to elaborate.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have defended yourself, I'm saying I thought your defense was, well, panicky and flaily. I'm referring to your initial responses to Manix and me, not the jumpvote, although that wasn't fantastic either. Regarding whether your posts have actually changed, well, all I can say is that it looks different to me. I have to rely on my own judgment here. *shrugs*

I didn't catch you shifting focus away from yourself, but I suppose I can go back and reread later?

Bottom line is, by them time D2 rolled around you started looking less suspicious to me and then Elieson started looking really suspicious. So, I switched my focus. Maybe that made me look scummy, but my priority is to put my vote where my suspicions are, not to make myself look good.

Well, when I was talking about the vig, I was talking about how Manix's behavior worked more in his favor. When I die and flip scum, Manix won't look so bad, but the rest of those who went on my case would.

...don't you mean IF you flip scum? ...I'm not sure whether I should be jumping on this or whether I'm making a big deal out of nothing...okay, now I really do need to go back and reread your stuff.

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Kind of a shame since I haven't actually done anything yet, but I've found out that I'm going to be busy over the next few days. Too busy to give this game it's due, anyways. Requesting sub-out.

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I favor a lynch of either you or Elieson, because Elieon has not come up with great logic, like jumping on me because 'scorri's death was to throw suspicion off me' and 'outing your target is cool marth, we'll know who's the roleblocker'. Yeah man, especially when its not even confirmed that I targeted a roleblocker. And you think I'm lying? Then why would I even tell you guys I got roleblocked in the first place? That would be too risky for me, whether I'm scum or not.

Ok, you say my logic is crappy, but look. I threw it out there as a possibility and a hunch, because there was like nothing else out there. Then I tried to back it up and argue it as a possibility, instead of saying "ok nvm". What, you would rather me keep my mouth shut than working on creating discussion? Bullcrap.

I do not want another mislynch. So I'm looking for scum, instead of arguing that I am not, because obviously what you and Eclipse and everyone else are doing isn't creating much of anything, except for building a wagon on me, that I can assure you, will result in a mislynch if this continues.

Nice scumslip btw Marth. I won't quote since multiquote on phones suck, but Helios already did.

So I get it, half the town is anti-discussion, as you would rather risk mislynches instead of trying to find answers. We are likely to mislynch a PR who speaks up and tries to scumhunt compared to scum just doing it as their NK, if every time someone presses a button, this happens. I strongly disagree with it, but I am but one member here. I am at least doing something in pointing a finger to get results. Marth, Helios, Straw, Eclipse, what have you done to find anything new out? You seem quick to say "ohh Elieson is putting pressure out on people who aren't about to be hammered and trying to learn roles". Who the fuck should a cop investigate to bring positive results out? Who the fuck should a doc protect, when there is absolutely no reason to protect anyone? That's my logic. We aren't even trying to work as a team to protect our living townies, whoever they are, and I think that at this rate, we are going to just mislynxh ourselves to a loss because 1/3 of the players aren't here to contribute or are new, and 1/3 of the players think it's absurd to push for information and a town win.

Hell, Paper in his one 1000 word PM put his thoughts out better than most, and that is his only method of input.


##Vote Elieson

I can vote for Elieson too, just like you, since you all want me to die so badly. You want info your way? I'll help you get it.

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Probably my only input for the day, but ##Vote: Elieson. Discussion is good but it has to be something that benefits the town. You were part of SFMM2, so you should remember one of the points that Kaoz was lynched over- focusing too much on hunting for third parties is a way of looking like you're helping the town without actually scumhunting. In any case, there's nothing to be gained by discussing about it right now either. There's so many things it could mean. And Doctors have to guess who the mafia is going for by going for the people who seem the towniest. Also, your self-vote doesn't impress me.

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