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Rate the Unit: Day 41 - Mist

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Not a Master Crown, but the 4-1 HOLY CROWN is needed for Mist.

In the Japanese version, Mist needs it to promote, but in the NA and EU versions, you can promote her without it.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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In the Japanese version, Mist needs it to promote, but in the NA and EU versions, you can promote her without it.

Confirm by real test already.

In fact, now I'm re-play FE10 another time, at 3-8 in this very moment.

Mist can promote by hit lv21 in NA and EU.

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I say 2/10. She can heal. And she has no combat. I had to force feed her kills every step of the way and even upon promotion and BEXP usage, she was still good for nothing except healing. Actually, she reminded me of Leonardo with his chip damage early on with her Florete attack. But, she is not worth anything even after promotion and so much work put into her.

Also, why does this say day 40 when it should be day 41?

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Lol Mist. She gotten terrible since her days in PoR. She can't use magic swords and even.her personal weapon is coded wrong to no be magic based damage. She heals less than Rhys, who can improve his magic thanks to that high mag growth. Yeah, she gets a horse, but it seems this game hates horse units. Outclassed by Rhys in healing, and pitiful chip damage.

3/10 + 1 bias because MistxBoyd is my favorite pairing in FE10 and free spirit dust= 4/10

Edited by Exiledwolf
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Honestly, I look at Mist and her uses are just limited. In a game where healing items can heal for 40 HP, Mist just looks really meh to that. Even the +1 Mov advantage isn't really enough to beat Rhys, who has the benefit of having a good range with Physic and healing for a greater amount. That leaves two other strengths for her - her affinity and her horse.

The former can be used effectively with Titania. Water is an awesome support to have with its +0.5 Atk / +1 Def (combined with Light) and the support builds rapidly. With Savior, Titania carries Mist from harm and effectively makes her into a support battery operated Hammer machine.

Next comes the horse, which is a double-edged sword. She does have the perks of extra Movement and Canto, but it comes at a cost with levels in order to achieve it. Considering Titania might be playing pocket Mist, and Mist's chances of making it to 10/1 seems bleak. To make matters worse, the horse bites her in the ass in 4-3. Ledges suck.

To be fair, though, she's still a staff user, which is more than what units like Soren have going for them.


+bias for 5/10

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Lolworthy bases. Bad growths. Terrible offense and durability. Doesnt have quite enough mag to use physic better than rhys despite better move. Shes truly horrible. She should never see combat ever as she is too fail for that. She grows at a very slow pace and horse isnt as significant an advantage in this game. Especially because shes probably not ever gonna get it. Even with favoritism, i can only see mist getting the horse in 4-4, which is terrible timing. 0/10 (-1 bias for loli)

Try again with this.

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Try again with this.

Eh? Thats my opinion. I justified it didnt I? Just because you dont agree with it, doesnt mean its automatically wrong.

Edited by Professor PicKLe
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Try again with this.

He's speaking from experience in dozens of drafts.

But seriously, even if she doesn't require the Holy Crown, she's still very fragile and when compared to the other healers, isn't even that good.


-Is on a team that wants her

-Better growths

-Better offense, if needed


ALready been said.





-Mist beats him

Bexp'd to 10 and crown'd Soren-

-Loses by staff rank, only.

Hmn, overall, I see Mist as the WORST healer in fe10, compared to all the others.

At least Rhys can be made into an actual combat unit, despite being a shittier Micaiah, he's still decent in the desert with resolve.

Oh, and he's got a Higher base lvl.

I'd say that Rhys beats Mist, in all but ENDGAME move.

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I'm not Integ.

But on second thought, it's not too different from the other scores (which was why I was going to ask you to redo it). So carry on.

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I'm gonna go with smash fanatic's rating of Mist here:

"Mist has some of the BEST bases in the game. And by that I mean, comparable to Astrid.

Mist continues the trend that any staff user not named Elincia will die if sneezed on. 28 HP/7 def is terrible. That's something you'd see on a tier 1 unit in the DB, not a 20/1 unit who joins in part 3. 40% HP/25% def growths certainly don't help. And unlike most other staff users, who can actually attack once and deal semi decent damage in that hit, Mist has an amazing 8 str base and hits def. Even with Florete, which is a good weapon, she does like 2 damage to enemies. She has water affinity + 5 str promo bonus, but with a 25% growth and terrible str caps, she's not getting out of the hole, ever. 15 base spd means Mist gets doubled for several chapters. 50 spd growth is the only good thing about her stats, but because her base is so bad, she's never doubling unless she's overleveled.

Still, Mist is handy as a healer and is around for a lot of chapters, so she has an excuse to having bad stats. However, unlike Laura, who was the only staff user in the DB for most of their chapters, Mist immediately has competition in Rhys. And while Rhys manages to be even worse than Mist defensively (though he hits a lot harder, so if need be he can act as a last-minute attacker), the fact that he exists and can get the job done pretty well means that Mist's healing is not as useful as Laura, who you MUST use if you want a staff user, which inclines me to give her a score lower than Laura's.

Mist gets her own promotion item in 4-1, which means you don't seriously have to train her, since you can just throw the item on her and get the horse. It's not like her stats will really matter, since she's terrible at attacking either way, and you don't want her to get attacked because she's going to counter for horrible damage. However, it's worth noting that this makes her pretty lame in 4-4, since the primary job for the staff user you're bringing to this chapter is to restore anyone that gets slept by that bishop. Mist's horse would take too long to reach the bishop's range.

It's kinda funny how there's almost no Mist vs Rhys debates in RD. I suppose it's because everyone realizes it'd be a waste of time, since they're both terrible at everything other than healing.


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All healer are fragile anyway, so why call it her con but not for the other?

Mist is the only healer beside Elincia who wasn't die by gotten double thanks to her speed.(and give a resolve skill to healer is a biggest waste)

And offensive ability for healer is nearly useless, unless they have canto to avoid heat (only Elincia have both offensive ability and canto), other healer will attack only as a last resolve or to steal kill for EXP.

My rating for healer role

Elincia > Mist > Micaiah > Rhys > Loura

My rating overall as a unit

Elincia > Micaiah > Rhys = Mist > Loura

And for Mist and Rhys for healer role, Mist is better than Rhys in any way except offensive skill, which is little matter.

They are both nearly identical gameplay-wise in 2 tier and Mist is nearly outclass him in 3rd tier because of canto skill.

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If only florete was magical.

The 2 range can be nice for a weak chip at times, but honestly all she can do is heal, and a mounted healer really goes to elincia, who is better in every way. Rhys is a better healer in part 3, and soren covers part 4 if archsage, so really she isn't all that important.


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Rhys sucks too you know.

Mist, Ike's sister.


Can now use swords from the get-go

1-2 Ranged prof weapon.

Gets a horsie upon promotion.


Bases are a bit icky.

Base level is also icky.

Magic needs to be higher.

Mist in my runs is not really that bad but not fantastic either. Transfers dont do a whole lot for her overall. :(: In PoR, she was a part of the A Team. Here, not so much. Florete is kinda cool but she has such low strength that killing junk isnt happening unless you feed her kills. She can get a bit speedy after some levels but her strength is just not going places. Her magic stat is a bit low too. So until she gets Mend staves, she wont be healing to full for some people really low on HP. Even with Mend staves, yeah... Mist gets a pony again after promotion. No idea why she doesnt start with one. D: Her pony works the same way it does in PoR. Only this time, magic swords dont exist. :(: Her base level is 1 and omg...even on EM and NM, its a bit of a chore to get her leveled.

3/10. 4/10 bias because shes adorable and seeing her use Alondite is bloody hilarious!!! Her voice actress in this game should be drawn and quartered however.

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She can heal, can provide shitty chip and wall mages, can't promote till 4-1 - meh. If she gets an A support with Boyd we do get an extra Spirit Dust in 3-E, and it takes very little time to set up, but don't think that counts towards the scores we can give.


Not even shitty chip. In NM she fails to damage several enemies that aren't mages.

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Not even shitty chip. In NM she fails to damage several enemies that aren't mages.

Those, I surmise, would mostly be generals.

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2nd best healer in game (beside Elincia) and she is better than Rhys in a long run IMO.

Mount healer is useful, and can save the day when you need it (heal and flee).

Leveling her is not much problem because good available and Paragon scroll (who need it beside her?)



Must have mistook this debate for the Normal Mode. :P:

If she gets an A support with Boyd we do get an extra Spirit Dust in 3-E, and it takes very little time to set up, but don't think that counts towards the scores we can give.


Yeah, and then we can break it afterwards. xD

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2nd best healer in game (beside Elincia) and she is better than Rhys in a long run IMO.

Mount healer is useful, and can save the day when you need it (heal and flee).

Leveling her is not much problem because good available and Paragon scroll (who need it beside her?)



Try again, or I won't count it.

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Try again, or I won't count it.

Why? Because my opinion is different than most of you?



-Has speed to avoid double later on unlike most healer (well if she doesn't get hit by swordmaster)

-Didn't die by just get hit by 1 stray enemy unlike most healer (didn't get double)

-Mount healer upon promotion

-Good available

-For healer, she didn't need BEXP to get high enough level (only she and Rhys has this)


-Can't damage anything.

-Use sword? LOL

-Fragile as paper (like all mage but still better than most healer)

6.5 + 0.5 bias for being underrate character

Overall 7.0

Edited by Jimmy_Smith
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Why? Because my opinion is different than most of you?


It's because you didn't talk about her weaknesses at all, which she does have. Also, a lot of units would like the Paragon scroll and you can't assume that she's always entitled to it. If she's better than Rhys, be sure to elaborate on WHY she's better than Rhys instead of just stating that he is.

Also, never assume that people are throwing your votes out because "your opinion is different than the majority opinion." It's an insult to people who bother to put up and tally these stupid thankless things that do nothing but cause shitstorms.

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