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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Proto, this isn't like you. Your defenses are pretty...lackluster, and that's putting it nicely.

Thanks for the OMGUS vote, Marth~ Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. There's just more pressing matters to attend to than voting for you, the guy who intentionally tried to make himself look scummy and collect votes.

But enough about that. Subi's day role was buffed by Straw, and she provided a message to prove it. Proto idled. Nags is dead. Either Proto is lying scum and performed the NK (Pretty likely), Straw & Subi are both scum (Not as likely, and pulling a very risky move), or there's a stage-ignoring killer. That is going to be relatively difficult to prove though.

I'd just like to see a real argument from Proto, as to why he shouldn't be lynched.

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page 2, fluff

page 2 also I believe, also fluff

I had nothing better to talk about at that time.

first fluff and then trying to make me, naglfar and shinori look scummy by offering a misinterpretation of the truth and then using scare tactics and hollow arguments to cement his "opinion". Seriously proto, what are you doing? you should know better than this.

As I explained over there, I do find the Blues bandwagon scummy. From what I can see, the reasoning behind the Blues bandwagon was because it seemed as if Blues had information that he was concealing. Regardless of whether or not that was the case, I can't find a clear link between concealing information in D1 and being scum. Like I said, Blues' refusal to explain his vote indicated that he had no intention of leading us on a mislynch. He simply voted for whoever he found scummy. I still can't seem to understand why you guys would bandwagon him for an issue that does not relate to being scum.

Let me explain what I think was going through proto's head while he was making this post: I want to state again that I think there were some mafia members in on the marth wagon, to try and imply these people as scum. Let me just immediately imply that marth has a pro town role by having information on other players and finish it off by using a hollow point about giving the mafia easy info. In a NOC game. The vote for blitz doesn't seem scummy at all, by the way. Because by not giving information he was clearly showing he didn't want anyone else in on the vote.

I never implied that Blues has a pro town role. The thing is, if the people that voted for him were Town, they would be unaware of Blues' alignment and I don't see any reason for them to think that Blues is scummy for refusing to explain the reasoning behind his Blitzy vote.

Fluff. He wants to lynch subieko for reasons unknown? Get real. I's obvious subieko has trouble finding topics to talk about but trying to fit in is a moot point because everyone and their mother tries to fit in. Town as well as mafia. And of course you're not backing it up with quotes or whatever.

Well, I felt that Subieko was trying too hard at that time, but after rereading through his/her posts, they didn't seem that bad.

And regarding my change of opinion on whether to lynch Shinori or not, it wasn't just that I saw him on irc and immediately changed my mind about him. Redirector is a pretty awesome role, but I've only seen it being used as a Mafia role. Mafia Redirector is pretty awesome, and I thought that a Town Redirector would be good as well. Then, as I thought about it, I realized that it requires too much prediction to be beneficial for the Town, and has the potential to make the situation even worse than the effects of a bad roleblock.

My vote on Subieko was to get her to report something. I want to know if she targeted Naggy last night or during the day if her action is a Day action. Or if she idled. For some reason, she seems to only want to talk about what happened to her, and made no mention of what she did. I am not asking her for a full roleclaim, just some words about whether she acted, who she targeted, anything to construct an alibi. Confirming what Strawman did to her gives Strawman an alibi (yeah, Mafia can kill and use their abilities at once, but at least we have something), and tells us nothing about her. I see her online right now, and I'll hold off on claiming for now. I'll post my full role PM after she explains herself.

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About time you made a post like that, but I wouldn't credit yourself too heavily for Subi's reporting. Thanks to Strawman's statement, she'd be under a lot of fire if she didn't say anything.

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Also I was trying to be vague because I didn't really want to just come out and say "Hey everyone look I can let one person perform their action twice in one phase" and attract possible mafia attention.

Oh. Sorry about that then, I guess I gave it away.

My vote on Subieko was to get her to report something. I want to know if she targeted Naggy last night or during the day if her action is a Day action. Or if she idled. For some reason, she seems to only want to talk about what happened to her, and made no mention of what she did.

Um, Proto? If you check the post where I posted the host message, you will see that I said I have a day action, not a night action. I obviously didn't do anything last night because I have no night action. Not sure how you missed that.

Also, my problem with your sudden opinion switch on Shinori-me-Shinori is that although you provide these explanations now, they're not in the posts you made at the time. Take your Redirector opinion change--in your second post saying it was not a good role for Town, you didn't say something like 'thinking about it more, it actually isn't a good Town role', you just said it's not good as if you had never made the previous post. So the opinion switches come out of nowhere and are not explained at the time you make them.

Wrt to your vote trying to make me talk: I was literally asleep until I woke up and made my post with my night result after quickly reading the thread. Not sure why you assumed I wouldn't talk once I showed up.

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Oops, forgot to add: I did use my action D1, but Naglfar was not my target. Outing my target would effectively be a roleclaim, so if people want me to out my target then I'll just roleclaim at the same time for convenience. I don't think my target's identity would be that helpful right now but if other people think it would be useful, then sure.

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Day role where outing your target is a roleclaim? Sorry if I'm a bit confused. I don't think this is grounds to claim yet, since it's obvious your day role doesn't cause people to drop dead.

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Day role where outing your target is a roleclaim? Sorry if I'm a bit confused. I don't think this is grounds to claim yet, since it's obvious your day role doesn't cause people to drop dead.

What I mean is that once I out my D1 target it will be obvious to them what my role does, so at least one person will know my role. So if I out my target I might as well out my role too. Although I guess if my target decided to just not say what effect my role had on them it wouldn't reveal any more information. That seems less useful to me though.

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In which case, you'll have to decide how much you (dis)trust your D1 target, as well as how powerful you think your role is, etc. Still have no clue as to what you do, based off of what you said.

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In which case, you'll have to decide how much you (dis)trust your D1 target, as well as how powerful you think your role is, etc. Still have no clue as to what you do, based off of what you said.

Do you want to know what my role does? I think it might be one of those roles that's good if you use it right but not that great if you don't know what to do with it, so...yeah.

Also I'm hosting my D&D group for the rest of the night, so although I will check the thread when I can, mostly I'll just have it open while doing other stuff.

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Unless it's something that's stupidly harmful (like "post more than five times during the phase and you drop dead" kind of thing), I'm not interested. You look better than Proto ATM, and he's the one that wants you to claim, not me.

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Considering you daytargetted, and no one died during the day phase, I think it could be much easier to assume your level of life threatening power (i.e. Nil).

if you have a day action, and targeted you to buff you (which you are confirming), it looks bad for proto.

And subi, claiming isn't necessary. If anyone should claim at this point, it is Proto.

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i've only skimmed the last page (i have 2 others to read at 40ppp) , but feeling a lot better about subieko

will comment early tomorrow (sleeping first, can't think well, migraine; in maybe seven hours to nine hours)

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Willing to chalk the eclipse thing up to playstyle difference since I don't see that argument progressing and there are more pressing matters for today. Less worried about Impy and Bananas in light of roles, Tracker claim reflects well on the former and "didn't go anywhere" reflects well on the latter.

People I find scummy:

Proto, because that contradiction from earlier is awful, as no Town Redirector does not suck when it can potentionally redirect the scumkill lategame. Also: people make late-day votes on Target X because Target X is scummier than Target Y to maximize the chance of getting a scum lynch based on their reads. I don't think Proto would lie about his gameplay theory as scum to make himself look better (that's bad character), but I can see him using it to avoid association with any major wagons. His continuation of his Shinori vote looks really forced on this note.

His recent posts have yet to give us a better lynch target than him too. So yeah!

BBM. Lots of voteless D1 posts until people started hounding him on it, as well as the weird force-outing of Marth's reaction test. Despite his huge WoT about eclipse and Elieson from D1 his opinions haven't really been fluid - he excused himself from his eclipse vote over a contradiction, and more recently dropped his eclipse > SB > Proto order to force a weird Proto / Subieko dichotomy and sheep.

The Bizz/scorri playerslot. Lookit this post. And this one. 90% of Levity's D1 was talking about whether she agrees with scumhunting and/or gameplay theory without actually talking about who she thought was scum. Blatant active lurking + notable contribution to unnecessary noise. Manix opinion was never really a focal point of her content and left her voteless at the end of the day. More recent is scorri pushing a misrep on me during the night phase only to drop it for blatant echoing on the Proto wagon the following morning.


##Vote: scorri

Feel strongest about this.

Nervous about how fast the Proto wagon is growing, I think that regardless of his alignment scum are already taking advantage of how bad he looks. I know that Excellen and Blitz are ~super amazing and sheepable~ and all but when you get BBM and scorri jumping on the wagon with posts full of parroting... yeah.

Don't have a quarrel with Strawduck but want less :justification: and more :reads: next post.

Heart's not in playing Mafia right now so re-read bordered on skimming, sorry. Would like people to shorten their posts when possible (linking to posts you're responding to instead of posting Manix-esque quote walls is a good example) to make future re-reads simpler. This post is actually longer than necessary and I apologize.

Won't be posting too much for the rest of the night because I feel like doing something fun like replaying Kirby's Return to Dreamland or Rhythm Heaven Fever or whatever isn't :words:. vidya games

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Prims: There's a difference between dropping my thoughts on you, and putting them aside for a more imminent target. I'm still not liking you. However, I know that at least part of that is because of the way you were acting and I've learned that just because someone is acting in a certain way does not for sure make them anti-town (See Excellen). When I thought you were serious about your comments like "vig her now before she can say anything" and getting everyone to follow you, I was extremely suspicious and ticked off at you. However, having taken a step back and taken the opportunity to let my emotions cool down a little, I'm less certain of your scummieness. I'm not sold on you being town. I'm still leaning scum on you in fact. But, the fact is we had a kill. And the stages help us narrow down the killer a decent bit. So, I'm focusing on the thing that I think will be more productive. I could just put my vote on you, but a) that would probably be viewed as an OMGUS and b) it would probably be worthless. So, I'm going to not do that.

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Also, with 17 players and the SK already dead, this game is going to be loooooooong. Need vig to engage in crowd control.

This might sound like an OMGUS after Prims said he was suspicious of me, but I don't like this post at all. Telling the vig to kill as often as he can helps the mafia much more than it helps the town, as unless the vig is a very good scumhunter, he's much more likely to kill a townie than a mafia. And unlike mislynches, we can't even analyze a vigged townie's death. To begin with, the town wouldn't even know who was killed by the mafia and who was killed by the vig.

I'd rather have a long game that results in a town win than a short game that results in a mafia win.

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BBM raises a valid point. Particularly the last part: Because we also might accidently mislynch the vig, meaning we have even less chances to subjugate the mafia. And since we mislynched the rolecop, it is unlikely that we can easily prove the claim of the vig as well. :/

That's the only part I'm concerned about, but I would think that if there was a vig, they'd also be limited shot because of the SK. But I can't be certain on that. And if they were limited, we shouldn't waste their shots, optimally.

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And unlike mislynches, we can't even analyze a vigged townie's death.

this is wrong for obvious reasons, especially if the vig target was a previous wagon

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inb4 prims is vig and he's just trying to disguise it.

doubt it, personally. I think he would have shot scorri by now if he was. unless there's a limitation or something, but ehh

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inb4 prims is vig and he's just trying to disguise it.

doubt it, personally. I think he would have shot scorri by now if he was. unless there's a limitation or something, but ehh

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