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Xenoblade Mafia - Game Over


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My original opinions on Shinori were neutral. So they haven't changed from that. So no, I'm not going to be voting for Aere. Also, I feel more confident of my scumread on Kaoz than my feeling that one of Shinori and Aere are scum.

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Blitz: Do you actually think Levity's sub-out was scummy given the circumstances? Usually when she's scum the sub-out follows days of little content and her generally being indifferent to the game / struggling to post. She was a pretty solid contributor during D1 and a heavy town read so I don't think that's the case here, though Helios' posts so far have been null.

like I she wasn't scummy, but her sub out without any real reason was

her play was very town like and considering her as a little less likely to be town than before, but still considering her more likely to be town

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Blitz you are still stupid if you think I walked into a reaction test wrong when all I did was say ether didn't claim vanilla.

My role is a type of redirect. I target a player and force said player to target me with all their actions.

I called you scummy for playing with emotions, not for saying Ether never claimed vanilla ad you really need to stop doing that

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Yeah my birthday was yesterday so I wasn't around because of that. But yeah I'm here for now. Still need to read through C1 though :/.

@Prims: The point I was trying to make was that depending on Core's flip we learn about Aere based on the fact that he brought up Core after everyone forgot him. I still need to read through D1 to find out why he was so scummy though. It could just be a shitty attempt to bus someone to make you look more town.

@Blitz: I personally think Shinori playing all emotional looks more townish than anything because meta. Not sure why he's pushing the Manix lynch so hard but again need to read through C1.

Oh and isn't this game supposed to be fun? Lol.

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I'm going to stay on Core because of his C1 performance, and his lack of a C2 defense. He can come in and convince me otherwise, I'm not that stubborn.

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so like i lost my luggage after a 16 hour flight + 5 hour delay

and it's 3AM (fuck JB's timezone) but i read everything anyway

i'm not sure how much i believe shinori's claim but i think we can set that aside for now

leaving my vote on core if it's not already there

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Right now, I'm throwing out my past assessments and just looking at the last several pages

wow, are you holding a grudge for voting you the previous day?

anyways, going along with my reads.......

or not cause

HELIOS, I AM SO GLAD YOU GOT INTO THIS GAME, (too bad Bizz looks terrible because of this)

anyways, where were we

oh right,

Bizz/Helios was looking protown until she subbed out (yes, only because of the sub out, otherwise looks great)

Kaoz started off not looking good at the start of C1 and is looking much better now, however no reads on Elei yet (but Kaoz's aura continues)

Rapier, being weird (but that is what he normally does and gets lynched) so, wanted to test his reaction, didn't look very good, but does he EVER look good?

Manix was looking very good on C1, and after the Marth wagon, not so much (as in, looking very scummy)

Ether claimed vanilla on D1 and Shinori claimed to have a role (unless Ether was kidding, Ether could have been hiding something) and I am finding this very scummy

Prims didn't start off looking good at C1, but is looking much better now and I will agree with a some of stuff he has said so far (and there is a pretty good chance Shinori is indeed a harmful role)

Boron actually does sound like a someone not accustomed to the play style here and is more likely to be town

Cam seems like he is trying to scum hunt which makes him look pretty good

Aere and BBM seems very neutral which I am not liking (Aere looks worse than BBM in this manner though)

Core has been living in the back ground, but I didn't like his hammer on Marth, but Prims does have a point regarding that

anyways, for now


Hello list post that does little to explain why you voted Shinori. How does softclaiming=scummy?

mainly because of this post, where he is actually working to get reads on people. I know this is just one post, but IMO, it is a pretty good one

It's a good post because he is trying to get reads? He said himself that he already had reads but didn't want to share them. How is this pro-town? He cut corner's by only posting his assessment of the relevant players. I don't like that. I really hope that the length of Kaoz' post isn't deluding you but I'm afraid that might be the case.

Why is nobody else even thinking about Core? Has he even posted this cycle?

Why am I the only person you are thinking about?

First number is an Paper updated it at C2, second is now

Member	Posts
CT075		59/78
Xin Li		58/70
La Levedad	48/53
Bluedoom	45
Aere		44/53
Manix		37/58
Prims		35/40
Shinori		24/38
BigBangMeteor	22/36
Paperblade	20/26
Cap'n Flint	19/35
Delirium	18/18
Snike		10
Rapier		10/13
eclipse		3

guys there's a problem: Core hasn't posted a damn thing this cycle

##Unvote (don't remember if I already did this)

##Vote: Core

I've seen enough, really

Logic like this depresses me. No posts makes me obvscum? Okay, see how far that kind of thinking gets you.

Right. Finally bloody done, and holy crap I started getting a bit annoyed.

Let's start addressing my now updated (again) scumreads: Shinori/Core/Elie(Kaoz)

Beginning with Core:

oh frick sticks. lynch lynch lynch (and the rest of the post doesn't help a lot either)

This post is basically a sheep vote.

his entire post reeks of scum. Why the hell didn't we lynch Core C1

And on the fact that he hasn't posted a damn thing this entire cycle, and hello obvscum.

Still not liking Ether/Shinori all that much either, but at least he's present. All I've gotten from Core was a failed "reaction test", "Cam is most townish", and a very brief assessment on the situation ... and that was all in cycle 1. If you're not busy, then get over here and explain yourself!


##Vote: Core/Delirium

I have to be on my way to a meeting in literally three minutes, so I'll be back later.

@Bold: YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING ME. I'm sorry but you are infuriating. I am simply NOT going to place a new vote every time I post. If I'm not ready, I'm not fucking ready. You're scumhunting consists of filtering out these kinds of posts and it's fucking anooying and takes no effort.

@Underline: Maybe it's a sheepvote. If it is, whatever, but tell me, how do suspect somebody already being scrutinized without being scummy? This is another concept I refuse to agree with and annoys the hell out of me every time I see it. OT: If somebody could explain this to me so it doesn't make me so mad, that would help.

@Italics: You need to be more descriptive. I was suspicious of Marth ever since he accused Bizz of trying too hard, so I don't think voting for him when I'm the other lynch target means anything at all.

I still don't like the core wagon, I could care less what you say.

Also who says I didn't lie about my role. Supposedly I'm a vanilla to everyone else here.

I could have just been gambiting and you just admitted all of that shit yourself. Or I could be attempting to screw with mafia. but I don't like your response, specifically these parts here:


When are you not an asshole anyway? Lol.

Shinori seriously how does this help. Think before you post.

It didn't instantly clear him of suspicion. The reason I had voted Manix at the time was because I had demanded an explanation and he disappeared for a while. It was a push to "get in here and say something, now, because I'm done waiting", which is what he did. I never did get a direct response from him, and I'm not entirely happy about it, but at least I got something. I'm now voting Core because he needs some explaining to do and because I (and everyone else) have literally nothing on him this cycle.

Read as: Baaaaaaa! But really, if I already have several votes on me, obviously I need to come explain. Your vote doesn't really help. It's an attempt at looking useful without actually doing anything.

wtf Shinori

You are my vote target C3, unless there's enough support to do it C2. Because far out, you have made yourself look far worse since my post.

holy crap Core/Shinori for confirmed scum. Not even kidding; I barely did anything about Core C1, and suddenly he's town because of me considering it? Get out.

holy shit, good job giving scum information. ffs, this is why I hate early claims

guess what; this is pretty much an accurate summary. I omitted the part about you being town, because you aren't.

"I'm already not feeling this game here" is also fact, at least for me.

You are seriously reading Shinori as scum here? Him being scum implies that he has scumbuddies telling him to stfu. This does not appear to be the case. I think you are taking the easy way out by pushing Shinori.

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In a nutshell, this game is infuriating and I wish I had been subbed out.

I am town's watcher. I watched Levity but nothing suspicious happened so I'm not outting who visited her.

Sadly, my internet went out before I could send in my orders so I'll be idling this cycle.

At this point, I'm most suspicious of Manix, followed by Aere, then Xin

Manix has been active and all, that's great, but I don't think his scumhunting has been very well thought through. He says, "PLAYER X DID THIS, THIS IS SCUMMY AS FUCK." Why is said thing player X did scummy? Why would they do it if they were mafia? Etc. This applies to Shinori mostly, I feel like Manix is just exploiting the faults in a townie who isn't thinking, trying to push a mislynch.

Aere has completely tunneled me this whole cycle. iirc he hasn't commented on anybody else at all. Yes, I'm the center of attention, but seriously, look elsewhere.

Xin also worries me because of the post I responded to above.

With that, I will ##VOTE: MANIX

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I didn't really like that post, tbh. To begin with, everybody he's suspicious of is on his wagon. Sure, if you are indeed town, Core, there are bound to be scum on your wagon. But there are probably scum not on your wagon too. The post reeks of one huge OMGUS to me. His points against Manix are well supported, but his arguments against Aere and Boron aren't. Especially the one against Aere- if he thinks you are scum and if he's offering good reasons for it, why does he need to look at multiple other people?

Also, claiming Watcher is not very useful when you don't back it up with results.

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Read as: Baaaaaaa! But really, if I already have several votes on me, obviously I need to come explain. Your vote doesn't really help. It's an attempt at looking useful without actually doing anything.

And at that time, you weren't stepping forward to explain. Besides, I had already had my suspicions on you before I voted. The only reason I didn't vote earlier was because I was waiting for Manix to return and explain himself, which he did (even if I'm still not entirely happy about him either).

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Kaoz/Helios visited Levity.

@BBM-Its a coincidence that they happen to be voting for me. Most people are, anyways.

About Aere, if he thinks I'm scum, okay, but I would have teammates too that he could spend his time hunting.

@Xin: I suppose that makes sense.

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[5] Core: Camtech, Aere, Manix, Xin Li, Prims

[2] Manix: Shinori, Core

[1] Blitz: Rapier

[1] Elieson: BBM

[1] Shinori: Blitz

[1] Aere: Helios

Not Voting: Elieson

2.5 hours remain

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I don't like Core's post at all. He said Xin Li was sheeping when she voted him, when we really had a lack of activity and voting for info was viable. Same with Aere, who just brought a point about him, but Core took it as if he was focusing too much on him. Overreacting and being over defensive are some scum traits.

His Watcher claim was rather weak imo because Elieson is inactive, so it's easy to say he watched Bizz and Kaoz visited her. That proves nothing. The points brought on him make me think that it is worth to lynch risking a Town PR, but I doubt it.

##Vote: Core

I'll try to be more active as soon as I'm feeling better.

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Ok I'm available for a bit.

I visitted Bizz, and several other targets, on C1.

I'm suspicious of Core, of his watcher claim. Though at L-2, claiming makes sense, and he is right about my visit.

If hammer is 7, I don't feel right hammering him, since I've contributed nothing else at this point.

But it's this close to the end of the cycle. I'll just cross my fingers.

##Vote Core

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A shot rings out. Elieson falls over, dead.

Dear KaozElieson,

"I can see it. The future."

You are Shulk.

You are the main character and technically died long before the game even began and were kept alive by Zanza. Zanza giving you life is why you are able to wield the Monado and have visions of the future. You set out on this journey to avenge the death of your love, Fiora, at the hands of the Mechon. You are extremely useful in combat for most of the game due to your ability to hurt Mechon.

During each cycle, you may respond to your role PM with "Cycle X - Having a vision of USER1, USER2, USER3." You will have a vision of those users' lives at the end of the cycle, and learn if any of them are going to be killed by anything other than the lynch. However, you will not learn which one of them will be killed. You will get a result for this ability at the 48 hour mark in each cycle.

Additionally, during each cycle, you may respond to your role PM with "Cycle X - Monado... Shield USER!" You will activate Monado Shield on USER, preventing any kills other than the lynch from harming USER. You may send this action in at any time during the cycle, and not just the first 48 hours.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.


"Dickson! WHY?"

"Oi, old man! Are you completely out of your mind?"

"Don't you kids ever shut up? I'm just doing my job, as always."

So you lynched him.

Dear Core,

"Zanza just tells me where to fight, and I fight. And that's how I like it."

You are Dickson.

You are a disciple of Zanza. However, you raised Shulk and fought alongside Dunban at Sword Valley, all while pretending to be everybody's friend. In reality, you think they are all annoying and this was all to make sure everything went according to Zanza's plan.

Since everyone knows and trusts you, you can mislead them easily. If inspected, you will appear to be the following role:

Dear Core,

"Now it's Reyn time!"

You are Reyn.

You are Shulk and Fiora's childhood friend. You are kind of a big dummy, but always have Shulk's back and keep him focused on the goal. In gameplay, you are a tank early game, which is important since Shulk's damage dealing is all position based. Also your battle quotes are amazing.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Mortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Additionally, any other Mortal information roles will get faulty results if they target you.

You are allied with the Immortals. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Results are going out.

Edited by Paperblade
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Well I was completely wrong about Kaoz/Elie. ;/

But I fricking told you that Core was scum. Also from that flip, we can imply that scum has a tracker/watcher.

So Shinori, got anything to say about Core being town now?

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