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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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If it is, mafia feels kind of weak. I'd imagine with all of the kill preventation that there might be a strongman (I think that's what it is) or else this feels unbalanced.

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If it is, mafia feels kind of weak. I'd imagine with all of the kill preventation that there might be a strongman (I think that's what it is) or else this feels unbalanced.

Alternatively, one of the people claiming kill preventation is lying.

Godfathers/Millers can have a different role upon inspection as well as just a different alignment. For example Rapier in MoMM.

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Ok, so Aere DIDN'T fakeclaim. Huh, Marth is an odd kill for the mafia to make considering all the suspicion on him... More likely that the mafia took a shot at Aere to test if there was a Doctor and got blocked, while a Vig shot Marth.

=>assuming there is a doc

not all games have them.

Also, I'm not the vig. So FMPOV, there isn't a vig if what everyone has said is true.

You all would like to know I got a null read on Manix for N1. Flavor implies I was blocked. Mafia role locker is a probability.

Weird. I certainly didn't do it. Although I have to wonder if you're faking this. :/

and thus I think the two of you should start claiming (@Shinori and Manix)

If I didn't see you as obvtown, I'd say you're trying to rolefish. I don't like all this early claiming in games, it annoys the crap out of me. No, I'm not fullclaiming.

Because mafia had no reason to target him? I figure I was roleblocked AND attacked, to test my claim/doctor.

If the mafia has a hook, then why would they try and hook you and kill you? It just seems redundant, really.

Why do we want the vig claiming? We don't need the mafia knowing precisely what everyone else's roles are at this point without any real gain from it.

If one even existed. But the sentiment is there (remember SSBU? yeah, that ended well). Hence why I don't want to claim.

So SB is a one-time deathproof AND Bizz is a one-time lynch canceler? That's two townie deaths town can stop. IMO, that's too strong in a minimafia. It gives me the feeling that one of them are scum. Aere has inspected Bizz, and while he hasn't said yet that Bizz is fakeclaiming, Bizz wouldn't risk it (unless they were scumbuddies).

##Unvote, ##Vote: Serious Bananas

Best case scenario, we lynch scum, worst-case scenario, it results in a no-lynch.

And the NL gives us... bugger all except for the knowledge that SB is a deathproof, and maybe Iris can hit her wincon, I don't know. But compared to a flip, it doesn't sound as good.

I don't even know right now exactly who to go after. I'm thinking maybe BBM, but eh

I need to reread the thread, but /effort

I'll do it tomorrow, so later today, I don't know

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Like I said, that's the worst-case scenario. I admit that a NL wouldn't be ideal, but I don't think we should let the claim slide this easily considering we have a second role that can stop lynches.

Why was nobody this hesitant to test a lynchproof claim when I made one?

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I would hope we have a doctor, because I'll probably be killed if mafia thinks we don't.

Elie, am I allowed to paraphrase the flavor I was given when I was blocked?

FYI, I'm Seto Kaiba's little brother. Which doesn't really help me regarding Bizz (Seto wasn't always on the same side as the little bro).

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Editting OP to be proper. Bbcoding from phone confused me for a bit.

Anyway, BBM, paraphrase or copypaste, it's ok. Just your actual Role I don't want posted. By this, I mean the first PM I sent to you.

A few more OP edits and then I am counting votals.

Edited by Elieson
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Why am I doing this?

La Levedad (1): Shinori

Shinori (1): La Levedad

Serious Bababas (1): BBM

Elieson (1): Prims

Voteless: Manix, Serious Bababas, Iris, Cap'n Crunch, Aere

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Blitz, it's horrible town play to claim so early, and I don't like it. Did you read my post about claiming at the end of SSBU? Yeah, that can be adapted here.

And the fact you always rolefish really doesn't gel with me at all. It's not good play.

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this could seem early, but it doesn't change the fact that this could be the last phase we have

Blitz, there would have to be three scum for that to happen. And I'm fairly sure that there isn't three, because having the game over at the end of D2 is quite ridiculous, frankly.

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so right now it is 5/2/1

if we mislynch today,tomorrow it will most likely be


now then, Iris teams up with mafia and lynches SB, and I think game is over right there

correct me if I am wrong though

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If Iris pretends to make a deal with the mafia to lynch SB, town + her could throw the wagon onto the mafia?

I really dunno, lets not come to that.

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So we have a one-shot deathproof AND a bomb? This really doesn't sit right with me. That's two people out of 7 who would screw the mafia over if they were targeted for the nightkill. So now SB's claim conflicts with Bizz's AND Manix's. We should really lynch him.

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okay, whatevs, I'm claiming, even though it's still a bad idea from my role POV

I'm the bomb. Whole lot of good I'll be now.

still need Shinori to claim

btw, Bomb is a little too broken in this set up, plus easy to claim, and even if you were the bomb, your chances of being hit was never very high considering we you are being suspected by most.

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still need Shinori to claim

btw, Bomb is a little too broken in this set up, plus easy to claim, and even if you were the bomb, your chances of being hit was never very high considering we you are being suspected by most.

pfft, I've been a bomb in a setup like this before (Stop Crying Psych). And because I didn't claim, scum may have hit me last night while looking to find out the remainder of the PR's.

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