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So the new dragons (well, I guess not dragons anymore) are fire/ice and electric/ice? I haven't been keeping up with this very well, but that sounds... less than optimal, especially with all the Stealth Rocks coming back. I wonder if they'll even be OU or if they'll just be condemned to BL again.

I hate to break it to ya, but both of Kyurem's formes are the same typing as the original had(Dragon/Ice). However, as it is, I highly doubt they are going to be OU. This is because I think they will be banned to Ubers. The reason is that, while we don't know EXACTLY how strong these things are, the stats in the screenshots provided suggest that they have 170 Atk(Black)/170 SpA(White). Unlike say, Rampy, who basically has attack as good as this, but has shitty speed/durability, Kyurem has serviceable speed(95 Spe outguns a good chunk of OU) and very good bulk(125HP/90Def/90SpD on the base forme is nothing short of bulky, and the new formes get +10 to one defensive stat.), and combined with its offensive typing(and access to Fusion Fire/Bolt and potential for Super Power/Earth Power), a monster with attacking stats THAT high will most certainly NOT be welcome in OU.

Here's some quick damage calcs(All calcs assume Choice Band(B)/Specs(W), and absolute maximum atk/spa.)

Kyurem-B Ice Punch vs Physically defensive Skarmory: 42%-50%(82% chance to 2HKO after Rocks)

Kyurem-B Outrage vs Specially defensive Jirachi: 49%-57%(Guaranteed 2HKO after Rocks)

Kyurem-B Outrage vs Choice Band Scizor: 57%-67%(Guaranteed 2HKO)

Kyurem-W Draco Meteor vs Standard Blissey: 50%-58%(Guaranteed 2HKO after Rocks; except for the -2 SpA drop)

Kyurem-W Draco Meteor vs Choice Band Scizor: 95%-112% (Guaranteed OHKO after Rocks)

Kyruem-W Blizzard vs Standard Ferrothorn: 82%-97%(66.7% chance to OHKO after Rocks+Hail)

Edited by Mercenary James
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Edit: Old post reply.

crazy high stats for the new Kyurem forms, with a base total of 700 (correct me if I'm wrong) with Arceus being the only one higher with 720, this is very high. I think the other Uber legendaries are around the same, but still pretty rediculous with all the Attack.

Edited by Melonhead215
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oh... stealth rocks again... >_> Yay, we really needed them back... The most cripling thing for bugs and fliers and other stuff...

Edited by SlayerX
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I hate to break it to ya, but both of Kyurem's formes are the same typing as the original had(Dragon/Ice). However, as it is, I highly doubt they are going to be OU. This is because I think they will be banned to Ubers. The reason is that, while we don't know EXACTLY how strong these things are, the stats in the screenshots provided suggest that they have 170 Atk/SpA. Unlike say, Rampy, who basically has attack as good as this, but has shitty speed/durability), Kyurem has serviceable speed(95 Spe outguns a good chunk of OU) and bulk(125HP/90Def/90SpD on the base forme is nothing short of bulky), and combined with its offensive typing(and access to Fusion Fire/Bolt and potential for Super Power/Earth Power), a monster with attacking stats THAT high will most certainly NOT be welcome in OU.

Oh, alright, I had just sort of been expecting a type change, though apparently not. And wow, 170 attacking stats? That's awesome. Thanks for the corrections.
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No one's mentioned one of the tiniest changes: When a Repel runs out, the game asks you if you want to use another one.

lol I love little things like that.

By the way guys, I was looking at all the new movesets for the older Pokemon and I found something amazing.





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I hate to break it to ya, but both of Kyurem's formes are the same typing as the original had(Dragon/Ice). However, as it is, I highly doubt they are going to be OU. This is because I think they will be banned to Ubers. The reason is that, while we don't know EXACTLY how strong these things are, the stats in the screenshots provided suggest that they have 170 Atk/SpA. Unlike say, Rampy, who basically has attack as good as this, but has shitty speed/durability), Kyurem has serviceable speed(95 Spe outguns a good chunk of OU) and bulk(125HP/90Def/90SpD on the base forme is nothing short of bulky), and combined with its offensive typing(and access to Fusion Fire/Bolt and potential for Super Power/Earth Power), a monster with attacking stats THAT high will most certainly NOT be welcome in OU.

95 Speed and Ice typing is exactly what made the original be meh. Now with more Superpower and Stealth Rock, along with the fact that OU is filled with rock and fighting moves as it is, I doubt it is going to even cause OU trouble. At best Borderline, just like hte original Kyurem.

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Some updates on those Move Tutors:

Confirmed stuff:

- Conkeldurr gets the elemental punching moves. What this means is that Gliscor and Dragonite need to think twice before switching in out of fear of Ice Punch. ThunderPunch is novel if he wants to hit Gyarados harder than Stone Edge, but otherwise has no business running either that or Fire Punch.

- Volcarona gets Roost. Hurray, he now has recovery that isn't gimped by rain/sand. Also, he gets Giga Drain, which makes Bulky Waters a really retarded switch in now.

- Dragon Dance+Outrage is legal on Moxie Mence. GG OU.

- Heatwave is legal on Lightingrod Zapdos. This could single-handedly put an abrupt end to Volturn, or at least cause the strategy to lose popularity.

- Lucario and Gallade can now use the elemental punches and Drain Punch alongside Justified.

- Hydreigon can now use Dark Pulse and Earth Power on the same set(and without convoluted breeding issues, either) Also, he got Roost.

- Tons of things get Stealth Rock. Cobalion, Archeops, Carracosta, Ferrothorn(technically, he could get this before. Just that he couldn't have all three of SR, Spikes, and Leech Seed on the same set. Now he can.)

Jossed stuff:

- Haxorus doesn't pick up the elemental punches. :(: At least he gets Superpower and Aqua Tail, though.

- Escavalier and Klinklang didn't pick up either Drill Run or Superpower. Yeah, they were trolled. Badly.

- None of the genies gained Roost.


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Guys, guys.

Tynamo has Magnet Rise.

It's not like Flying Rotom with Levitate but damn.

Well, considering the many ways to knock down a flier/someone with Levitate, it's actually a good move.

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No one's mentioned one of the tiniest changes: When a Repel runs out, the game asks you if you want to use another one.

Yay! Is there the automatic running from HGSS? I loved that.

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Guys, guys.

Tynamo has Magnet Rise.

It's not like Flying Rotom with Levitate but damn.

Did Rotom-S get Magnet Rise?

edit: checked, it didn't. I somehow expected GF to leap on the opportunity to make it even more ground immune.

Edited by apocalypseArisen
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But if you can't actually change the difficulty for the main story, only for postgame, then there won't be any data for a more difficult/easy main story, in which case you're doing your own stuff, which you could do with any of the games.

Actually it may seem like it is programmed to change

One of the core aspects of the Key Link feature is that when you unlock the keys, you can send them to your friends regardless of how far through the game they are. As such, if you have a friend who struggles to get through the game, you can send them the Assist Mode key and help them out.


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So if you know someone else who's beaten the game, they can send you the Keys right at the beginning? CHALLENGE MODE, here I come!

This is good news.

Very good news.

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The new remixes of past champions made me tear up... and not in a good way. Blue's theme got trashed again. There are a couple battle themes that rub me the wrong way from excessive percussion, but Achroma's theme is seriously awesome, and same with Hyu/Hue/Hugh/however people are translating his name. That said I really like the addition of tutors aside from the return of Stealth Rock, plus the little gameplay tweaks that the series has needed. The Challenge mode Elite 4 looks like it becomes seriously tough, to boot. I already have the game preordered and fully paid.

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So I heard Sandslash can finally learn Earthquake naturally, took GF long enough to release this mistake (Seriously GF 15 years and no Ground attack?)

Meanwhile Flareon can't learn Flamethrower through level up anymore...

Oh Gamefreak, ye giveth and ye taketh away

Edited by Psycho Silver
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The new remixes of past champions made me tear up... and not in a good way. Blue's theme got trashed again.

Huh, really? I think that they're pretty awesome.

Flareon is never going to get better, is it.

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