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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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You have? According to true hit, 1% hit rate is actually 0.03% and 99% is actually 99.99%. Stack that on top of lethality activations, and I'm having trouble swallowing that. Then again, I did get a 1% crit stacked with lethality followed by a 9% crit stacked with lethality on the next turn once, so I suppose anything is possible...

It figured she'd hit on the LAST hit. I didn't figure her hitting on any of the other ones. That is a true 0.03%.

...but then I also doubt their claim because the chances of that is pretty damn low. They're just exaggerating.

Besides, it took some SETUPS to get exactly 1% hit. Especially if the other party is going to have the exact avoid for 99% hit. *AND* both of them having Lethality equipped, considering that skill is streetpass/spotpass/DLC fights only, and not main game.

Okay so I started up a file on hard mode and am having problems with understanding the internal level. I read the Calculations page but sadly my math disability is messing with my desire to figure out the best way to get Armsthrift and Galeforce on my avatar in the least amount of level ups possible. Will I hit the level 30 cap regardless of how I do it, or is there a way to effectively change classes without guzzling experience from the start?

Here's an example for you:

Class                  Visible level     Invisible level        Internal level
-------------------    ---------------   --------------------   --------------
 8 Lodestar                   8                            0      8 +  0 =  8
10 Lodestar                  10                            0     10 +  0 = 10
 1 Mercenary                  1            0 + (10-1)/2 =  4      1 +  4 =  5
10 Mercenary                 10                            4     10 +  4 = 14
 1 Hero                      21                            4     21 +  4 = 25
15 Hero                      35                            4     35 +  4 = 39
 1 Griffon Knight            21            4 + (35-1)/2 = 21     21 + 21 = 42
15 Griffon Knight            35                           21     35 + 21 = 56
 1 Lodestar                   1           21 + (35-1)/2 = 38      1 + 38 = 39
As a level 1 Lodestar, DLC Marth after following your route will be treated as a level 39 unit on Lunatic, level 31 on Hard and level 21 on Normal.

Reclass to unpromoted units first from Armsthrift Mercenary ---> Pegasus Knight.

It'll screw over your internal levels less than if you reclass from Hero --> Dark Flier.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Okay so I started up a file on hard mode and am having problems with understanding the internal level. I read the Calculations page but sadly my math disability is messing with my desire to figure out the best way to get Armsthrift and Galeforce on my avatar in the least amount of level ups possible. Will I hit the level 30 cap regardless of how I do it, or is there a way to effectively change classes without guzzling experience from the start?

The level cap isn't actually significant in your class route, what matters more is making it so you spend the least amount of time in promoted classes because they game exp slower then base classes. Unless you really want Sol, the fastest way will be Tactician(10) -> Mercenary(10) -> Pegasus(10) -> Dark Flier(15).

However, if you're doing this in the main game without grinding, especially on higher difficulties, it can be a serious handicap to put your Avatar through three base classes before promoting. Second Seals are rare early on as well, so it might be more efficient to promote to Hero and switch to Dark Flier later to put off a Second Seal use.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Then you choose not to use two of those.

The final chapter has room for all 13 children, Chrom, Avatar, and one more unit of your choice. It's not like you need that many anyway, and you can't deploy 18 units on any of the earlier maps either so you'd have to leave someone behind always. And unless you're grinding, it's pretty hard to take a team of more than 10, especially on Normal because there are so few enemies to give exp.

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Nope. From there you can still get hit by 6 units at a time.


But this place gives you no direct facings (Lloyd/Jaffar immunity) and only two indirect ones.

EDIT- for some reason that's really tiny. How do you make images scale up?

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Depending on how strong you are, you can fly a high level flier in there, reclass to Dark Mage, tank the two-range stuff and then Mire-bomb everything in your range, and then reclass back to a flier to escape and duel everything else the old fashioned way. The other option is to make Chrom a Dread Fighter with Aether, RK, Res+10, Aegis, and All+2/LB, keep your Avatar as a flier, and have Chrom tank with forged Superior Jolts/Tomahawks using Aether and Elixirs to recover HP, and then have Avatar fly out and kill stuff from there.

If you are grinding Micaiah, on your first run when you have no LB fill that slot with Vantage, Tomebreaker or Sol. There are some dangerous Luna Sages that will hurt on higher difficulties if you don't have something to stop them. Sol is in case you don't have any Aversa's Nights, or want to use a regular Dark Flier with Celica's Gale, or need to switch to a Spear for some reason, or have very low stats and want the extra healing.

SoC, do you mind elaborating? I'm not very familiar with that stuff.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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You don't have to Mire everyone- just enough so that the crowd's thin enough that you can charge in there and mop them up with Aversa's/Celica's. Get rid of the Tomebreaker goons first, then the Luna ones, then Linus and Jaffar, and maybe the ones with Braves, and you're good to go. Mire is really just a safe strat or for getting LB at super low levels. And don't forget to hold L to skip the combat animations, Mire takes a while and it'll save a lot of time. If you have Galeforce (you should, you're a DF), you can also charge someone with Braves, kill them, and then retreat back to the safe spot for EP.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Ah, if you need something strong for the fliers, try using the Forseti tome from the bonus box. You can also use a Brave Lance/Spear for high Res enemies.

Oh, and if you have any issues with the 1-range enemies kind of hanging out far away from you and staying out of your Mire range... That's because you're walled in and their pathfinding AI can't find a way to you. To lure them closer, clear a safe spot outside to land using Mire, land there for a turn, and everyone will move closer, then you can go back in and continue your siege.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Yeah luring I got down.

Got my. Celicas now because I died being a retard and not noticing my GF for the turn went off.

Wide open to heroes with Waste on. Forsettis a no go since I cant naturally double fliers

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And I just noticed that there was an IP in the FE Wiki that changed the quote from Panne's page, but I am not sure if this was from the European version or this might be possibly vandalism? But was this quote really from the European if anyone plays the PAL version of FE13, I just wanted to make sure about it?

And also, for getting enough strength for beating enough enemies in Xenologue: Apotheosis, I just have recruited like four StreetPass that were kinda stronger enough since most of them are around Lv. 20, have enough stats, and more skills, but I kinda wondering if any of them might be alright to use them enough so I can might able to reach to unlock Katarina for this DLC chapter?

Edited by King Marth 64
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In Normal Apo, enemy Def ranges between 32 and 65, and nobody lacks Dragonskin. It's already a feat to beat it without support conversations, I highly doubt you could do it easily with base spotpass characters. It might be possible as an absurd challenge run, but certainly not as the easy way out. You can certainly use them if you level them a bunch first, but the only thing they're really good for is rallying.

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