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Rate the Unit: Day 55 - Sigrun

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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. I will not throw your vote out if I do not support your opinion. Possible reasons for a tossed vote include: your vote is higher/lower than the vast majority to "balance the score" and failure to justify a radically different score.


LYRE!: 0.32

Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Kyza: 1.53

Astrid: 2.10

Lethe: 2.21

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Lucia: 3.06

Danved: 3.11

Mist: 3.11

Rhys: 3.21

Tormod: 3.28

Rolf: 3.36

Brom: 3.56

Ilyana: 3.75

Makalov: 4.00

Nealuchi: 4.41

Tauroneo: 4.50

Geoffery: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Kieran: 4.82

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Ranulf: 5.14

Heather: 5.29

Soren: 5.45

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Calill: 6.59

Boyd: 6.85

Mordecai: 7.17

Gatrie: 7.22

Marcia: 7.31

Zihark: 7.44

Nephenee: 7.74

Shinon: 7.90

Oscar: 8.11

Elincia: 8.21

Janaff: 8.28

Ulki: 8.32

Leanne: 8.38

Rafiel: 8.45

Mia: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Reyson: 9.07

Ike: 9.28

Titania: 9.76

Haar: 9.91

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Her bases aren't very great, but she can be an okay filler unit for a little while and she's another body for part 4. However, her growths leave a lot to be desired (25% speed on a pegasus knight?) and she will most likely not be seeing a whole lot of use and would never show up in endgame outside of a draft. 4.5/10

Edited by hawkeye
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Being forced to the desert isn't half bad, as she's pretty good there. She really likes bonus EXP as her strength, speed and defense all suck growthwise. Flight utility is awesome, she's just never around long enough to be awesome with it.


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Needs BEXP to be useful. She can take a crown and be a little more useful, and she shines in the desert. The problem is, she joins with Tanith, who is much better than she is. She's not bad, but she's not good.


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Not-so-hot bases for her level and an abysmal 25% speed growth. Her skill/luck/res growths won't cap-ram her stats with bexp but she wants bexp anyway. Really not good despite being the head of Sanaki's Holy Guard. She is locked to the Silver Army route but a flier is extremely handy in the desert even for a unit who lacks as much as Sigrun does. You can easily push her to Seraph Knight for the desert to bump up her durability, and it improves her offence with extremely handy stun activations. Otherwise, she's outclassed by Marcia and Tanith.


Edited by Samias
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5/10. Being forced on Micaiah's route isn't too bad, as it means she gets the desert, where she can pick on mooks with their gimped move (aside from mages and dragonmasters). She's also one of the few units that can use Imbue well. However, her strength, speed and defense aren't so hot.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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To be fair I haven't tried raising her on HM, but having an extra flyer never hurt. She can certainly help with the rout maps, taking out sages/bishops and SMs here and there, and maybe dig for the hard to reach treasures too. She can also rescue Miccy to Stefan and carry Sothe around while your main flyers do the fighting. She can fight a bit in 3-11 and plug holes for other units to cross, and is also useful in 3-E for cleaning up once you have cleared out the snipers. Contributes in every map with zero investment required and has free deployment to boot.

Plus she is amazingly hot.

5.5/10 + 1 bias

I also like how she somehow managed to get to a respectable speed base despite having horrible growth and had horrible strength despite the growth being decent.

Edit: Haha Ulki beat Janaff. laugh.gif

Edited by nano
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A falcon knight with avarage at best bases and horrible growths. Is she good? No, but the game tries its hardest to make her usefull.

At the bridge chapter she's usefull because fliers are important in that chapter, in the next one she's forced and the dessert isn't far of either. Her stats could be better, but she isn't exactly horrible against the standard enemies.

Her high magic base and 5+ promotion bonus also makes her a good candidate for imbue. Healing 17 hp as a level 1 seraph knight is kind of good.

5/10+ one bias point= 6/10

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This hard mode, so if you BEXP you better damn intend to use her... Unfortunately, even at her peak Sigrun just isn't "that good" (and we're disregarding Tanith / Marcia, who if they have been raised are noticeably more useful than her) Her bases are decent, but her growths are downright disgusting. So bad to the point where it's time consuming to BEXP abuse her to get the right stat ups. Still, a flier is a flier and she's useful in a few chapters as a supporting attacker.

As much as I like Sigrun, I can't give her anything more than a 4/10 (+0.5 bias)


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She has trouble ORKO'ing anything, even with max MT javelin forges, an energy drop and BEXP in Normal mode. Its even worse in HM lol. Good for her is that shes in best bio for most of 3-11, so she can pull those ORKOs with adept and stun for a while and by the time she loses her best bio, she should have decent str. Her spd sucks forever, although her spd base is sufficient for like, 2 maps. Her defense will never grow but its base is sufficient too. I think she's usable, but not a good choice over Marcia/Tanith/Jill/Haar. But still, for the cost of 2 BEXP levels, you could have another flier that chips and that is not a bad thing. 5/10 (+1 bias)

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IIRC Tanith uses it better and probably wants it more because she's going to see more combat.

Can't agree on Tanith using it better; she only has 10 base Mag to Sigrun's 13 (and Sigrun's only a couple levels from promotion, at which point she has 17 mag).

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Poop for HP, speed, and defense growth rates. High luck, skill and resistance, but average strength growth and low base. Her speed base wears off after not to long. Her stats are bad, but she has good weapon ranks and a flying pony to help in the desert. She's okay, but Tanith makes her look bad by comparison, so not Tanith 0/10 OK but not great. Meh, 3/10 including -1 bias because I don't really like her, and she doesn't show up in PoR when Tanith does, and she's ranked higher than Tanith in the Holy Guard even though she's much worse.

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Can't agree on Tanith using it better; she only has 10 base Mag to Sigrun's 13 (and Sigrun's only a couple levels from promotion, at which point she has 17 mag).

Hmm. A fact I forgot. In that case, Sigrun uses it better. She'll probably get hurt worse than Tanith anyway. Tanith isn't the worst candidate for it, that's for sure.

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IIRC Tanith uses it better and probably wants it more because she's going to see more combat.

Tanith probably wants Paragon and Nullify more, since she actually wants the exp to get into third tier and can be potent combat unit in part 4. She also has a much better shot of going endgame than Sigrun so having her catch up with Paragon is reasonable.

I think it actually makes sense that Sigrun is worse then Tanith in stats. Tanith is the combat commander who trains the holy guard while Sigrun is the head who has to spend a lot more time dealing with administrative matters and political struggles.

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Needs BEXP to be useful. She can take a crown and be a little more useful, and she shines in the desert. The problem is, she joins with Tanith, who is much better than she is. She's not bad, but she's not good.


This, add a -.5 bias for 4.25/10

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ok Ulki beating Janaff was complete BS

anyway, flying is nice, but lol at her base strength and her speed growth, and besides, Tanith joins at the same time and is better so that's 0/10

eh, 4/10 with a +.5 bias for 4.5/10

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ok Ulki beating Janaff was complete BS

anyway, flying is nice, but lol at her base strength and her speed growth, and besides, Tanith joins at the same time and is better so that's 0/10

eh, 4/10 with a +.5 bias for 4.5/10

Winning by 0.04 is hardly worth freaking out about.

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