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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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I completely expected the victim to be killed in Fountain of Dreams, though I thought it'd be Clipsey!, not Subieko. Also, if Shinori+I eat tables are both scum (which is what I really think right now), then I eat tables can fake a correct Tracker report no matter what. Still, though, I wanna hear what he says before lynching either of them.

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Why are people voting me? I only woke up just now v.v

You track Shinori and find out that he visited eclipse and Subieko.

So... uh... I don't know if he claimed something that visits two people, but that sounds pretty scummy to me.

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Interesting. This report implies that Shinori visited the kill target. But Subi couldn't use her role last night because of Straw's ability, so why would Shinori visit Subi? Clipsey I could understand, but Subi?


Not quite sure what to think of this. I'll have to sleep on it.

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Since I know he's bullshitting I feel like I should bring this forward again.

Role cop

Back up cop

Watcher than can be a tracker as well

and a tracker?


I'm not saying anything else yet because I want to see what eclipse says.

But look at it this way, if I was scum and I was the killer, why the fuck would I kill subi of all people when eclipse would obviously be a bigger threat? And why in gods name would I do that when the supposed tracker would be 100% tracking me. Anyone got an answer to these questions?

Easy answer. I wouldn't and you all know that.

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Kaoz, on 02 July 2012 - 03:14 AM, said:

Dear Shinori,

You are Shadow.

Shadow The Hedgehog is a black hedgehog who resembles Sonic. He was created by Dr. Eggman's grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, to be the ultimate life-form. Not only does he look like Sonic, but he has equal abilities. He has great skill with the space-time warping technique called Chaos Control. To reach his goals, he'll use any means necessary.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Chaos Control USER1 and USER2". This will cause USER1's action to be redirected to USER2, regardless of it's original target. Your abilities have been kind of unstable lately though, so a change in surroundings may cause the chaotic energy to run wild.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

Skitty, this is Shinori's role. He redirected Eclipse action to target Subi regardless of her choice, according to your results. Interesting...this shows that Eclipse couldv'e been responsible for killing Subi. And yet she said she wanted to target Shinori during the night phase to clear things up.


Sensible choice would be Eclipse or Skitty.


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Well okay, he can target two people regardless, but the fact he thinks I'm lying pretty much cements my choice. ##Vote: Shinori.

Also nice WIFOM there Shinori. Having a claim that can target two people, then one of those people being the kill target... did you really think such a weak defence wouldn't get seen right through?

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If I redirected eclipse to subi that means she would have no convo open.

If I redirected subi to eclipse Eclipse would still have a convo open with whomever she chose to open it with.

However neither of these is what happened. Which proves that Tables is lieing.

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If I was fucking scum I wouldn't have chosen to come here to kill one of two targets and have a tracker 100% on me, or kill a tracker and have everyone else bitch at me.

Frankly if I was scum I would have gone to prim's stage and shut him in the face. Think about it, if I WANTED TO BE KILL ANY ONE PERSON AND BE CAUGHT IN THE ACT WHY WOULD I PICK SUBI?

Because if I was the killer then killing on this stage is completely stupid and pointless, unless I killed either tables or eclipse, still pointless when I could have gone to prim's stage and killed the doctor and then been guaranteed as scum. Seriously. THINK.

Now think of it from tables perspective if he was scum, he is on this stage and everyone thinks I'm scummy, now tables kills off SUBI for whatever reason and then he tries to play it off like I'm scum. Which already has people set off and confused. For example manix post # 1694 and #1704.

Who has more incentive to kill on this stage as scum?

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If you were scum, it's a sensible move. You can kill while still seeming innocent. If you were town, then you wouldn't have flipped at your night action being revealed. Unless you really didn't want people knowing what you were doing, which is... not likely.

But I'm not arguing with you. I know you're scum already, from your reaction. It's everyone else I need to convince.

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No, not really. WIFOM.

Or, put it this way: Would I really investigate and fake a report on someone who was happy to be investigated? It's pretty much exactly the same argument you're using. Except I'm the one whose been suspicious (for, uh... reasons?), so me doing it actually makes me look more suspicious than you. And you're not stupid. I think you knew that.

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I'd like to bring another thing to peoples eyes, why is the scum team perfectly willing to go 1 for 1 in this scenario? Wether it was me or tables if you think about it If i get lynched and flip town then you lynch tables for his scum. If I was scum, which I'm not, and you lynched tables and he somehow flipped town you would just lynch me right after. Why the heck would mafia at the moment be perfectly willing to go 1 for 1 in this situation. People really need to think of that.

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Everyone who claimed one of the Pokemon Trainer trio has posted at this point. Were you guys informed of any changes at all?

I'm going to say this since Proto hasn't been on and Blitz is actively trying to be scummy.

Blitz is confirmed town to me and Proto. We've joined together in a Mason group as Pokemon Trainer. I'm pretty sure we're all one role now.

Dear Cap'n Flint, Psych and Luster Purge,

You are Pokémon Trainer.


A person who raises Pokémon and trains them as partners in battle. In battle, a Trainer gives orders to the Pokémon and uses items. It's not an exaggeration to say battles can be won or lost on a Trainer's single strategic move. Trainers pour their hearts into their Pokémon and share anger, sadness, and joy as they adventure in hopes of becoming Pokémon Masters.

You caught Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise. Now you're ready to join the fight.


You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

This is as much as I'm willing to roleclaim. It's enough to show that we have a shared role PM, which means a) we're all Town, b) we have private communication, which should be all that they need for now.

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So... uh... I don't know if he claimed something that visits two people, but that sounds pretty scummy to me.

Acting dumb now?

[spoiler=Early posts]

So uh I just subbed in and have zero idea what's going on and stuff. Is there anything we especially know, like, any claims? And confirms? Who the mafia are (character wise)? What's the stage strategy? I see we've lynched the SK already, that's good. And we no lynched yesterday? That's bad. It's night 2 right so... okay.

Also my play style is almost certain to start clashing with uh probably everyone. High activity, lots of deductions based on posts and not roles... although this game looks pretty active.

I'm going to reread everything, or try to. But a nice general overview would be nice.

Roles claimed:

Eclipse- Networker

Proto- Evolving Vanillager (Evolves from Visitation)

Psych- Evolving Vanillager (Evolves from Sun)

Marth- Evolving Vanillager (Has Evolved)

Straw- Role Booster (confirmed by Subi being able to send two people to different stages)

Shinori- Redirector

Pink Tables- Tracker

Bananas: Watcher

Subi: Stage Redirector (changes what stage people go to, day role, confirmed to exist, and no one has cc'd subi so)

Iris: Role swapper (swaps two people's roles for the next night)


Kay: Role cop (Lynched D1)

Nags: SK (killed by the maf N1, thanks maf)

Stages: Basically so far it's been kinda random who goes where. Some people announce, others don't. The pokemon seem to have specific reasons for going to certain stages (Proto wants to go to lots of stages, psych wants to stay in the sun, so on one specific stage it seems), but beyond that, we've just been going wherever it seems.

Beyond that, we don't really know who the mafia roles might be. It seems like there's a wide variety of where the roles coming from (either playable characters, or from pokeballs, or tropheys, etc.) so we can't really tell if someone is mafia by the claim right now. Once we lynch a mafia, we might be able to see a little bit better from there, but as of right now it's unknown.

The no lynch was... chaos. I was not around for it, but just reading it can give you some insight into that. Quite a few people are unhappy with it, and it will probably be discussed at longer lengths D3.

Beyond that, activity is good! As proven by the 60 pages we have right now, people are talking and so having you replace Impy, who wasn't talking a ton, is good. We'll get to see more from you and hopefully figure some stuff out that way. Welcome to the game!

(If I missed anything, just let me know)

Ugh, I've claimed? That sucks. Why haven't we lynched mafia if I've claimed? Surely Tracker would only claim if he had a guilty. Although I guess everyone has claimed already for some bizarre reason?

These three posts were consecutive. No one posted between them. Which means I eat tables asked for stuff, scorri answered, and I eat tables responded to that, implying that I eat tables actually read scorri's posts, unlike the rapid skimming of the posts before he subbed in. Also, when skimming through posts, it's quite hard to miss Shinori's claim, since it's been brought up many times, and he even once spoilered it five times in a single post iirc.

If I redirected eclipse to subi that means she would have no convo open.

If I redirected subi to eclipse Eclipse would still have a convo open with whomever she chose to open it with.

However neither of these is what happened. Which proves that Tables is lieing.

So Shinori, you did not redirect either Subieko or Clipsey! to each other? Can you now tell us who you redirected and where?

If you were scum, it's a sensible move. You can kill while still seeming innocent. If you were town, then you wouldn't have flipped at your night action being revealed. Unless you really didn't want people knowing what you were doing, which is... not likely.

But I'm not arguing with you. I know you're scum already, from your reaction. It's everyone else I need to convince.

One thing that's for sure, one of I eat tables/Shinori is scum. I eat tables looks way scummier.

I still think that BOTH of them are scum, and that the reason why they fired at Fountain instead of wherever-the-final-scum-is-hiding is because they would have likely exposed one of the Mafia anyways, and decided to try clearing Shinori by letting I eat tables take the fall while shooting Subieko.

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I'm going to say this since Proto hasn't been on and Blitz is actively trying to be scummy.

Blitz is confirmed town to me and Proto. We've joined together in a Mason group as Pokemon Trainer. I'm pretty sure we're all one role now.

Psych, did you miss Blitzy's message about waiting for one more day?

This is as much as I'm willing to roleclaim. It's enough to show that we have a shared role PM, which means a) we're all Town, b) we have private communication, which should be all that they need for now.

If you're going to copy/paste my words, you should at least change the "they" to "you".

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