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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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I would replace Lancebreaker with Wyrmsbane, just in case she encounters some Wyvern Riders / Lords.

And, the swords section is the only that can deal extra damage to dragons (manaketes). Manaketes have great defense, especially with a Dragonstone+.

Ok, thanks. So how would Tiki do in Apotheosis with the Assassin/Paladin Avatar as A rank supporter?

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I think Tiki might do better with Lucina, since she could also reach A Support with her. And Lucina would have better stats in general, and helping Tiki just a little bit more.

Ok, cool. And yeah, i forgot that she can have supports with Lucina, which is even better. Lucina can be a support unit with Dual Strike+, Dual Guard, and some other stuff.

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How would a support-only Avatar do? (With all of the Dual+ Skills) I do know that she can't get Dual Strike+.Like,

I would get her from my Avatar Logbook. What would the rest of her skills be? (Maybe Galeforce, and Limi Breaker?) And,

what would her asset/flaw be? And I was thinking her final class would be Falcon Knight. So she could heal and hurt.

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How would a support-only Avatar do? (With all of the Dual+ Skills) I do know that she can't get Dual Strike+.Like,

I would get her from my Avatar Logbook. What would the rest of her skills be? (Maybe Galeforce, and Limi Breaker?) And,

what would her asset/flaw be? And I was thinking her final class would be Falcon Knight. So she could heal and hurt.

For support maybe assassin for the pair up boosts and bows. She would like Bowfaire for that role.

Ok, thanks. So how would Tiki do in Apotheosis with the Assassin/Paladin Avatar as A rank supporter?

Tiki has no braves and thus is subpar in Apo (Well, she's fine in the normal, but secret you'll want brave weapons).

Edited by Duck
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What's the best way to get miracle on my Avatar for optimal RNG trolling in streetpass teams (miracle + counter of course) Since he'll be staff locked for 10 levels I need an easy way to get through those ten levels. This is the post game of Hard classic by the way. I have the golden pack and Lost bloodlines 2 and 3.

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When forged weapons are on the team of a Guest Avatar, can you only buy the original versions of those weapons?

You buy the forged versions with whatever name and stats they have. You can change the name and *IMPROVE* the stats if you can forge it any more as well, but can't revert the stats they improved on it.



On Lunatic and Lunatic+, it's the same, but if you fight them and they have non-forged versions of their weapons in their inventory, they will get hack-forged in the battle better than the forged versions.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Finally found this thread.

The first question may sound a bit silly, but here goes: how do I improve at the game? Practice definitely makes perfect, and I guess I shouldn't be tackling Hard/Classic as early as I am... Because Awakening is my first experience with this kind of game. Then again Normal/Classic is a bit boring sometimes because it starts relatively easy and it only becomes easier. I hate myself so much, I make silly mistakes all the time. Reminds me of when I played chess.

Second question... Why does Gaius have so low dodging rates? He's a Thief FFS! It seemed like Lon'qu outclasses him at everything apart from opening locks. Gaius is speedy and strong when promoted, but he's a bit on the frail side and doesn't avoid hits as often as I want.

Third question... Is it worth it for me to optimize pairings? I live in a place where almost no one has both a 3DS and the game (I couldn't find it on the stores so I had to buy the game from an importer), so StreetPass is useless. I guess for DLC chapters it would be useful, or for the satisfaction of seeing uber units walk over everything in my file...

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1. You just really have to find out what works and what doesn't. For some people, that involves experimenting on Normal. For others, it's masochism negative reinforcement on Lunatic. It really depends on your learning style.

2. Lon'qu generally is more worth it in the long run if you want a combat unit. You really need to give Gaius kills... granted not as much as someone like say... Olivia or Donny/Donnel... but you still have to considering how his first and foremost duty is opening chests.

3. It really depends on if you find it fun. Some people on this forum do it just because they find it fun. As for me, I don't even though I have a lot of people to streetpass at my college.

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Thanks Rey. ^^

I guess I'm the kind who prefers to experiment on Normal, because Lunatic sounds quite stressful. I watched a few videos of it, including yours (avidly, might I say ;) ), and it sounds quite BS level sometimes, lol.

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Finally found this thread.

The first question may sound a bit silly, but here goes: how do I improve at the game? Practice definitely makes perfect, and I guess I shouldn't be tackling Hard/Classic as early as I am... Because Awakening is my first experience with this kind of game. Then again Normal/Classic is a bit boring sometimes because it starts relatively easy and it only becomes easier. I hate myself so much, I make silly mistakes all the time. Reminds me of when I played chess.

Second question... Why does Gaius have so low dodging rates? He's a Thief FFS! It seemed like Lon'qu outclasses him at everything apart from opening locks. Gaius is speedy and strong when promoted, but he's a bit on the frail side and doesn't avoid hits as often as I want.

Third question... Is it worth it for me to optimize pairings? I live in a place where almost no one has both a 3DS and the game (I couldn't find it on the stores so I had to buy the game from an importer), so StreetPass is useless. I guess for DLC chapters it would be useful, or for the satisfaction of seeing uber units walk over everything in my file...

Optimization is cool to have for Apo, especially for challenge runs, like no Limit Breaker.

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Finally found this thread.

The first question may sound a bit silly, but here goes: how do I improve at the game? Practice definitely makes perfect, and I guess I shouldn't be tackling Hard/Classic as early as I am... Because Awakening is my first experience with this kind of game. Then again Normal/Classic is a bit boring sometimes because it starts relatively easy and it only becomes easier. I hate myself so much, I make silly mistakes all the time. Reminds me of when I played chess.

Second question... Why does Gaius have so low dodging rates? He's a Thief FFS! It seemed like Lon'qu outclasses him at everything apart from opening locks. Gaius is speedy and strong when promoted, but he's a bit on the frail side and doesn't avoid hits as often as I want.

Third question... Is it worth it for me to optimize pairings? I live in a place where almost no one has both a 3DS and the game (I couldn't find it on the stores so I had to buy the game from an importer), so StreetPass is useless. I guess for DLC chapters it would be useful, or for the satisfaction of seeing uber units walk over everything in my file...

Second question: His low luck tends to cut into his evade (think Stefan from Path of Radiance).

Third question: Not really.

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Thanks Rey. ^^

I guess I'm the kind who prefers to experiment on Normal, because Lunatic sounds quite stressful. I watched a few videos of it, including yours (avidly, might I say ;) ), and it sounds quite BS level sometimes, lol.


Normal mode is the perfect experimenting grounds unless you want to see how different things are on Lunatic mode.

Hypocritically, I've been using Hard mode to experiment lately.

For example, the Lunatic Skirmishes with maximum stats. You can't get battles with maximum stat enemies on any of the maps so easily on the lower difficulty modes, which is one of the prime reasons why Lunatic mode is so appealing to me.

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Optimization is cool to have for Apo, especially for challenge runs, like no Limit Breaker.

Considering how I had no children besides Lucina and Cynthia... optimization isn't really necessary for something like *THAT*.

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Considering how I had no children besides Lucina and Cynthia... optimization isn't really necessary for something like *THAT*.

It's never been necessary, however, optimization is the difference between having a sharp sword or a dull sword in a fight.

Edited by Ƶerker
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