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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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If I plan on doing no non-chapter battles and generally don't want to have one chapter being 80+ turns, is there any feasible way I can train Olivia on any difficulty other than normal where even she can beat people?

Well, if you don't care about turns, I guess you can have Olivia lap dance someone in the corner for eternity once all of the enemies have been killed excluding the boss.

What gaming platform will the next Fire Emblem come out on?

My birthday is in ten days so I need to know before then >.<

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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@Cordelia: Nah wants Underdog from Donnel since her level caps at 30 and stronger enemies will effectively be at 40.

@Zerker: SMTxFE will be for the WiiU. Solo FE games, who knows?


I guess I'll just get a Wii U then.

And maybe ask Intelligent Systems themselves...

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just a small question,what are those 2 safe files on the bottom screen for?

I cant save there and cant access them.

Could they be for save states made during chapters in casual mode?

That's exactly right. On Newcomer mode, you can make saves mid battle, which use either (or both) of those two slots.

Speaking of which, a question of my own. I did my first playthrough on Hard Classic, and am currently playing Normal Newcomer (for lolz). A big difference I noticed is reinforcements arriving at the end of turns. Is this a result of playing Newcomer, or playing Normal?

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That's exactly right. On Newcomer mode, you can make saves mid battle, which use either (or both) of those two slots.

Speaking of which, a question of my own. I did my first playthrough on Hard Classic, and am currently playing Normal Newcomer (for lolz). A big difference I noticed is reinforcements arriving at the end of turns. Is this a result of playing Newcomer, or playing Normal?

It's because of Normal; on everything Hard and above, reinforcements get to move immediately.

The only perks of Newcomer are battle saves and non-perma death, and (debatably) certain growth changes.

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Training Olivia isn't really necessary. While she won't be doing any fighting on the higher difficulty levels, her dancing is extremely valuable.

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Yes, I read it... I can't predict if I can get her to cap her stats quick enough, is why, I guess. So Counter > Aptitude still, I suppose?

Counter and every other male exclusive skill is shit. Aptitude makes her growths among the best in the game. She's got plenty of other better skills to pick from other than loo underdog. If you want an additional +15hit, use quick burn. Galeforce, armsthrift, LB, deliverer, QB, since no map lasts more than five turns... Life taker, etc... Pass aptitude, because you're gonna get rid of it anyway. It's waaaay more worthwhile than anythingn else.

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Yes, there are plenty of experienced players who prefer casual for varying reasons.

Yeah, i know. I use the mode sometimes, even if mainly for the battle saves.

Either way, i have a question, Casual/Newcomer mode only. Let's assume that two people get enough support points in one chapter so they will be able to increase their support rank. However, they both fall. Will they still be able to increase their support rank?

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Imagine you beat the game on file A at 1K renown, then grind it all the way to 50K. Will new file B have 1K or 50K renown? (or, does renown update itself on files that you have beaten?)

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Imagine you beat the game on file A at 1K renown, then grind it all the way to 50K. Will new file B have 1K or 50K renown? (or, does renown update itself on files that you have beaten?)

You'd only have 1k renown when you start a new file in this case.

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Either way, i have a question, Casual/Newcomer mode only. Let's assume that two people get enough support points in one chapter so they will be able to increase their support rank. However, they both fall. Will they still be able to increase their support rank?


Imagine you beat the game on file A at 1K renown, then grind it all the way to 50K. Will new file B have 1K or 50K renown? (or, does renown update itself on files that you have beaten?)

You have to beat the final chapter again on File A, then start a new file B AFTER that to start with 50K renown, IIRC.

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Can you encounter your own streetpass team from another savefile?

I doubt it since I'm pretty sure it uses only one StreetPass team from one save file depending which one you sent over.

Unless you have another team on another 3DS.

Edited by Cordelia
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I have a little question in regards to internal levels / leveling time... about Donny. I...can't really say I understand the whole mechanic about internal levels.

Anyway, so like I trained him as a Villager until level 15 and then used a Second Seal on him to a Fighter. I was thinking of passing Counter and then thought maybe I'll go ahead and pass the Underdog... so now I want to get Armsthrift back to Donny... Now, I'm still only on like Chapter 15 in the main story with no other children (than the obvious Lucina). Again, with regards to internal levels and whatnot, would it be better to use a Master Seal now or do the reclass now to Mercenary? I've never used a Master Seal on Donny before, so I dunno what his internal level is right now either. I sorta want the path where his exp gain won't be too bad because of the second seals used / to be used.

also, I do have almost all the DLCs that's been out for NA but I haven't done any but the Golden Gaffe and EXPonential Growth on my Hard file. which is what I'm playing on right now.

Edited by Cordelia
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It depends on what you mean by "better". At this point, putting him through a third unpromoted class will just keep drawing out his time at rather low stats, but if you're going to go for it eventually anyway, it's still far better to go for it now than later. Promoting will just make him have to train in an unpromoted class later and with more internal levels, since it carries over a level increase from promoting.

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His Internal level will currently be 7. If you're only really interested in Armsthrift (an awesome skill for Donny, I've found, because 48 LUK + Armsthrift = almost infinite weapon uses), reclass immediately. If you decide to soldier on and get Counter, his internal level will end up around 24, so as a level 1 Mercenary, he'd be gaining levels like a level 5 promoted unit (moderately slowly, in other words). On the other hand, this would be in comparison to when he was a level 15 Warrior, gaining levels like a level 22 promoted unit (very slowly in other words).

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Better in that which choice will not affect his experience gain too negatively because of the internal levels... well, I think I got my answer. Yes, I'm only interested in the Armsthrift for him~ (so yes, I'm going to reclass him now.) And if I wanna keep him as a Hero for final class, should I promote him at level 10 or 20? I don't know when he'd cap his stats so I'm not sure if I'd have to reclass him back to Hero to do be able to cap his stats... before Limit Breaker, of course.

But thanks for the answers!

Edited by Cordelia
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Promote him when you think he's hit enough caps. It'll vary a bit depending on luck what and when that is. Likely after about 3-4 stats cap, I'd say.

If you're gonna use him for postgame stuff and try and cap everything, well, you're gonna hit the 30 internal level eventually. I'd take him to 20 as a fighter then 20 again as a Mercenary, reclass him at 15 to Warrior/Bow Knight for the skills, do it again in the other for the other skills, then finally back to Hero. But more than likely, Villager-Fighter-Mercenary-Hero will last him long enough.

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