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Why is Final Fantasy 7 the biggest hate'love game there is?

Gold Vanguard

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It's mostly due to the huge hype it has, many people jumped onto the FF series with 7. I personally find it to be a good game not to mention that Aerith is in it! :3 but I find it overrated I prefer 4, 9, 6, and some others over it

Honestly I think FF8 has the more hate or love relationship as if you ask anyone about it you either get. "BEST FF EVER" or "THAT GAME SUCKS yada yada" I like it but yea, this is about 7 not 8.

It's mostly due to the impact it had on gaming as a whole it was a huge RPG it was a main reason for getting a PS1 back then and Squaresoft cranked it out and have been milking it ever since [loved Crisis Core though]

Edited by Jedisupersonic
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^ Yeah, pretty much hype.

And alot of people like to be assholes and go strongly the other way with anti-hype.

It was my 1st FF and I do love the game but it is waaaay too easy for it to be the best. You can do nothing but attack for every fight and beat the game...

Like the above poster I would say FF8 has the most polarizing opinions. Personally it is my favorite, although it is also super easy.

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The hype.

It is no doubt a good game, with some interesting premises and mechanics (though midgame can be a bit boring, and some could consider it dated). Make no mistake: that quality is what allowed it to become wildly popular (and therefore, massively overhyped) once it reached mainstream status (PSX, etc). When people hate on it, they're either hating on fanboys or disappointed because it didn't live up to the hype.

But yeah, as Jedi said, FF8 is probably more polarizing.

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^ Yeah, pretty much hype.

And alot of people like to be assholes and go strongly the other way with anti-hype.

It was my 1st FF and I do love the game but it is waaaay too easy for it to be the best. You can do nothing but attack for every fight and beat the game...

Like the above poster I would say FF8 has the most polarizing opinions. Personally it is my favorite, although it is also super easy.

Well the game could be both hard and easy depending on what you do. The monster level up with you so you could either stay at low levesl and beat the game with the best weapons or you could level up to 100 and have a challenge.

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Sometimes I am curios about:

Was the game even always so controversial or did it only really start to kick in with Advent Children and the rest of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII ?

Edited by BrightBow
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It had lots of hype as many said, and it's polarizing because due to all the attention it got, it pulled in new buyers who became fans. They love it mostly because it was their first while more hardcore RPG fans tend to hate it because there are so any conventions of RPG that 7 just kinda shits on.

I'm in between. There are flaws for sure, but not enough to make me hate it. It's a nice nostalgia thing to play on, but it's not the best thing ever made.

I don't even understand how people can like 8, much less actually do like it. 8 has no redeeming factors at all.

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Sometimes I am curios about:

Was the game even always so controversial or did it only really start to kick in with Advent Children and the rest of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII ?

People have always been love/hate with it but the release of all the extra stuff just further accentuated people's feelings for it.

That being said, whenever something becomes absurdly popular it's bound to have lovers and haters. There happen to be more FF games in the series so people tend to align themselves with one and stick with it.

Personally I loved FF8 and hated FF7 for a multitude of reasons but if you asked me to I'd barely be able to explain myself.

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It was about Cloud. I mean, lots of fangirls gush at his relationships throughout the game. He was buddies with Zack and then carried on the rivalry with Sephiroth, another fangirl favorite. Not only that, his love interests were Tifa and Aerith(possibly Yuffie), who most fans loved to death.

There's also the game, but ehh...

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Most of what I'm saying is similar to everyone else, it has to do with the hype.

FF7 was my 4th or so Final Fantasy game and the other games of near it (8, 9, 10) were so much better in my opinion. All of the hype just got my hopes up and then they weren't met. I also didn't find the materia system to be interesting at all, nor did I like Cloud as much as I like Squall, Zidane or Tidus.

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The hype, the fact you can't play the game without knowing EVERYTHING that happens unless you played it in 1997, it's a bad game anyway, people love it despite the bad characters, and so on.

What makes you think I hate FF7? Oh right...

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I played it in like 2009 for PC, friend's copy. It's alright imo, not a ff fan myself but it presented some interesting scenarios.

Edited by Rehab
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While I think the game is overhyped. You cant ignore the game is really good and well made. I liked it a lot. But its not my favorite FF. Actually, its hard for me to point at a favorite FF. All are special in their own ways. FF4 had variety, FF6 had an awesome villain, FF7 had some pretty cool characters (IMO), FF8 had...uh...the omega weapon battle i guess?, FF9 had a pretty cool setting, FF10 had an amazing story and its probably my fave, FF12 had...fran i guess and FF13 had a nice battle system and in the case of 13-2, nice music.

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Personally I dislike FF7 because I find it boring. Boring enough in fact, that I'm not even going to finish it. Shinra is pretty cool, but Sephiroth makes me snore.

I do think the reason it gets so much attention is because of how much it's hyped. And I guess to be fair, it was sort of justified back in the day, since it had a system similar to FF6 but with 3D graphics and a lengthy plot with a wide scope. That shit was pretty new at the time.

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There was a generation of people which went out of their way to explain how future Final Fantasy games will never be as good as VII because they thought FFX was crap, whereas now I am noticing that my own generation is doing the same thing with FFX to show how horrible XII and XIII are. Then there will always be the cool kids who think that everything before VII was a gift from a gaming god. The point is that many people acknowledge VII as the best because we were told so from others at the same time Square began to hype it up through Advent Children and various other PR mentions. Many other people hate it because it was either over-hyped or because they are pseudo-hipsters at heart.

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@ deuxhero

Uhhh the character who dies in FF7 is the only reason Cloud and the others even have a chance to "save they day".

How can you say she does nothing??

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Hey, it was the first FF in 3D, they had to try out the possibilites of 3 dimensions. They could show off cooler battle moves than they could with 2D.

Personally, I really liked FF7. I thought it was quite cool that the monsters got stronger with you, and I really loved the materia system. Leveling up skills and make them available for others... I liked the characters, the background stories... People tend to hate the game nowadays, because the themes are "overused", but back then, they set the trends!

Okay, Square Enix is definitely milking FF7, but it doesn't mean the products achieved by that are bulls***. Advent Children is one of my favourite movies, and Crisis Core was a great game.

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Sometimes I am curios about:

Was the game even always so controversial or did it only really start to kick in with Advent Children and the rest of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII ?

It was not always controversial. Until around Final Fantasy X and the change in platform to the PS2 with a new generation, VII was generally regarded as the "best" Final Fantasy, and even best RPG by many in the genre's fandom. I would say its fall from grace began right around when Advent Children was announced, sometime in the early 2000s, and only got worse with more attention.

Personally, I've always loved VII. It was my first Final Fantasy, my first JRPG, and the first game I ever played where I genuinely cared about an evolving story and the characters within it. I think the soundtrack is stupendous, the story is engrossing, and the gameplay is addicting. It and VIII are among my favorite games, with IX trailing close behind. Other RPGs in the PSX's library have their places in my heart, to be sure (Breath of Fire III/IV, Brave Fencer Musashi, Legend of Legaia), but those were just incredible experiences that I hope everyone at least halfway interested in the genre checks out.

Because a character that doesn't do much, especially during her death, overshadows actual cool heroes that die doing something like [spoiler=Final Fantasy and Phantasy Star]Galuf and Alys

What did Galuf do that Aeris didn't match? And why does that matter in regard to a character's death and being well liked? They don't have to be incredibly important to events going on to still make it heart-wrenching when they're offed.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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FF7 was the gateway RPG for a lot of gamers, and with it, brought a new yearning for console RPGs in the Western world, like never before.

It's love is obvious, a great game for the time, with a huge nostalgic backing. It's hate is a little more complicated. most people tend to look at FFVII as the "perfect" RPG, and while that can always be a subjective thing, people's general opinion is that FFVII is great. And objectively, it is a well-made game in most respects. . . given it's time. Nowadays there's a big push for Square to remake FFVII, and there's a good reason for it, people are tired of what Square are turning out, and want to see their "perfect" FF game remade, and much less. . . Popeye-armed. Just look at the hype and shitstorm we got over the "This is what FF7 would look like on the PS3" debacle. It was teasing, but about as committed to a resolution as Capcom is to Megaman.

that being said; I'd like to see a remake, but (even as they've said) Square would need the right team to do it. This is why I never want them to touch the actual best Final Fantasy; FFIX. The new Square would just shit all over the characters, throw in a lot of nonsense and rewrite Zidane to be more emo (like they did with Cloud in. . . everything after FF7, ironically).

Edited by StrategistPockystix
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Fuck you people now I'm going to go have to play through Final Fantasy VII again.

Man, just thinking of the world theme while walking from Midgar to Kalme is killing me right now. I remember getting to that point when I was eight or so and being blown away by how big the game seemed.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Fuck you people now I'm going to go have to play through Final Fantasy VII again.

Man, just thinking of the world theme while walking from Midgar to Kalme is killing me right now. I remember getting to that point when I was eight or so and being blown away by how big the game seemed.

That was quite an awesome moment. Also mandatory link

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What did Galuf do that Aeris didn't match? And why does that matter in regard to a character's death and being well liked? They don't have to be incredibly important to events going on to still make it heart-wrenching when they're offed.

1: Him dieing actually has a point, furthering the stories succession themes and stopping the party from being killed

2: He's a better character when alive

3: They actually try resurrection items on him and answer that plothole

4: He's from a better game

@ deuxhero

Uhhh the character who dies in FF7 is the only reason Cloud and the others even have a chance to "save they day".

How can you say she does nothing??

Not as an intentional, direct result of the death.

Edited by deuxhero
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