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Rate the Chapter: Day 3 - 1-2

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This is getting ridiculous. I enjoy RTU and RTP, and I tolerated RTB without posting, but now we're just getting repetitive. RTC? What's next, RTNPC?

To heck with it. I always enjoy the beginning maps, and this was the first level I played. I just enjoy the simplicity and not having to worry about who to train. i'd include bias, but this whole thing is based on bias. 7/10

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can we just have all of these in one thread because clusterfuck

Arr. While i like this idea, i think we should have one big thread about it. HEY MODLIES!!! Care to oblige? Also, it should be based on Normal/Hard because chapter objectives are the same in those modes. Chapter objectives in Easy Mode are slightly different for some. (like 1-1 being an Escape chapter in NM/HM instead of EM being Defeat Boss.) Although you can let the posters rate based on various modes themselves. Like since i dont HM, i could rate based on EM and NM.

Anyway...this chapter.

Dawn Brigade starts with two members. Micaiah and Edwardovich. Bandits are attacking and raiding. Typical FE prologue chapter. Its almost always bandits. Leo joins about two turns in (regardless of mode) to add to the murder.

This chapter is straightforward. Murder the guys, beat the boss. The end.

Nothing really challenging here. Just Eddie hitting guys and Micaiah finishing them off and/or Sacrificing to keep Ed from dying. Leo takes potshots when he can when he catches up with the others. Meh. Bandits die, we meet some NPCs and Jarod. The rear end in a top hat commanding Begnion's soldiers. He even murders a guy just for not being able to catch Micaiah and co. What a dick.

Anyway, 2/10. Basic bandit prologue chapter. At least the FMV in the front of the chapter was kinda cool. EM: 1/10. Takes like 2 minutes to finish.

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Hmm, I might as well give it a shot.

It's a standard map, with edward kicking ass (he can practically solo it on lower difficulties) which is very cool but boring; hard on the other hand requires basic teamwork which is why I'll give it a higher score on that mode.

I give chapter 1-P:

5 on normal mode


7 on hard mode.

PS: I'd probably wait until the RTU threads are wrapped up before continuing the RTC threads ♪

Edited by PK Gaming
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looooool this is borderline excessive.

This is about the only map where Edward gets to shine (I wonder how long a Micaiah solo would take?). So I guess if you're an Edward fan you'll like this map.

Obligatory "bandits terrorizing the village map" - 3.5/10

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This is pretty excessive but heck, I'll post anyway, though I think it would be better to have people summarize their ratings in a megapost or something.

1-P is a pretty nice introduction to the upgraded graphics. It's a much more intimate village backstreet map that is more detailed than previous offerings. I like that you can run over bits of the grid with birds and they'll fly away. It's otherwise the usual earlygame bandits, but you don't have a Jeigan around, so you have to be a little more cautious on your EP positioning with Edward, who actually feels a lot like the standard lord in this particular chapter. There are no terrain features, when most games usually introduce the obligatory "Use a forest for evasion bonuses!", but you are instead introduced to the concept of a choke point so Leo and Miccy can safely snipe behind Edward. Overall I will say it's a well-designed map designed to use units in a certain, obvious way. It happens to be a little more interesting than your average prologue, though EM has an easy Edward solo while NM and HM requires a lot of patience since Edward really cannot take on more than 2 enemies at once and is the only one sturdy enough to really get hit at all.

7/10 for creativity with those bandits, at least.

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I think this is a novel idea; it has my support!


1-P does leave a good first impression on the presentation front by showcasing a pretty environment, fluid map movement, engaging battle animations, and nice music, but its gameplay leaves much to be desired. 1-P introduces Radiant Dawn's trend of intra-class enemy homogeneity. Aside from the boss, all of the enemy bandits are nearly identical. This squanders potential strategy; every enemy can be defeated the same way. The terrain, on the other hand, is more interesting. There are some choke-points near the start of the map, which subsequently opens up. Both Edward and Micaiah have distinct roles and are rather fragile here, which is nice, but the late addition of Leonardo has almost no effect.

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This is pretty excessive but heck, I'll post anyway, though I think it would be better to have people summarize their ratings in a megapost or something.

1-P is a pretty nice introduction to the upgraded graphics. It's a much more intimate village backstreet map that is more detailed than previous offerings. I like that you can run over bits of the grid with birds and they'll fly away. It's otherwise the usual earlygame bandits, but you don't have a Jeigan around, so you have to be a little more cautious on your EP positioning with Edward, who actually feels a lot like the standard lord in this particular chapter. There are no terrain features, when most games usually introduce the obligatory "Use a forest for evasion bonuses!", but you are instead introduced to the concept of a choke point so Leo and Miccy can safely snipe behind Edward. Overall I will say it's a well-designed map designed to use units in a certain, obvious way. It happens to be a little more interesting than your average prologue, though EM has an easy Edward solo while NM and HM requires a lot of patience since Edward really cannot take on more than 2 enemies at once and is the only one sturdy enough to really get hit at all.

7/10 for creativity with those bandits, at least.

Bolded is not true for NM at all. Edward is like, 5HKO'd in NM at very very very bad hitrates. Its true for HM though.

1-P meh I dont mind it. In NM, its very easy to just Edward solo with a bit of Micaiah help. In HM however, its one of my most hated chapters to LTC. The map is not that good-looking. Just a boring village. The story of the map is practically non-existent too, some bandits attack. Gee, I wonder where Ive seen this before?

NM: 7/10

HM: 0/10 NO

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Please no, just no. There are too many of these already, and this is just stupid. Very bad idea.

It's because we have these Elitist Newbies that jack to tier lists and prance around acting like they're the real shit.

Yeah, all these guys that openly condemn drafters, and people who don't play fe10 HM, those guys.

I say, move all future RT's to FFTF

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I say, move all future RT's to FFTF

Or just keep them in a single topic. Honestly i see no point in having a different topic every single fucking day. It just gets annoying :/

Edited by SlayerX
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I just meh at this level. It's a DB chapter which automatically means that there's only one (or two) characters able to take damage and live to tell the tale. Drab and dreary, too.

3/10. Meh.

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This is pretty excessive but heck, I'll post anyway, though I think it would be better to have people summarize their ratings in a megapost or something.

1-P is a pretty nice introduction to the upgraded graphics. It's a much more intimate village backstreet map that is more detailed than previous offerings. I like that you can run over bits of the grid with birds and they'll fly away. It's otherwise the usual earlygame bandits, but you don't have a Jeigan around, so you have to be a little more cautious on your EP positioning with Edward, who actually feels a lot like the standard lord in this particular chapter. There are no terrain features, when most games usually introduce the obligatory "Use a forest for evasion bonuses!", but you are instead introduced to the concept of a choke point so Leo and Miccy can safely snipe behind Edward. Overall I will say it's a well-designed map designed to use units in a certain, obvious way. It happens to be a little more interesting than your average prologue, though EM has an easy Edward solo while NM and HM requires a lot of patience since Edward really cannot take on more than 2 enemies at once and is the only one sturdy enough to really get hit at all.

7/10 for creativity with those bandits, at least.

I'm going to use this as justification for my vote.

NM: 8

HM: 7

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Uh Starwave's comment might have been childish and immature, but your not really acting much better at the moment.

Ahem anyway I don't really like the chapter. your options are kind of limited and the enemies are boring. Its basicly just take potshots with Micky while Eddy does the real fighting.


Edit: Oh crap I thought we where still doing 1-P. Any this chapter is a little more like it. The house is a little of the route and doesn't give anything terribly usefull, but thats alright. Its good for a first chapter it isn't that hard, but the enemies are at least not to losers they normally are at this point of the game.


Edited by Sasori
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Still a Dawn Brigade chapter, but yay, Nolan! He can take more than one hit (though no more than three), and it's still really annoying when an 80% hit misses while a 47% hit connects.

I can't deny that it's an easy level when everything works out. 6/10

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NM: This is a fun chapter. You can have the DB members split into groups, and it's a perfect chapter to level up the units you like. It's just a fun experience overall (especially since Nolan and Edward can basically solo this chapter on their own)


HM: This chapter is not fun in the slightest. You're forced to use Nolan CONSTANTLY. Every other character is utter shit. if Leonardo / Micaiah take a hit they're dead so they need to be babied. Hell even Eddy needs to be babied, since he's 2HKOed by everythng on this map. This chapter makes me want to pluck my eyelids with a cue-tip. Urgh


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