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DLC (6/21) Light Vs Dark 2


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Camus is on the Villain SpotPass team. Monster DLC is just for characters who didn't make it onto a SpotPass team, so they have a pseudo-SpotPass version.

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Celice shows up after he became DLC as Spotpass, as did Roy, Marth, etc. I guess he still might not because he's not a lord, though.

Hmm. Now that you mention it, the only SpotPass team leader released as SpotPass before being DLC was Sigurd, which may be another strike against his chances. It does seem plausible that the rest that are both would follow that pattern and Sigurd and Camus would just be the two team leaders that sit out of DLC.

The matter of team leaders is another strike against Lyn's chances. Even if not all team leaders are DLC, they don't seem to be replaced by any "subordinates" on their own team. Eliwood seems like a more likely FE7 team leader than Lyn, and is indicated as such in RvB2. So this means we'd have to have Eliwood no matter what, and Lyn only if she could squeeze in somehow with him already present, which seems unlikely.

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Also, I don't think we'll get an FE7 person. I mean, it would make sense. It was the first game in America, and probably they are going with that it's the one most well known. If they don't include it in DLC, NoA will likely release the other ones, to show America the other games.

Though I think I'm rambling in trying to get my point across that it makes sense FE7 won't be included.

...How does it make sense for the first international release not to get a representative? And for Gaiden and SS to get two?

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Not DLC-relevant, but regarding other downloads:


The comments seem to be describing the prizes from various downloaded Dual Tag teams. Seems that in additional to Hauteclere from Basilio's team, you can get Armads from Vake's team and Dark Tome Gimle from Sariya's team, at least for the notable stuff. Each team gives its best prize only once per file, so you need IDW for duplicates of Hauteclere and Armads. IDW doesn't have Dark Tome Gimle, but with infinite uses, it doesn't seem necessary. Probably classified like Falchion, so you can't get rid of it anyway.


This one has a full list of the starting Dual Tag items, but for downloads, only lists the first set. Crossing the two lists, it looks like the remaining mysteries are Sol's and Gaia's prizes, plus the new teams, Grego's and Sairi's.

...Actually, plugging it into Google Translate again, I'm not sure about Vake. It sounds like he equips Armads, but it doesn't say he drops it; Henry apparently equips Dark Tome Gimle, but just drops Ruin. Anyone who actually can read this stuff on their own have any thoughts on clearing it up?

Richt also doesn't seem to have a notable prize. Definitely seems to indicate that Sariya drops Dark Tome Gimle, though, and the other site backs up Basilio dropping Hauteclere, which is mentioned in the same line.

Edited by Othin
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Sorry, can someone remind me why it's not possible for all the lords to be included? I think I've missed something. Is it certain that there'll only be a set number of DLC characters?

Each map Character DLC comes alongside a map. The maps are rated in difficulty stars - like One Star map for Spirit Talisman 1. The third map in each set is rated one star higher than the others (Two stars for Spirit Talisman 3). Anyway, The issue is that the four star map already has level 20 enemies and uses most villains of the franchise, including several final bosses at once, so there doesn't seem to be much space for a 5 stars map set, unless it's really different from the other ones we've seen so far.

That point about the allies in ST2 is rather compelling... I could just say it's because they needed a third and didn't want Micaiah for two mages or Elincia for flying and being less significant, though.

Well, the actual team used in that stage had two swordfighters, so repetition doesn't seem to be an issue...

The matter of team leaders is another strike against Lyn's chances. Even if not all team leaders are DLC, they don't seem to be replaced by any "subordinates" on their own team. Eliwood seems like a more likely FE7 team leader than Lyn, and is indicated as such in RvB2. So this means we'd have to have Eliwood no matter what, and Lyn only if she could squeeze in somehow with him already present, which seems unlikely.

Although Eliwood should obviously have been the team leader, is that really true? Roy is the boss in RvB2. Lyn and Hector have higher levels than Eliwood in RvB2 and it's Hector who gets to speak the most pre-battle, not Eliwood, who doesn't even say anything at that point. Eliwood is bizarrely shown "leading" the FE8 units alongside Innes, but he only gets to speak once outside of his pre-battle quote, just like Lyn.

Edited by NeonZ
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Well, the actual team used in that stage had two swordfighters, so repetition doesn't seem to be an issue...

Not about repetition. Team of mage and two myrmidons has a decent frontline. Team of myrmidon and two mages does not.

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Hell yeah, Celica! (I think (and she looks like a little girl))



Erm... Yeah. Hello there new Magical Girl. The artist didn't skimp on the fanservice.

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Celica's design is actually a fairly decent mash up of her old design and the Awakening style to me. I wish she didn't look so young, but that's more of the artists style so not much to do there (also lack of proper shirt? At least she's covered up). Over all this is probably my favorite of the female DLC arts though.

On the subject of the other possible characters to get released though, I think there will probably be more scenario's after RvB and LvD finishes, based solely on the idea of IS still being a company. They seem to be doing well with DLC so it wouldn't make much sense to just stop making new scenario's and cutting out more well known characters? At least from a financial POV. That being said, I have no idea what they would do in terms of keeping their pattern's going and staying solid with the difficulty rises though, so maybe they will just stop there.

Also like another person said, they could just go the Eltoshan route and release them in stand alone scenario's, but Eltoshan wasn't even redesigned, so who know's. At the very least, as much as it seems like there won't be anything after RvB and LvD finishes, it also seems just as likely for there to be something else just off the financial perspective. Other games will keep cranking out DLC for a long time after it's been released, so, to me at least, it wouldn't make much sense to stop now when Awakening's only been out for 2-3 months? (But I really just want to see all the Lords as DLC characters)


It's really a 50/50 shot on which path IS decides to take. They're either going to stop after LvD and RvB finishes because of how they ramped difficulty each time and they may want to stick to their patterns, or they'll keep making other scenario's because they're still a business and it wouldn't make much sense to stop now, when the game is still so new. Only time is going to tell at this point.

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Celica's Class: Magical Girl. Comes with White Ferret item that boosts all stats by 2 but transforms you into Witch class if you get below 1/4 health...bud dumb bum kssh. So anyway, who else hopes we get another new class??

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Also like another person said, they could just go the Eltoshan route and release them in stand alone scenario's, but Eltoshan wasn't even redesigned, so who know's. At the very least, as much as it seems like there won't be anything after RvB and LvD finishes, it also seems just as likely for there to be something else just off the financial perspective. Other games will keep cranking out DLC for a long time after it's been released, so, to me at least, it wouldn't make much sense to stop now when Awakening's only been out for 2-3 months? (But I really just want to see all the Lords as DLC characters)


It's really a 50/50 shot on which path IS decides to take. They're either going to stop after LvD and RvB finishes because of how they ramped difficulty each time and they may want to stick to their patterns, or they'll keep making other scenario's because they're still a business and it wouldn't make much sense to stop now, when the game is still so new. Only time is going to tell at this point.

I'd say the business side depends upon how much DLC they initially planned to release. It costs time and money to keep developing these scenario's even if they can quickly make back that revenue. All of our predictions are based off of the SpotPass Gaidens and DLC announcement schedule's. Since Celice's announcement (I think), they've been switching off each week with either a DLC character, or a SpotPass Gaiden release.

It's been said, but if they plan to continue DLC beyond LvD, then it's likely that they'll go back to the drawing board and plan an all new set. I'm inclined to believe that the 120 SpotPass units should keep players coming back for more long after the DLC announcements cease.

As cool as it'd be to see all of the lord's as DLC (or maybe not? it seems their designs get more negative feedback than anything), it's not likely. At the very least, each lord has a SpotPass release, so you're getting them all anyway. Just not redesigned.

Edited by Shun One
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I believe that they could still come up with new DLC scenarios after these current series' are finished that aren't exactly related to teams of previous lords and characters; even if they don't necessarily yield lord characters. For instance, as someone previously mentioned, there could be a chapter where your team just fights against an army of manaketes(much like Chapter 4-F-3 in Radiant Dawn), or where you have a small team of units(5-6 units? Maybe even less?) go and fight the Black Knight one really powerful boss enemy, among other possible missions. And just because they're getting to the 4-5 star difficulty maps, does that absolutely mean they can't go back and make new maps/chapters with easier difficulty levels? Of course, IS would have to come up with good enough rewards to incentivize consumers to actually buy the DLC if they chose to further expand(considering DLC already offers money, exp, characters, items, skills, etc. as prizes, they'd need something good), especially since with enough paid DLC, they could effectively double the price of the game itself.

Maybe I'm just the kind of player that never wants to see this game end, who knows?

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I believe that they could still come up with new DLC scenarios after these current series' are finished that aren't exactly related to teams of previous lords and characters; even if they don't necessarily yield lord characters. For instance, as someone previously mentioned, there could be a chapter where your team just fights against an army of manaketes(much like Chapter 4-F-3 in Radiant Dawn), or where you have a small team of units(5-6 units? Maybe even less?) go and fight the Black Knight one really powerful boss enemy, among other possible missions. And just because they're getting to the 4-5 star difficulty maps, does that absolutely mean they can't go back and make new maps/chapters with easier difficulty levels? Of course, IS would have to come up with good enough rewards to incentivize consumers to actually buy the DLC if they chose to further expand(considering DLC already offers money, exp, characters, items, skills, etc. as prizes, they'd need something good), especially since with enough paid DLC, they could effectively double the price of the game itself.

Maybe I'm just the kind of player that never wants to see this game end, who knows?

I personally don't think we'll get any more redesigned character DLC after RvB and LvD end. Anything beyond that is fair game. Whether it be additional units like Eltoshan or just more maps.

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So I haven't really been paying attention to this board much, and I've only been skimming this to try to avoid spoilers, but why can't Ike be Paris? IIRC his name was originally Paris, so it could be a reference to that, and from the little bit I glanced, someone said Paris served a similar role in the continent's history like Ike did in Tellius.

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So I haven't really been paying attention to this board much, and I've only been skimming this to try to avoid spoilers, but why can't Ike be Paris? IIRC his name was originally Paris, so it could be a reference to that, and from the little bit I glanced, someone said Paris served a similar role in the continent's history like Ike did in Tellius.

The generally ran with theory is that Ike and Paris have something to do with each other based on the assumption that Paris is the first Holy King of Iris whom did some stuff that sounds very similar to what Ike did. The question is just what the connection between these two characters actually is.

Wait a second...

What if Paris really is Ike and Sigurd takes the last LvD spot? Far-fetched and wouldn't agree with the Map-to-Character part of our pattern, but an interesting thought if nothing else.

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