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yeah but saying "this wagon is fucking retarded" doesn't necessarily have to be an attempt to guilt trip people

you're putting people down for starting the wagon which makes people feel bad about it and doubt it. and it's not an actual defense, either. "this wagon is fucking retarded because <insert actual reasons here>" is a defense, except I would rather 'retarded' be left out of it

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i see townies use appeal to emotion more than i see scum use it. people equate emotion with townieness and emotional players tend to get free town passes for no reason (you're arguably even an example of this, i can think of better examples but they don't play here)

i actually play up emotion / paranoia as scum because of this (something blitz probably caught onto before i TURBOLYNCHED HIM) only now i'm stopping because i'm not actually that emotional as town so it's kinda stupid

it's likely i'm just speaking based on meta from other sites that isn't actually relevant or accurate here though. i dunno

ALSO "this wagon is fucking retarded because <insert reasons here>" was pretty much what i did whenever people were wagoning me this game so yeah, if i discluded reasons it was because i had recently stated them

Edited by Prims
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I don't mean to be emotional and I'm actually trying to tone down on it because I know it can be irritating but it's really hard

I don't intentionally try to use it as mafia though

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also I see mafia use AtE way more often than townies but we both play at different places so I guess that's pretty variable

Edited by adiosToreador
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basically i'm mad at myself because whenever i get legitimately suspicious of something/someone i second-guess myself and waffle a lot so i'm just saying i'm not doing that in future games

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Bad logic (such as appeal to emotion fallacy) isn't a scum or towntell because townies aren't perfect logic robots. However this can be a difficult thing to tell because it's hard to tell if it's a legitimate mistake or if the person knows it's shit and is trying to pull the wool over people's eyes

edit: also I really like the word tell

Edited by Paperblade
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Bad logic (such as appeal to emotion fallacy) isn't a scum or towntell because townies aren't perfect logic robots. However this can be a difficult thing to tell because it's hard to tell if it's a legitimate mistake or if the person knows it's shit and is trying to pull the wool over people's eyes

this is where we must use common sense and is one of the situations in which meta is helpful (is the person spouting this rancid bullshit Type Psych or Type Prims? (sorry psych))

edit: also I really like the word tell

I know, I feel smart when I say it.

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can we stop lynching prims

Out of all the posts in this game, this one bothered me the most :/

Made me feel like I was being out of hand with my thoughts on Prims. It was so darn influential, that I really started second guessing myself. It didn't last long (and honestly, I wasn't convincing anyone of a Prims lynch anyway), but still.

No offense meant bizz.

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the game was really hilarious to watch as an IO

this is the scummiest post (after the crazy Prims action)

You always say this and I never know what you're talking about.

TBH, I don't really remember Strawman's posts D1. However, IIRC, he was the only player other than Bizz who never at any time realy had suspicion against them. And if they weren't going for a namekill or for people against whom they might be able to push a mislynch, Strawman was basically the ideal target. Plus, since he didn't have many interactions with anyone, his flip gives us little information. I think the Blitz flip is much more interesting to talk about.

the parts in italics are mainly why I found it funny, he is the doc and he says Straw was the ideal maf kill, seriously, how can you say that when you ARE the doc?

and secondly, you got me lynched, why do you wanna talk about my alignment and bring that up?


Blitz is bad at articulating why he thinks people are scummy (which is something he needs to work on)

I will try to put some effort on this the next game

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Clearly, to make people think I WASN'T the Doc. :o:

well, if I were around, you would have had a question asking if you were the doc because you soft claimed doc quite a few times D1 and then deal with my vote on you.

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