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it would kinda suck having to pair fin and ayra because turns.

0+2 no jealousy

meheheh thank you Horace. Technically, if you never reset the game at all, Ayra gets jealousy over everyone except Aideen and Fury, BUT let's hope Cam has to reset at least once. 500/7 is around 78 turns of them having to stand by each other, and I'm pretty sure that's more turns than 1+2+3 take.

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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I pick Briggid, because I'm worried this is all hot air and I'll get stuck with pairing Fin between Agustria and Orgahil, and she's closer.

This means Integrity gets Tiltyu, and now we start drafting fathers.

My pick is forfeit, so Camtech pairs Sylvia. Do your worst, you can't ruin Leen or make Corple any worse!

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let's give you jamka

>no aideen


>nothing special in the inheritance department

when in doubt, screw over Gen 1

Edited by Camtech
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So, ah, whose turn is it? I'm having distinct difficulties hammering the order of this in.

Edited by Integrity
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OK, there seems to be some confusion, which is my fault for not being clear.

Mothers are paired in the same order that they were drafted.

So the rest of the round (AKA what I should've done in the first place) will be:

Cam pairs Aideen

I pair Lachesis

Int pairs Ayra and Briggid

BBM pairs Tiltyu and starts the second round

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5. The order of women drafted is normal, 12344321. Their lovers will be drafted in the order 23432114.

so was this just for show or...?

pick 2 is forfeit because ethlin

i picked jamka for pick 3

pick 4 was ardan for my fury

i chose fin

it is now pick 2 (your turn?)

Unless I actually end up getting the next pick?

note to self: learn to read

How does Holyn sound

Edited by Camtech
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OK, there seems to be some confusion, which is my fault for not being clear.

Mothers are paired in the same order that they were drafted.

So the rest of the round (AKA what I should've done in the first place) will be:

Cam pairs Aideen

I pair Lachesis

Int pairs Ayra and Briggid

BBM pairs Tiltyu and starts the second round


EDIT: Additionally, to prolong the sorrow, I'm going to bed. I'll leave a picklist with, uh, somebody.

EDIT2: I sent my pix0rs to Baldrick.

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so was this just for show or...?

When I wrote that, I said respectively in my head but didn't write it down. I didn't know that in normal SOYOs, each team is picked by one person, so I didn't realise it was ambiguous


I'm surprised we got through the mother stage unscathed, frankly.

I choose Fin because I'll almost certainly get him otherwise.

EDIT: Oh snap! Cam gets Claude to go with Ayra (they already have 200 love points what the fuck Integrity) and I get Azel (ilu magic swords).

Edited by Baldrick
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Cam, you only get to pair Sylvia and Aideen this round; your pick for Briggid doesn't count. The list went from BigBangMeteor's first pick.

How does Holyn sound

I assumed this was the pairing for Aideen. If not, then it's your turn to pair her. If so, then it's BBM's turn to pair Tiltyu and kick off the second round.

Edited by Baldrick
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