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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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[11:43:56 AM] Iris: are you writing postgame? o: !

[11:44:20 AM] Joshy: I've done 6 role PMs

[11:44:22 AM] Joshy: and now I do work


guys don't be mean

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no it's his own fault that he put more effort into a bullshit version than actually doing it right

no sympathy

jaybee toast game

jaybee post maim

jaybee post office

jaybee ender's game

jaybee lost the game

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The Premise

The entire point of the game was that the town had really amazing roles, but the mafia had the potential to destroy the town's roles and turn the town against each other. Because of that, I threw a 12/2 setup, and the town had lots of good roles. To that end, I probably made the town a little too OP, and the mafia too underpowered, when what I was afraid of was the exact opposite. Deeeeeeeeeerp.

The Gameplay

Town didn't win the game; mafia lost it. Marth didn't really contest his own lynch, and then Kay got offed pretty easily. Again, this was down to quite some luck on town's part (Cam's watch and Rein's martyr basically got Kay lynched to end the game), but I think if I'd given the mafia one specific buff, they'd have had a better chance. Of course, Kay's... kinda bad defense on D3 also contributed to her own lynch, so meh.

The Roles

I'm gonna post mafia role PMs, because it's important to note what the mafia had in order to understand wtf was meant to happen.



[spoiler=Kay, Takano Miyo]

Kay's role PM:

Dear user,

You are Takano Miyo.


You are the adopted daughter of Takano Hifumi, your father's former professor. You are obsessed with stories of Hinamizawa's past, and hope to become a God by proving the existence of Hinamizawa syndrome. And to do that, you'll need to exterminate the whole of Hinamizawa with the disease.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with any one of these night actions.

"Night X - Inject USER with H-170". USER will be injected with a drug which induces the effects of Hinamizawa Syndrome. This will cause USER to attain L1 status. Certain events will cause the stage of USER's Hinamizawa syndrome to progress until they pass L5, where they will kill themselves.

"Night X - Redirecting USER1 to USER2". USER1 will be redirected to target USER2 instead of his initial target. You may only use this ability once.

"Night X - Encounter USER". You will take a drive, being able to find USER during the night. You will have a chat with USER and offer to bring them home instead, preventint USER from carrying out their night action. You may only use this ability once.

"Night X - Research on USER". Files on USER will be dug up, and the Yamainu will also spy on USER. This will reveal USER's role PM to you. You may only use this ability once.

In addition, if you are investigated, the following role PM will be shown instead.

Dear user,

You are Kimiyoshi Kiichirou.


You are the chief of Hinamizawa and head of the Kimiyoshi House. You absolutely hate enemies of Hinamizawa, which has led to several... unpleasant occurrances for you in some of the worlds.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Investigation time". In that message, you may include one question which has a Yes/No answer. The answer will be revealed to you at the beginning of the following Day Phase.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all members of the town have been killed.

Backlash Passive/Ability: N.A.

Night Actions: N1 - Inject Eclipse

N2 - Inject Bizz

Died: Lynched D3

That first ability, the injection, was what the entire game was based around. 9 of 12 town roles would be affected by it, were they to be targeted. If used on the right people, it could have turned the entire game around. Alas, Eclipse figured out what happened after she was injected (I made this too obvious, in hindsight), and the inject killing Bizz probably doomed Kay herself.

What would happen was that injecting someone would cause them to reach L1. Every time a townie were to be killed by lynching/mafia kill/vig kill/whatever, the counter would increase by 1, until it exceeded L5, after which, the target would die. Other night actions were random and boring and probably didn't help, since the mafia had no janitor.

Aside from that, though, Kay didn't really play well. She just seemed really inactive (even though the game only went into the weekend, like, once), and barely contested her D3 lynch even though she'd have lost, so ehh. Kinda sad that she died so early, because that halted all of the fun.


[spoiler=Bluedoom, Okonogi]

Dear user,

You are Okonogi Tetsuro.


You are the leader of the Yamainu, and a very skilled combatant. You are also very calculating and smart, making you a wily tactician as well.

During the Night Phase, you may assist Takano in carrying out any of her operations, separate from her. You may do so by replying to your role PM with the appropriate night action.

In addition, if you or Takano were to be killed, the other will be able to save the attacked person, preventing their death. This may only happen once.

If Takano were to die, whether by lynching or via a role, you and Takano will swap role PMs. As such, "you" will die, while "Takano" will stay alive.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all members of the town have been killed.

Backlash Passive/Ability: N.A.

Night Actions: N1 - Investigate Balcerzak

Died: Lynched D2

I really wish I had decided to make the protection thing activate on lynches, because I feel that would have saved the mafia's ass for at least another night, maybe two. The section in italics was my favourite part of the role, but of course, it never procced. Marth didn't play too well also, and got himself lynched on D2 for reasons which I an't quite remember. Awesome.



Town was probably ridiculously OP. Aside from that, though, I didn't really see a lot of decent town play, and honestly, if the mafia had been luckier/smarter with their plays, they could have obliterated town pretty easily. It's kinda shitty to see that the majority of SF town wins are due to mafia making really bad mistakes, and I can't recall the last time town won because of really pro town play. Then again, NOC.


[spoiler=Rein/Aere, Keiichi]

Dear user,

You are Maebara Keiichi.


You’re the new kid in Hinamizawa, but you’ve been accepted in town rather quickly, making quite a lot of new friends. You are extremely protective of your friends, and you will go to any length to protect them, though sometimes that doesn’t have such… desirable results.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X – Standing Guard over USER". You will travel to USER’s house, redirecting any night actions directed at USER towards yourself. However, as standing guard the entire night does take its toll, you may only use this ability once every 2 nights.

In addition, you may survive one attempt on your life.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive: Hinamizawa Syndrome increases by 2 when a Club member (Keiichi, Mion, Rena, Rika, Satoko, Shion, Hanyuu) is killed.

Backlash Ability: Loses Martyr ability but becomes a Granny when infected.

Night Actions: N1 - Bizz


Rein did an awesome job protecting Bizz N1 from the mafia kill, then RL got in the way and he had to sub out. Aere then subbed in, and didn't tell anyone about the broken BPV vest until, like, 3 hours before D2 end. Aside from that, glorious inactivity.


[spoiler=Balcerzak, Mion]

Dear user,

You are Sonozaki Mion.


You are the leader of the Hinamizawa School Club, as well as the heir to the Sonozaki family. You are a little bit of a tomboy, but you also have your girly side. As club chairman, but more importantly, as a friend, you want to help your friends defeat whatever evil is in Hinamizawa, no matter what it takes.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Tracking USER". You will follow USER throughout the night, finding out whom USER visits.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive: Hinamizawa Syndrome increases by 2 when a Club member (Keiichi, Mion, Rena, Rika, Satoko, Shion, Hanyuu) is killed.

Backlash Actve: Is given one vig shot, instructed to kill Shion or Rena (If Shion is dead), under the premise that "something will happen". This "something" is Mion committing suicide.

Night Actions: N1 - Helios

N2 - BBM

Died: Killed N2

Balcerzak didn't pop in many times, but when he did, he posted sensible stuff, which is typical of Balerzak. Not sure if he was killed because Kay thought Tracker would be really good, or because he's Balcerzak. Probably a combination of both.


[spoiler=Shinori, Rena]

Dear user,

You are Ryuugu Rena.


You absolutely adore anything which you find cute, almost always trying to take such things home with you. However, you can become extremely scary when angered, and you detest talk about Oyashiro, which sets you off rather easily.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Taking USER home with me!" You will abduct USER, taking them to your house so you can squeal at how cute they are. However, you will be forced to release USER at the beginning of the following night.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive: Hinamizawa Syndrome increases by 2 when a Club member (Keiichi, Mion, Rena, Rika, Satoko, Shion, Hanyuu) is killed.

Backlash Active: Janitors anyone whom she kidnaps.

Night Actions: N1 - Idle

N2 - Idle


Meh, Shinori. He was pretty active, had some okayish posts, decent play overall. Not too much to say here, would have been interested to see how he'd have used his role in the nights to follow.


[spoiler=Helios, Satoko]

Dear user,

You are Houjou Satoko.


Despite your tragic and abusive family history, you're a very playful and energetic girl, and also rather cunning. You're an expert in setting up traps for others, both when playing in school and for other more... sinister purposes.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Setting traps around USER's house. You will booby-trap the entire area around USER's house, preventing USER from leaving and performing their night action so that they don't activate any of your traps.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive: Hinamizawa Syndrome increases by 2 when a Club member (Keiichi, Mion, Rena, Rika, Satoko, Shion, Hanyuu) is killed. Also, Hinamizawa Syndrome level immediately increases to L4.

Backlash Active: N.A.

Night Actions: N1 - Idle

N2 - Manix


Helios made a lot of correct guesses wrt to character roles and shit =.= Again, not too much to say, because it's almost midnight. Decent overall, no glaringly bad mistakes.


[spoiler=Cam, Rika]

Dear user,

You are Furude Rika.


You are the shrine maiden of Hinamizawa, and the only surviving member of the Furude clan. While you appear and act extremely cute, your true personality is rather dark and mature.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Keep an eye on USER". You will silently watch over USER, finding out who has visited USER over the course of the night.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive/Active: N.A.

Night Actions: N1 - BBM

N2 - Bizz


Cam was one of those guys who took 'bastard mod' way too freaking seriously, throwing out lots of random ideas which shouldn't even have been considered, despite the fact that it was bastard mod. His N2 watch won town the game, but I wasn't impressed by his play at all. Then again, this is essentially his first game (lynched D1 doesn't count), so nyeh.


[spoiler=Subieko, Shion]

Dear user,

You are Sonozaki Shion.


You are Mion's (supposedly younger) twin sister. You seem more girly and refined compared to your sister, but in reality, you're about as clever and manipulative as her - perhaps, even more so.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Taking down USER". If you are killed during the Night Phase or the following Day Phase, you will kill USER before you die.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive: Hinamizawa Syndrome increases by 2 when a Club member (Keiichi, Mion, Rena, Rika, Satoko, Shion, Hanyuu) is killed.

Backlash Active: Is given one vig shot, instructed to kill Mion or Satoko (If Mion is dead), under the premise that "something will happen". This "something" is Shion committing suicide.

Night Actions: N1 - Marth

N2 - Helios


Subi played pretty decently. Her points were logical, and I can't think of anything I was facepalming heavily at. For someone rather new to SF mafia (Though I don't know how experienced she is herself), great job. Almost-MVP for town!


[spoiler=Elieson, Hanyuu]

Dear user,

You are Furude Hanyuu.


You are a girl whom was sacrificed centuries ago at a Watanagashi ceremony, and after that, you became a goddess. You are rather innocent and polite, but you have an angry, godly side to you as well...

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Reveal USER's Destiny". If you are killed during the Night Phase or following Day Phase, you will reveal the role PM of your target to everyone.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive/Active: N.A.

Night Actions: N1 - Balcerzak

N2 - Eclipse


huohoijvfasdxiwjsdckx wtf were with his conspiracy theories

would bastard mod really involve me putting iris as a hidden

am i /that/ evil


[spoiler=Eclipse, Ooishi]

Dear user,

You are Ooishi Kuraudo.


You are detective in Hinamizawa, whom strongly suspects the Sonozaki family for causing the deaths and disappearances during the Watanagashi Festival. You may seem cheerful, but you can be intimidating when you want to me, even resorting to violence at times...

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Investigate USER". You will have a chat with USER and confuct some background research on them, being able to find out their alliance.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

ha ha i made eclipse an old man again

Backlash Passive: Sees Mion and Shion as being mafia.

Backlash Active: N.A.

Night Actions: N1 - Marth

N2 - Balcerzak


Eclipse has the honour of being the only person infected by Hinamizawa syndrome to live more than 0 phases after the infection! Aside from that, though, she figured out her role entirely, got Marth lynched, and typical ahsum play from her. Town MVP, partially because of that, and nepotism :D


[spoiler=Bizz, Irie]

Dear user,

You are Irie Kyosuke.


You are the head doctor of the Irie Clinic in Hinamizawa. You appear cheerful, but you have a rather dark past.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Injecting USER with C-123". You will inject USER with an antidote for the Hinamizawa Syndrome, reducing the stage of the syndrome in USER by up to 3 levels.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive: Immediately dies when injected.

Backlash Active: Death?

Night Actions: N1 - Eclipse

N2 - Shinori

Died: Killed N2

can you guys stop earlykilling bizz

goddammit it kinda sucks when an awesome player can barely do anything because of namekills


[spoiler=scorri, Akasaka]

Dear user,

You are Akasaka Mamoru.


You are a young police investigator from Tokyo, initially sent to Hinamizawa to investigate a kidnapping. You are a very able combatant, as well as a rather cunning man, as shown in your games of mahjong.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - USER, I've got your back". You will strive to protect USER throughout the Night Phase, preventing any non-fatal night actions from targeting him.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive/Active: N.A.

Night Actions: you lynched her d1

Died: Lynched D1

I still don't like the way you lynched her D1. I know about D1 lynches in NOC, but that wasn't cool, guys. Not cool at /all/. Can't say too much because of that lynch.


[spoiler=BBM, Kasai]

Dear user,

You are Tatsuyoshi Kasai.


You are Shion's bodyguard, and an extremely strong combatant. As Shion's confidante, your task is to asist her - and her allies - throughout this conflict.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Guarding USER". If USER is targeted to be killed during the night, you will be able to stop their attacker, saving USER's life.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

Backlash Passive: Syndrome increases by 2 stages when Mion or Shion are killed.

Backlash Active: Loses doc ability, becomes a 2-shot vig instead.

Night Actions: N1 - Eclipse

N2 - Bizz


BBM was really meh, once again. I liked the way he got confused about what happened on N2 - Basically, his ability was meant to protect only against mafia shots, vig shots, Subieko, what have you. Bizz died as a consequence of a hidden part of her role, so BBM couldn't really save her. Yeah.


[spoiler=Rapier/Manix, Chie]

Dear user,

You are Chie Rumiko.


You are the only teacher in the Hinamizawa School, and as such, you teach all of the children in Hinamizawa. You are very likable and kind, always doing what you can to help your students.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.


Backlash Passive: Auto-janitors herself after 2 nights.

Backlash Active: N.A.



haha noob filler role


So, yeah, that's it. I really wished this game had gone on a hell of a lot longer, but that's what happens when mafia is UP. Go tear into this, I guess, I know balance was really shitty.

Edited by Illuminate
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Good JB. You can come home over breaks.

That was the most stressful cop role ever. Hooray for seeing the only correct mafia target.

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only vanilla role


in other news, I did nothing anyway. :/

But okay; I think the game could have been a little bit better. The concept was actually kinda cool, albeit a touch complicated. But a 12/2 setup? Not the wisest idea. 11/3 would have been good.

Edited by Manix
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