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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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About the Falchion's new look:

If I read correctly, the Falchion actually has the ability to repair itself, as does the Fire Emblem. The hilt is repaired by humans though, according to one of Lucina's supports.

Edited by VincentASM
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Oh, well, this is my interpretation then.


Khaedin is red, Altea is blue (Gra is that part next to it on the right I forgot to circle, oops XD, they're basically fused into one now), Grust is green, Doluna and Medon are orange, Akaneia is pink, Talys is purple (Or, more likely looking at it again, the small island above it) and Aurelis is brown. Basically looks like, if I was to put plates in to show how the continent moved...


Long story short, plate shifting changed the face of the continent

Edited by Wheels
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Global temperature drops. -> Polar ice caps become larger. -> Sea levels recede. -> World of Fire Emblem entering an ice age.

Maybe that makes more sense?

After 2000 years, it's easier for the global climate to change... rather than plate shifting, which can take *much* longer...

But then again, if they did shift, they didn't shift much... so maybe it's possible to happen within 2000 years' time. Dunno, just saying~

Edit: Will I be able to order the bundle? (I don't think I'll be able to go to a store in person...)

Oh, and how well do you think it'll sell? As much as I want the game to be promoted, I still want a copy of the 3DS. o_O I don't want it to sell out before I can even order one. (If I recall correctly, the system sold *really* well in Japan... and *really* quickly, too...)

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Well, I'm speaking from Normal Mode, where the enemies are quite a bit below maxed, and once they have Limit Breaker and a Double partner, they'll beat capped characters by huge margins anyway.

I guess you could solo it, but it'd be much slower since you have to go a bunch of directions at once to reach all of the enemies and some of them don't start moving right away. Still, soloing it shouldn't actually be difficult for such a team.

I'm speaking from lunatic, which is the only difficulty I bothered to do the 5- and MAX-star DLC on. With the enemy phase being skipped, all you have to do is repeatedly end turn and kill the single enemies with counter and letheality from range on the player phase. It might not be faster than using a full team but it sure require a whole lot less thought.

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I'm speaking from lunatic, which is the only difficulty I bothered to do the 5- and MAX-star DLC on. With the enemy phase being skipped, all you have to do is repeatedly end turn and kill the single enemies with counter and letheality from range on the player phase. It might not be faster than using a full team but it sure require a whole lot less thought.

Holy crap, people can solo those maps even on Lunatic ? mellow.gif

Not sure if i should worry about the game difficulty or be amazed at such players skill...lol probably the latest.

How do you guys review the game main story/sidequests difficulty at Normal, Hard and Lunatic ?

Do i need to impose restrictions like ''don't do tower of valni/skirmishes/don't use Seth/Haar'' or i break the game ? Battling seems so fun and skirmishes between chapters are somewhat limited.

Does the Gold DLC breaks the game at any difficulty ? You probably can forge the strongest weapons available before every chapter... And the Infinite Divine Weapons ? I guess this one at least may need Weapon Level...

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Lunatic and Lunatic Plus are extremely hard, no matter how you play or what you do. Some things can make it easier, but it probably won't get to the point where it's easy until you're into the post-game content. Also, you really can't do skirmishes on these modes, because the enemy units are way too powerful, far more than the enemy units during the story chapters.

As for the DLC, they have the potential to break the game on any mode, but only to a certain extent. Forges can only be increased by eight points, and only up to five of those eight points for each of the three categories. Now somebody else give a better answer since I can't remember anything more specific right now.

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I'm speaking from lunatic, which is the only difficulty I bothered to do the 5- and MAX-star DLC on. With the enemy phase being skipped, all you have to do is repeatedly end turn and kill the single enemies with counter and letheality from range on the player phase. It might not be faster than using a full team but it sure require a whole lot less thought.

Well, UT4 has enemies all capped regardless; it doesn't change with difficulty.

Interesting strategy, although I don't see much of a point compared to sending maxed characters in every direction.

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Holy crap, people can solo those maps even on Lunatic ? mellow.gif

Not sure if i should worry about the game difficulty or be amazed at such players skill...lol probably the latest.

How do you guys review the game main story/sidequests difficulty at Normal, Hard and Lunatic ?

Do i need to impose restrictions like ''don't do tower of valni/skirmishes/don't use Seth/Haar'' or i break the game ? Battling seems so fun and skirmishes between chapters are somewhat limited.

Does the Gold DLC breaks the game at any difficulty ? You probably can forge the strongest weapons available before every chapter... And the Infinite Divine Weapons ? I guess this one at least may need Weapon Level...

I've just started Lunatic myself (up to chapter 11), so don't take my words seriously. Speaking for myself...

- I have yet to reach the level where I can do most of the DLC I bought, so I don't know about soloing. But I do imagine that you can with a limit-broken sorceror with an inventory full of Nosferatu.

- Soloing the ultimate DLC looks awesome to me, no matter the situation. A single pair of units without cries isn't much more powerful than the enemies.

- For the first few chapters, Normal and Hard are easy. Maybe a reset or two in Hard. Lunatic is much crazier, but far from being unbeatable. 2ch's wiki has a guide to beat the prologue without Frederick's participation, and if done correctly, MU will level up to lv 5 ~ 8, givine a slightly better chance of survival in the chaotic chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 3 allows for a double-armor team to defend most attacks easily, and you'll probably need some luck to beat Chapter 4. All other chapters can be solved by DLC.

- If you don't put any restrictions, there's still some early-game limitations, mainly the fact that you can't buy Change Seals often. If you ever see one on merchants or StreetPass teams, go buy it. DLCs do still break the game.

- You can break the game with only the Gold and Silver DLC. Since enemies don't attack in that chapter, you can block the exit to prevent the enemies from escaping, then selectively fight whoever you can. You get a bit of experience and a lot of gold this way. If you repeat this DLC dozens of times and wait a bit for Master and Change Seals to show up, the first half of the game wouldn't be very difficult at all. That's Lunatic, and I imagine Lunatic+ would be much harder.

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Holy crap, people can solo those maps even on Lunatic ? mellow.gif

Not sure if i should worry about the game difficulty or be amazed at such players skill...lol probably the latest.

How do you guys review the game main story/sidequests difficulty at Normal, Hard and Lunatic ?

Do i need to impose restrictions like ''don't do tower of valni/skirmishes/don't use Seth/Haar'' or i break the game ? Battling seems so fun and skirmishes between chapters are somewhat limited.

Does the Gold DLC breaks the game at any difficulty ? You probably can forge the strongest weapons available before every chapter... And the Infinite Divine Weapons ? I guess this one at least may need Weapon Level...

Lunatic is tough, like you'll find it had to break without grinding(with one exception of the Nosferatu Tome on MU), though if you do grind a lot or use the gold DLC(and recruit the strongest spotpass characters with the gold) you'll break any difficulty. For the most part, you'll need specific strategies for maps because of the enemy strength, positioning and reinforcements.

There is one story chapter(22) where it's actually easier to "Solo" with Krom(Paladin! with Boots from chapter 17) providing he was levelled enough(for Aether and Royal Weapon and given most prior stat boosters) Pair-Up with Frederick(with Dual Guard+ and A-rank Support) since the chapter set up makes bringing more characters more difficult due Siege Tome Sorcerors appearing from the sides of the map, so sending 11 move Krom towards the Boss ASAP is possibly(could still be a better way) the best way to handle it.

Edited by arvilino
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Siege tomes? Do you mean Ch21?

How could you possibly complete that chapter with one character, let alone have any benefit from doing so? Chrom will just get surrounded by Swordmasters he can't possibly kill while Sorcerers rip him apart from a distance. You want to rush that map with a full team to clean out the enemies as fast as you can and beat the boss in 5-6 turns before the reinforcements show up and kill you.

That and I'm really not sure how you could actually get the Boots in Ch17 on Insane but whatever.

Edited by Othin
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Oh yeah chapter 21, I meant "Solo" as in Chrom Paired with Frederick. By giving him pretty much all the stat boosters you come across(especially the divine dragons tear) and paired with Frederick with A-Support, +2 stat Potions for each stat, +5 hp. As a Paladin(since it provides higher movement and resistance) he can run through the chapter, the Swordmasters are a case of Either Chrom Activating Aether or the very high chance of Dual Attacks from Frederick; the Support Bonus's and Dual Guard+ give the Sorcerors very little chance to hit Chrom.

The main reason I went for that strategy is because normally I bring characters that use Cry Skills, which lag behind after using their turn to power other units up which sort of makes staying ahead of the reinforcements difficult.

I was able to get the Boots by taking the Left hand path in Chapter 17, using Libera with the Rescue staff I was able to have Anna positioned so that she opened the chest on the turn I killed the boss.

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Well, yeah, two.

That is interesting. I was taking some rather different strategies that left Chrom and Frederick not particularly effective at that point, but that does sound effective.

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If I run out of, say, True Dragonstones, will there be a way to obtain more postgame?

At least two shops carry them IIRC, definitely postgame. If you need them before those chapters get beaten, randomly traveling Anna vendors, as well as randomly generated streetpass teams have them.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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At least two shops carry them IIRC, definitely postgame. If you need them before those chapters get beaten, randomly traveling Anna vendors, as well as randomly generated streetpass teams have them.

2ch wiki says Anna will only sell True Dragonstones in Chapter 17 (and maybe a few others, since they don't have data for a few chapters). And even when she shows up, there's small only a small chance for her to actually carry one.

Random teams have the best chance to carry them before you have FE1 Tiki or have beaten chapter 23 (or sidequest 18).

Is there a post-game score like in New Mystery of the Emblem? (I'm guessing that it's a no... since you don't actually finish the game, but end up starting from the last save before the final chapter...)


FE games keep switching between giving and not giving ratings.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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If I couldn't buy the Awakening 3DS bundle at launch, but bought it later at some auctioning site (like ebay), how much more would it most likely cost?

The "Legend of Zelda" 3DS bundle is, like, twice the launch price. I'm guessing the Fire Emblem Awakening one will be similar: twice the launch price.

In which case, I'll be hesitant on buying it... unless it's only slightly more expensive. If it's 500 dollars like the Zelda one, I might just be better off buying a Japanese Kakusei 3DS bundle...

Edit: Or I could just buy an XL... What's better? The bundle or the XL?

And how much is the bundle going to cost, if it's not 170 USD?

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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If I couldn't buy the Awakening 3DS bundle at launch, but bought it later at some auctioning site (like ebay), how much more would it most likely cost?

The "Legend of Zelda" 3DS bundle is, like, twice the launch price. I'm guessing the Fire Emblem Awakening one will be similar: twice the launch price.

In which case, I'll be hesitant on buying it... unless it's only slightly more expensive. If it's 500 dollars like the Zelda one, I might just be better off buying a Japanese Kakusei 3DS bundle...

Edit: Or I could just buy an XL... What's better? The bundle or the XL?

And how much is the bundle going to cost, if it's not 170 USD?

Honestly, as someone who's recently been able to compare both an XL and a 3DS, I just can't consider the superior aesthetics of the Fire Emblem 3DS to be worth the graphical and convenience downgrade that using a 3DS over an XL causes. The bigger screen size of an XL really makes games shine through a bit more for me.

Also, an XL and Fire Emblem Awakening is likely to be cheaper than the bundle, whether you buy it retail or download it.

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Honestly, as someone who's recently been able to compare both an XL and a 3DS, I just can't consider the superior aesthetics of the Fire Emblem 3DS to be worth the graphical and convenience downgrade that using a 3DS over an XL causes. The bigger screen size of an XL really makes games shine through a bit more for me.

Also, an XL and Fire Emblem Awakening is likely to be cheaper than the bundle, whether you buy it retail or download it.

At launch or once they stop selling it?

And still, I want the bundle... T_T

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At launch or once they stop selling it?

And still, I want the bundle... T_T

Well, an XL and Fire Emblem Awakening comes to about $250, give or take $10.

I'm not sure how much the bundle will cost though.

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