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Choral Mafia V: Whispers of the World


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This is an anonymous game to be hosted on another board with players from SF, CARA, and potentially two from somewhere else.


[spoiler=flavory things]Staring at the mirror, a man adjusts his tie. He considers the suit he is wearing now to be the very best he has. He has no plans in particular for the night, not any more than on any other normal day. But there is pride in showing dignity and class.

"Hello?" inquires a voice from the door outside his office.

He stops fidgeting with his outfit to pay heed to the student's question. "Enter, Juliette."

A young woman opens the door. Her own outfit is significantly more casual. "Someone is at the front entrance. For a quick audience, he says."

The man frowns. "At this hour? Not a chance. Dismiss them. Tell them tomorrow will be fine."

"Right. I'll get to it immediately." With a hurried bow, she exits and closes the door.

The man quickly fastens his tie more securely, and sits down at his desk. Just another hopeful, he thinks. But in the middle of the spring? And so late at night? It was an absolutely preposterous notion that someone would be interested in enrolling here at this time. The least they would do is wait. But any further thought of it was cut off by the ringing of his phone. He looks at the caller ID. His heart skips a beat. Grant, it said. He only knew one Grant. And he never expected to hear from him again.

He looks out the massive window that makes up a significant portion of the wall behind him. Sure enough, there's someone outside, standing in the rain. It's the middle of the night, and yet...

Hesitantly, he picks up the phone.


"Ah, Maurice," the unmistakable voice answers. "It's good to be here again."

Maurice Cohn sharply inhales. A silence envelopes the room for a few moments that seem like an eternity.

"... What do you need, Charlie?"

[spoiler=rules!]1. This game is No Outside Contact, or NOC. This means that you may not send PMs, use IRC, or communicate with other players outside of the game threads in any way unless you are explicitly told you may do so by the host.

2. Death is certainly not the end! There is in fact just a whole new set of rules for dead players that you will learn if and when you die. However, No Outside Contact still applies for dead people, and also cannot post in the main thread. Although death is not an end, there is no way for you to return to life after death.

3. You may not directly quote all or part of your role PM under any circumstances, nor can you pretend to do so. Similarly, you may not quote any other role PMs or parts of role PMs that you come across for whatever reason either. Copy and pasting is also covered by this rule.

4. You may not screenshot anything under any circumstances!

5. Modkills that are your own fault will change your win condition to "You cannot win this game". Any additional effects deemed necessary by the host, such as phase times due to the modkill, will never benefit the team you are sided with. Harsh, but ideally this rule shouldn't have to come into play because hopefully nobody will have to be modkilled.

6. There are no hidden players, hidden aliases, hidden parts of role PMs, or hidden anything.

7. There are no items this time around- don't claim to have any! Similarly, there are no vanillas on any side. There are also no bullshit win conditions, such as fool or lyncher. No roles will cause the host to lie about alignment after death. Your role PM will never lie to you, either- there is no insane anything.

8. Your role PM will not contradict the rules, so you won't have to worry about that.

9. If there are any spreadsheet type things that you have created that can be easily shared, please invite me to them to allow for a better postgame and a better understanding for me of what the players are thinking about the game.

10. Day phases are to last 72 hours normally, but may end earlier (see rule 11). Night phases are to last 48 hours, but will end early if I have all actions and am present to do so.

11. Regarding lynches! There must be a total of 2/5ths of all possible votes at deadline to lynch any given player. When a player has half all possible votes on them, a short grace period will be given in which they may defend themselves. This grace period will last an amount of time I deem fair- however, this will never extend the phases. When a player has 2/3rds all possible votes, the day phase will be ended as soon as I am there to see it.

12. If there is a tie in the vote, nobody will be lynched. It is also possible to vote no lynch if you do not wish to see anyone else lynched that day. All votes should be in the format of ##Vote: Alias, please, as this makes things much easier to keep track of for me.

13. If 2/5ths of all players do not agree on any given vote option, people not voting will be selected to randomly die. This does not count as a modkill, but it is probably quite unfortunate for your team!

14. Assume that you cannot target yourself with your role unless I tell you that you may otherwise.

15. Roleplaying is not required, but it is very, very strongly encouraged! The Choral Mafia series has been about the story that goes alongside with the game itself. Each role PM lists some traits of the character you are to be playing as that are not compulsory, but recommended that you follow. Post restrictions are required, however- be sure to follow those!

16. Finally, don't abuse loopholes! It's just not very fun for other players and not very fun for me as a host, either. f you aren't sure if you're allowed to do something, simply ask!

17. Lastly, but most importantly, have fun! This is a game on the internet about music and lynching, not a really important life or death matter or anything like that! Don't stress yourself out about it. If you feel like you won't be able to play for whatever reason, it's understandable- real life comes before here this and foremost.


[spoiler=list][spoiler=player list]Levity confirmed


Elieson confirmed


Shinori confirmed

Snike confirmed



Nights confirmed

Jaybee Chao confirmed

eclipse confirmed



Iris confirmed

BBM confirmed


Manix confirmed

scorri confirmed

Aere confirmed

Prims confirmed

Bluedoom confirmed


Paperblade confirmed

Whispy confirmed

Tables confirmed


1. Blitz

2. ravenhunter42

3. Mr Guy


1. Subieko

2. Necktie

informed observers

1. Glitchy

2. Helios

3. Féach

The game beings September 30th, 2012.

Edited by Strider
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CARA is another forum out there. For the other Choral Mafias, they have a bunch of people combined with us to make the player base of the games.

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Been waiting for this one.

Meaning, count me in please

Edited by Elieson
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I'm not sure if there is a spot left, but if there is I'm in.

I'll be randomizing anywsy, and there are definitely not 25 signups yet anyway.

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Just curious...if/when this is starting, and since it's on another forum, if we can get link'd to it yet or not. I'd like to set my phone up for the alternative board early is possible.

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I think I'll join, if there aren't too many players/it's not too late.

You're in.

As a side note, this makes 25. If there are any more signups, players will be randomized.

@ elieson http://w11.zetaboards.com/Choral_Mafia_V/index/

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