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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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who says town and mafia can't both have a rolecop again?

good point

that slipped my mind, but that could but I like thinking there is only one role of a kind in a game

anyways, if town has an alignment cop and a role cop and if I were making the game, I would give the mafia a full cop

or just a full cop for town and role cop for mafia

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i find the tracker claim easier to swallow than the rolecop claim since tracker isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you're thinking of a fakeclaim. that said i would rather just lynch eclipse, unfortunately we don't really have enough time on the clock to do so

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Gah, I dunno. I hate being in situations like this. On the one hand rolecop is valuable. On the other hand its a good scum role and a scum about be lynched claiming rolecop has a good chance of not being lynched or being counter claimed and giving the mafia info.

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We've seen mafia rolecops before. A lot, actually. I don't want to lynch a rolecop claim, but I don't think we can take it as a town role 100%. However, Networker is a pretty easy to test claim, so Eclipse is probably telling the truth, at least about her role. I suppose a mafia networker is possible, but we've never seen one before, and it's not like Proto is the host that he'd think of having a mafia networker.

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Strawman is playing to his SK meta right now. Please shoot Levity/eclipse tonight since I doubt the vig would have the balls to do that.

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my point was if Role cop is indeed town, the more townie like roles will most likely not be not so townie (not including doc and tracker cause they are worthless as mafia)

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Looks like I made it back in time.

Why are all these wagons on informative roles? This is stupid, but a tied lynch is even more stupid.

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prims the next time you accuse me/other people of playing meta a lot please read over your fucking posts in this game and look at how hypocritical you can be sometimes

calm down and stop it

what happened to "meta is dumb" like a year ago

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An extension here would be dumb because nobody's really having problems that make them inactive, if we get a bad lynch it's our fault. I mean yeah, it'd be useful, but this is speaking as a person rather than a player. note how I pretty much hate on 48 hour days + extension instead of 72 hour days every time that comes up

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Gah, I dunno. I hate being in situations like this. On the one hand rolecop is valuable. On the other hand its a good scum role and a scum about be lynched claiming rolecop has a good chance of not being lynched or being counter claimed and giving the mafia info.

I'm not doing what I did in Schoolgirl. I'm not leaving a possible scum!rolecop alive again. And if Kay flips town, it will suck so very much. But I still think that we can deal with it. We at least have a tracker to try and figure some stuff out.

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anyway i think i had something else to say that actually sounded way less mean than that but i forgot it

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After a long day of discussion, the opinions were divided. Who should be lynched? No one really knew until...

"Hey you. You in that red cloak over there. You look awfully suspicious, who are you?"

"Me? I am the great King Dedede, the town's Role Cop."

"Oh really? How do you go on about getting those roles?"

"Well, you see, I get my army to run them over and take their PM."

"Their what now?"


"Oh well, I can't see any army around here anyway, so die!"

"Are you kidding me?! They are right here!!"

But nobody was listening, and so San was lynched. She was King Dedede, Town Role Cop.

Dear San,

You are King Dedede.


The self-styled king of the amazingly peaceful Dream Land. He continually does things unbecoming a king, like stealing the kingdom's food supplies or all the stars from the sky. He's not all bad, though, and sometimes performs good deeds. While he and Kirby often battle, they've been known to compete good-naturedly at speed-eating contests and minigames.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Waddle Dee Army, seize USER!". Your underlings will swarm USER and bring you USER's Role PM. Unfortunately, Waddle Dees aren't very careful with what they seized, which causes USER's name, flavour and alliance to be unreadable, leaving you with only the role itself. It might end up slightly less damaged if they have less energy.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.


[6] San - Shinori, Strawman, Naglfar, Folgore Pink, eclipse, Manix

[4] Folgore Pink - Bluedoom, BBM, Subieko, Elieson, eclipse

[4] eclipse - Prims, Psych, San, Iris, Bluedoom, Strawman, BBM

[2] Proto - Daigoji Excellen, Serious Bananas

[1] Shinori - Folgore Pink, Blitz, Proto, Naglfar, Subieko, Proto

[1] Elieson - Blitz, eclipse

[0] Subieko - Proto, eclipseIris

[0] Bluedoom - Excellen, Manix, Shinori, Naglfar, Elieson

[0] Manix - Psych, Excellen, eclipse, Bizz

[0] SeriousBananas - Subieko, Manix

[0] BigBangMeteor - Manix, Prims, Psych

[0] Cap'n Flint - Naglfar, Bluedoom, Serious Bananas

[0] Daigoji Excellen - Psych, Blitz, Manix, eclipse

[0] Prims - Subieko, Psych

[0] Iris - Subieko

[0] Naglfar - eclipse, Blitz

[0] Psych - Blitz, Subieko, StSS, San

[0] No Lynch - Psych

Not voting - Bizz

Stage Distribution

Battleship Halberd - Prims, Serious Bananas, Folgore Pink

Brinstar - Iris, Blitz, Shinori, Bluedoom

Castle Siege - BigBangMeteor, Bizz, Excellen, Manix

Fountain of Dreams - Subieko, Naglfar, Proto, Strawman

Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 - eclipse, Psych, Elieson

It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends on Saturday, July 7th, 8 AM GMT.

Also I want the subs to contact me. Whoever does so first gets Bizz's slot.

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so that's an eclipse, a levity and a bbm that need rope and/or bullets. shouldn't be hard to get the vig on the third and i'm sure there's a kindhearted sk out there who can throw town a bone for the first two right?? :>>>

also: levity's reaction to me using meta against her looks more like she's upset i caught her as scum with something she regards as hypocritical. if she wants to have a debate about when using meta is a good idea and when it isn't then the time for that is postgame, not while she's supposed to be subbed out and not actually posting

will shut up now for the most part cuz excess global nighttalk is (a) pro-scum, (b) bad for the forum's mafia environment and most importantly, © for casuals

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I am thinking there is a good chance Eclipse is scum along with Proto (and I am still suspecting Elie)

Eclipse is because of my townie sounding roles could be mafia thing and this also makes me suspect Shnori is more likely town

anyone wants to do a vote analysis?

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if it's a harmful role and you use it on obvtown psych over the guy blitz is voting you're confirmed scum jsyk

I was trying to say, don't trust people based on roles alone

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