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okay so i'm scared

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:33 < *levity pawders about how she could pawsibly become sfs official adorable kitty*

:33 < *levity gives up beclaws she is much too tired! levity proc33ds to curl up and catnap in manixs warm lap*

Edited by adiosToreador
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Bizz, another suggestion, though I know it might b be difficult for you, is to offer passive retaliation (i.e. a polite "back off", etc) while with a group of people. Also, you have every right in the world to report a guy like that to the local police. All you need is a somewhat accurate physical description and his car color/type or license plate number.

I feel like maybe I should resort to this if it ever becomes necessary, yeah. I know that I'm not going to be walking alone very often anymore and I'm not taking the same routes I used to ): I'm going to tell my mom too probably, she just overreacts to this kind of thing and it makes me uncomfortable. This hasn't escalated into something terribly dangerous yet; I'm just afraid that it might. I guess that's just where the preventative measures are taken u_u

ugh it's 9:30am and I haven't slept yet because I was so frightened, but I'm feeling better now so I'm going to sleep finally

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Bizz, another suggestion, though I know it might b be difficult for you, is to offer passive retaliation (i.e. a polite "back off", etc) while with a group of people. Also, you have every right in the world to report a guy like that to the local police. All you need is a somewhat accurate physical description and his car color/type or license plate number.

This. If your lucky the guy's just an idiot who has been raised to believe that it is socially acceptable for him to be pushy in his advances and is too dumb to take a hint. Maybe if you spell it out that you are not interested (if you haven't already. Have you said anything to him or has it just been him following you like a creepy stalker and you just scrambling to get away?) it will get him to lay off. Just make sure to do it when others are around in case he actually is violent. And cops are also a good option. If you do(or have already) flat out tell/told him to stop and he continues, definitely report him because otherwise he has no other reason to stop. I'm not an expert on police protocol so I' not sure what they will actually do in your situation, but, either way giving the police information before this escalates can't hurt.

You can also try spending some of that time when your family isn't home with a friend /neighbor/ relative/etc if you can't find someone to come stay with you and the paranoia is getting to you. I'm not sure how feasible either solution is, though, for your situation and schedule. Both are only band aids unfortunately.

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Idiots like these who stalk women make me feel bad about myself as a man because I belong to the same sex.

what Maniz said

Also Bizz maybe you shouldn't go out? Like then he'll not stalk you or something. o.O

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tyrone needs to get his shit together


Also I just remembered this same type of thing happened to a friend of mine. We just made sure to use the buddy system and after a few days the guy went away and never bothered her again. So that method has proven success.

Edited by Helios
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i just thought it was rude that he threw the racist card at me and that's also a bad sign

i mean why the fuck would you even say something like that

what if i advanced on someone and was like "you're only afraid of me because i'm mexican"

next time i get rejected im going to on about how thats racist even though chances are the girl would be the same colour as me

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bizz you're scaring me ;A;

My neighbor told me he would walk with me more often so that helps

Ooh yay that's comforting =3 It's also comforting if you kick him in the you-know-where although that actually would probably make things worse...

And yeah I agree with Elie you should report him D=

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Change your name to Bizzkitty, and we'll see about being the SF Cat.

Anyway. . .JB REAL HIGURASHI POSTGAME OR YOU'RE STAYING AT BOARDING SCHOOL! Bizz, that's creepy as hell, and I'm glad you have a good neighbor.

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Change your name to Bizzkitty, and we'll see about being the SF Cat.

Anyway. . .JB REAL HIGURASHI POSTGAME OR YOU'RE STAYING AT BOARDING SCHOOL! Bizz, that's creepy as hell, and I'm glad you have a good neighbor.

Are we really going to start this Fad again?

the alternative is to just get a gun


he will:

1. Flee in terror.

2. piss pants then flee in terror

3. shit pants then flee in terror

4. all of the above

5. advance and die.

Problem Solved!

(I don't normally advocate this much violence if he's just walking up to you on the street, if he ever broke into your house, you would definitely be able to defend yourself)

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