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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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Blitz, if you think this is possibly our last day phase, why do you want people to claim tomorrow instead of today? What use will that do?

By the way, if a mislynch today means a loss, that is a further reason to vote SB today. Even the worst case scenario ensures we are still in the game tomorrow, while the worst case scenario of any other lynch means we lose.

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Blitz, if you think this is possibly our last day phase, why do you want people to claim tomorrow instead of today? What use will that do?

By the way, if a mislynch today means a loss, that is a further reason to vote SB today. Even the worst case scenario ensures we are still in the game tomorrow, while the worst case scenario of any other lynch means we lose.

First of all, I never said that and I already claimed

and secondly, I think if Iris votes, SB will end up dead anyways, and even if Iris does leave, we will still be in the same boat (minus a most probable townie and another one killed at night)

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So we have a one-shot deathproof AND a bomb? This really doesn't sit right with me. That's two people out of 7 who would screw the mafia over if they were targeted for the nightkill. So now SB's claim conflicts with Bizz's AND Manix's. We should really lynch him.

Iris said she's looking for Yugi, which confirmed that he was in the game. I claimed far before she did, meaning I didn't do it just to seize the moment. If anyone WAS Yugi, don't you think they would have CCed by now? Do you really think YUGI of all people would be in the mafia?

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I forgot about Iris, which is why I said later that I need to rethink. I still think that there are a lot of conflicting claims in this set-up, and I strongly feel that one of you, Manix, and Bizz is lying scum. The alternative is a Blitz/Iris scumteam who're making this stuff up about her being a lyncher.

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still need Shinori to claim

btw, Bomb is a little too broken in this set up, plus easy to claim, and even if you were the bomb, your chances of being hit was never very high considering we you are being suspected by most.

You seriously are role fishing too much but i don't care.

Tristan Taylor.

Vanilla No abilities.

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1. Manix: Bomb

2. Shinori: Vanilla

3. Aere: Rolecop

6. Iris: Idk

7. Serious Bababas: Yugi

8. BBM: Neighbor

9. Cap'n Flint: Can you explain your role again?

10. La Levedad: 1-shot governor

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Blitz is apparently a vanilla, but one who was given the information that there is a lyncher in the game. Iris has confirmed that she is the lyncher.

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What I want to know is if the only information Blitz was given was that there's a lyncher in the game? That's pretty weird, imo.

Also why are we assuming 2 mafia again?

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Manix (1): Cap'n Flint

La Levedad (1): Shinori

Shinori (1): La Levedad

Serious Bababas (1): BBM

Elieson (1): Prims

Voteless: Manix, Serious Bababas, Iris, Aere

8 hours and about 37 minutes left, just so you are all aware.

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Have you looked at all the other town roles? I assumed I was vanilla to balance things out.

That's true, but somebody's got to be lying. I also don't like how half of us are voteless with only a little over 8 hours to go in the phase.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Manix

In addition to the conflicting claims and stuff, there's the whole bit about saying how you didn't want to start a powerwagon and then powerwagoning Helios.

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If manix flips scum i really think we should look at levy because of their squabble and then levy suddenly dropping suspicions on Manix.


##Vote: Manix

I Maybe have levy hammer in case he is bomb? Since we are likely at mylo anyway.

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Shinori why are you so adamant on putting suspicion on me, it's really rubbing me the wrong way

I've also been getting scumvibes on BBM since before N1 ended, like if he weren't apparently mason I would be all over him

I just refuse to believe that there's a mason infiltrator in this game ALTHOUGH COME TO THINK ABOUT IT IT WOULD REALLY MAKE SENSE IN THIS SETUP

but no, I'm not hammering Manix. go away.

Didn't he say he was a nightkill-only bomb though? Or did I miss something

Other thoughts:

Blitz, I want you to fullclaim. With character. Your role still kind of confuses me.

Tristan sounds like a big safeclaim

Lyncher on the one-shot unkillable is really unfair to the lyncher and I'm a little wary of the claim because of that

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Since we are likely at mylo anyway.

so then what do you do if we both end up town

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And if you hadn't been "cleared" by the rolecop, I'd be all over you, Bizz. And do you think I am a scum neighbour or not? Don't say "Nope I refuse to believe there is one, even though it would actually make sense." Take a side.

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If anything, and I know this sounds cruel, if Manix really is a lynchbomb and we can't decide on a hammer, I would default to Iris. She can't really win anyway now that everything is out, and her claim is just kind of shady. It's really unfair that not only is she on the one-shot unkillable, but also that Blitz knew about there being a lyncher in the game in the first place. It just doesn't sit right with me. At first I took it at face value, but looking over it again is just really weird.

And we can avoid a last-minute joint if it happens

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