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Shining Force Mafia


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You all wake up after a long night of talking and watching movies. Don't you guys love movies? You know what Proto's favorite movie is? Weekend at Bernies. You all decide to reenact his favorite movie as a going off present. Someone gets him some shades and a wheelchair and you all continue to act as if he is still alive.

Proto has died! He was Zuika, Town 2-shot Vigilante!

Dear Luster Purge,

You are Zuika, Town Vigilante.

You are a very mysterious individual. You are an insect assassin, and was sent to protect Narsha.

During the game, you can reply to your Role PM with 'Assassinate USER'. You will kill USER as soon as I see the message. You can use this during the day or the night, but be aware you only have enough power to kill 2 people.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud.

No Shinori you can't! You'll die! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE FOR TOWN LEADER! *ahem* Anyway, here I am again. Not much to tell you guys. We got a scum D1! Go us! Beyond that, remember to be careful what you're telling people. Trust no one unless you've been told by Shinori that you can trust them. And even then, be smart. ... I have 200 words? Really? That's a lot. I guess I will just stop for now then I guess.

Someone shouts out to flip it over, just in case there's something on the back.

<This page intentionally left blank.>

*scribbles some graffiti on the blank page* HAH! Now it's not blank, is it?

Day 2 ends 6/17 at 8 AM EST

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Wonderful! I see this mafia is a rather friendly one, and I respect that. This better stay that way for a while.

I think that when I get back from helping my mom and sister out with a few things, I'll go ahead and compose a color list. I'll also compile a few reasons why my suspicions have changed so often over the course of this game, and some proof that I've been having a little too much fun with the OC.

##Vote: SB

I'm going to leave this here until I come across more information; can't really say more than that, sorry!

I'm also incredibly wary of Lucina, Kay, and Iris. Lucina especially, for pretty much doing nothing but echo everyone else and "waiting for the right moment" which is a pretty convenient excuse for not contributing.

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1. Aere: Take a guess.

2. Elieson: Apparently PGO, I'm not sure whether to believe this or not. If I had know proto's role, I may have suggested a vig shot?

3. Lucina: Inactive. Seems like noobscum from the few things she's done.

4. Manix: Playing like he did in that last mini mafia, so townie. I think. Honestly, I can't really read him.

5. Shinori: Keep up the good work!

6. scorri: Kinda inactive, neutral views. Nothing leaning one way or another.

7. BigBangMeteor: Dead scum :D

8. Luster Purge: Dead town :(

9. adiosToreador: Leaving you alone.

10. eclipse: Town, BBM would not have kidnapped a mafioso.

11. Kay: scummy reads, didn't really respond to my suspicions in pm.

12. Rapier: always scummy, but I think he's ACTUALLY scum this time.

13. Bluedoom: I want Shinori to validate his claim, because I'm suspicious.

14. StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw: inactive, so scummy.

15. Cap'n Flint: inactive when he's scum.

16. Iris: I kinda think one of iris or Kay is scum, but not both.

17. Helios: reminds me of the guy from saw, "I want to play a game". I think he's scummy, but it's just like... A gut feeling.

18. Serious Bananas: newbie, Kinda scummy.

19. Hikarusa: inactivity puts you on my scumdar.

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...and this is why inactives should talk more dammit. we just lost a good role and didn't even use it properly. Also i'm assuming that Proto was the one who shot Aere D1?

So I'd like to hear something from Kay (you still exist right?), Lucina (you're new but you've played Mafia before so you know what to say at least), Iris (who I forget is even a part of this game), and Blitz (get some better net dammit).

And lol Bizz actually lived to D2 laugh.gif

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On my way from job 2. Ill read and catch up and post something representing actual intelligence in like, 20 minutes.

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If you guys are going to list post, can you at least do it in ascending town to scum order or something like that? :/

And I honestly didn't expect Proto to die, since I was kind of suspicious of him. It's like what Manix said.

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I'm typing up a long long post right now. Please bear with me, I'm not lurking, I'm typing something up in notepad and pasting it in.

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scum are trying to setup for a mislynch by killing the person that a few of us suspected

please note this

Noted. But this can be read several ways. On one side, there's the "Hesitant to claim" Proto who once again, voiced his opinion on the fact that we shouldn't give 100% trust to the person who is likely town leader, (days after it was essentially blown over as an issue, I might add). His hesitance to claim made him look scummy, and his calm and logical reasoning didn't do much to make him look any better.

On the other side, people suspected him because of that. Scum likely took him out of the picture because either he claimed to someone else that he "allegedly" trusted, his posts seemed a tad off kilter from town, but not necessarily scum, or they're trying to start a wagon on those who pointed fingers at him in the first place. It's something that can fly multiple ways, and needs to be assessed more clearly before we move on. I'd like to reference this post, as it was misleading to even me. Supporting a No-Lynch based on the assumption that our information is essentially unprovable is an awfully shallow attempt at logic, because we're essentially handing scum a free NK on a silver platter. I think that right there built a potential wagon on him (that and his debate with Eclipse).

Then he said this, which showed a lot of dissociatation from Aere, making me think either one or the other is a bit on the shady side, but not both.

I just think he painted a big red target on himself, giving us little reason to not want to lynch him, and setting him up as a prime candidate for a clean NK.

But still, it can be assumed that he is the vig who shot Aere to confirm his claim (which now, he's apparently Vanilla).

...and this is why inactives should talk more dammit. we just lost a good role and didn't even use it properly. Also i'm assuming that Proto was the one who shot Aere D1?

So I'd like to hear something from Kay (you still exist right?), Lucina (you're new but you've played Mafia before so you know what to say at least), Iris (who I forget is even a part of this game), and Blitz (get some better net dammit).

And lol Bizz actually lived to D2 laugh.gif

We may have used it properly though, if anything, to at least work on Aere. If he's scum, then we've effectively taken out a potential problem that could haunt us later in this. If he's town, well, we'll then have another somehow-confirmed townie (by the cop, giving Shinori that information of course)

[spoiler=Bizz]Speaking of Bizz:

At any rate: NO I AM NOT THE DAYVIG, LEAVE ME ALONE. Aere, I had no reason to shoot you and I have no killing powers whatsoever. Shinori publicly claimed that it was an ordered shot (which was kind of a bad idea to me but at least it kept people from thinking I was dayvig? What?), so yeah. I'm kind of confused as to why I would shoot a bulletproof claim to protect myself?

I fucking swear, I better be left alone tonight.

Looks like Proto was the Dayvig, so you're essentially out of that possibility. But these confuse me.





There's more, but those are the most recent handful of posts I could find. They all refer to us not targetting you, because of "things". I don't know what to assume from this, but I'm strongly assuming that either you're something like 3rd party Survivor, or some other sort of town PR. It's becoming increasingly odd to me that you have no killing powers whatsoever, but we should not target you because "things". Not that I find it scummy really, but I do have my curiosity perked.


Yeah, this is my first OC mafia game, but I have played mafia and werewolf before. So I'm not totally new.

I'm still waiting for some kind of slip up, which is why I'm not posting much.

While sitting here and waiting for some kind of slip up, your making yourself look more and more scummy as time goes by. This is my first OC Mafia game, but I'm active in here (well, i guess I am). I'm active in OC though, ask Shinori and scorri. I downloaded an iRC app on my phone so I can be available there for conversation while I'm working at both my jobs, and I converse there. I've sent PMs to most of the people in this, too. Waiting for a slip up makes me think that what's on your mind might be a slip up. The paranoia is amusing, and just like I was privy to doing in the past once before, I can see when it happens too.

[spoiler=Kay (San)]

You've said all of 2 posts that make any sort of sense.

This however, I wouldn't mind an explaination on.

2. Who do you find the most town currently?


Exactly what has the homework-bound Iris done to look the most Town?


That's like, her only meaningful post. Not that I have anything against schoolwork and all, but I just find it weird that you find Iris, over everyone else, to be the most town.

[spoiler=Iris]Speaking of Iris:

BBM: Pretty scummy from the vibes I get from the thread. I haven't talked to him, but his reactions in thread to other people, and isn't unlynchable a godawful scum claim? Like, if he's clear, and doesn't die, then we have a backup for if Shinori dies.

Rapier: Almost completely a null read. I swear, how many times has he been lynched Day 1 and been scum? Actually, the same group of people get lynched Day 1 a lot. . . Null because I'm not sure how to approach this. His behavior in thread doesn't seem that good IMO, but I haven't talked to him outside. Not townish, not scummy. I could buy that BBM and Rapier could be on the same side, but eh. I'll be okay if we decide to lynch him, but I think I prefer BBM slightly.

Since I have a "leaning scum" on BBM and "null" on Rapier, I'll go with:

##Vote: BigBangMeteor

I think your vote here was at least well placed. Just, it's like the only logic you've used in the game, aside from your answering Shinori's 4 questions, and even that was a little vague.

I'm decidedly neutral on you as far as a position of town/scum reads go, only because OF YOUR DARN EXAMS! But, your one post was at least on the money (even though it didn't have much in the way of backing evidence).

More to come.

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A few people have come online and looked in this thread since it became day phase, have gotten their night results and haven't claimed to me what happened with said night results.

I want night results. And until I get said night results ##Vote: Lucina

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1. Aere - After surviving the vigshot against him, I'm having trouble pinning you as a townie or scum. I need to read some more and figure things out. I think you're townie, since you're claiming Vanilla after losing your deathproof.

2. Elieson - I'm fairly confident that I read my RolePM correctly, since I can read English.

3. Lucina - Waity McTimeWaster - You can't sit on your butt and wait for people to slip up and drop a scumtell, while not talking yourself. It's a scumtell to me that you're afraid of being caught. Scumpants.

4. Manix - The almighty fortress that is a wall of text, and 12 posts explaining his defenses and reasons. It works for him, and seems town to me.

5. Shinori - Our Mighty town leader, Macks. Coordinated and confirmed a kill on BBM (which was in the works for a while), and is proving things one at a time. Most Townie of the town.

6. scorri - Lots of OC, and has reasonable thoughts to present to me in OC (mainly because she's active when she's in iRC more than anyone else). For now, Town, but not top of the town list

7. BigBangMeteor - Dead Scum McRoadkilled - 100%

8. Luster Purge - Apparently not updated in OP to reflect that he's dead. 100% Town

9. adiosToreador - I suspect 3rd Party or Town PR. More likely I have a hunch about 3rd Party Survivor or Lover or something

10. eclipse - Kidnapped, and released upon killing BBM. Insightful posts against the barely-town Proto, but making sense. Undecided.

11. Kay - Busy McBadVote. That vote on Iris really makes me think twice about you.

12. Rapier - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33107&st=360&p=2017233entry2017233 is just an awful post, showing absolutely no intelligence. I'd have a mind to flick you in the forehead for posting this block of crap.

13. Bluedoom - Kind of a scumsense, though I know from your meta that you're kind of bad at logic.

14. StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw - Say Something Pile #1

15. Cap'n Flint - Say Something Pile #2

16. Iris - Slight Town lean, because of a vote on the BBM wagon that was obvious. If you didn't vote BBM there, I'd assume you were scum.

17. Helios - One liners and different from his typical Meta. I don't know where to place him right now, because I'm not used to this kind of Helios. Leaning scum, but nothing conclusive yet.

18. Serious Bananas - NoobScum. Nuff said.

19. Hikarusa - Overall, pretty useless. Probably a little townie since his posts are at least making sense.

There. A chart, to reflect my thoughts on the town. I still have more posting to do based on each person's posts, to back up reasoning, but I have at least this as my little notes sheet to show where I'm at.

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In fact, I'd like to

##Vote Lucina


Until you give me a reasonable post that explains why you are helping the town by waiting for a scumslip, you're a very likely suspect in my books.

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