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Elibean Nights


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Sorry but I'm not in the business of getting harassed about something unintentional and petty by this internet bad ass over here when I was trying to be polite and resourceful multiple times. I'm new to the forums sorry I'm not an expert on everything and don't know the exact state of his hack. I made an account for the sole purpose of asking questions about the hack that I was curious about, hopefully inputting good discussion on the topic and learning all I could, I've followed all of his works for years and I idolized his talent with making good hacks based on my favorite childhood game but this totally crushed my image of him. Would it kill him to be nice to a fan with some questions?

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dude i'm lucky i'm even seeing this hack in my life time, let alone maybe soon.

please take this to another thread, you do realize if this gets delayed any longer and its your fault, hell even if it isn't your fault, your gonna get hounded by members of the forum.

just please stop, think of the children, stop before a mod or admin gets in here.

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*gets chair and popcorn in preparation of internet shitstorm*

let's not for once

Sorry but I'm not in the business of getting harassed about something unintentional and petty by this internet bad ass over here when I was trying to be polite and resourceful multiple times. I'm new to the forums sorry I'm not an expert on everything and don't know the exact state of his hack. I made an account for the sole purpose of asking questions about the hack that I was curious about, hopefully inputting good discussion on the topic and learning all I could, I've followed all of his works for years and I idolized his talent with making good hacks based on my favorite childhood game but this totally crushed my image of him. Would it kill him to be nice to a fan with some questions?

Just drop it, dude. I don't think anyone has been harassing you and Arch while what he said you might see it as harsh is not without merit.

Edited by Tryhard
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It was unnecessary that's my only point.

No, your embarrassing meltdown was unnecessary. Arch tactfully addressed the issue of creating a spin-off game using his coded EN hack which you clearly interpreted in the wrong manner. I suggest you go back and read it again, he is not attacking you. Stop playing victim.

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Nah, it's not really all that good. I was literally just stating my position on what you were proposing, and not with a hint of anger. I even basically said you could do it, just that I wouldn't personally help or support a direct derivative of the EN ROM being released, and you turn around and call me an asshole for it. You state that you've been following the hack for a year and love it, and that ruined your image of me? Really? Like, why would you talk about that stuff in the topic if you didn't want my response? Yet that was just me being an unnecessary "internet badass" because it wasn't the response you wanted.

If anything you should be honored that people want to make spin offs of your work.

i.e. You should be honored that people want to piggyback off of your time and effort to save themselves time and effort. I have no issue with spin offs, as was previously stated. Just reference the event source and build something that's your own instead of reskinning Elibian Nights into Magvel Nights (which you mentioned considering). The reason I emphasize the value of hard work and due process is because EN went through a lot of drafts; quality comes from trial, error, and discovery. Just taking the EN ROM and reskinning it betrays that process, and I don't really like the idea of <Continent> Nights dollar store knock off brands (at least find some other titular literary reference, that's all I really ask), where people just slap in some chapters in another world and call it a new game. Nobody finishes that sort of project and keeps it to themselves; if there's gonna be spin-offs, I just want them to be well-presented and solidly designed. These projects take time and development. Hell, by going through that process you could come up with new approaches and push EN's concepts even further, make something that blows the original project out of the water. That'd be awesome, that'd be the kind of spin-off I'd love to see. Edited by Arch
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>Arch puts almost ten years of time into the community making projects and tools, all for free, often even spending his own money
>Guy wants to copy his hack and make an uninspired spinoff
>Arch says he won't support it but do what you want
>Guy calls arch a selfish asshole

is this seriously the tldr because wow

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>Arch puts almost ten years of time into the community making projects and tools, all for free, often even spending his own money

>Guy wants to copy his hack and make an uninspired spinoff

>Arch says he won't support it but do what you want

>Guy calls arch a selfish asshole

is this seriously the tldr because wow

Pretty much. It's a shame things like this still happen now, isn't it.

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So much Magvel knights hype. I know you're not there yet..... (if we go by MM 3D 6 MORE YEARS XD ) but I really like the background on Knoll. It gives a relatively unknown character some story while also framing other tales in a way much more magical than Elibian nights. :D love it.

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The idea is kind of like a mystery novel with an emphasis on collection. In lieu of a traditional sequel, in which you'd follow a protagonist through saving the world through some apocalypse scenario, Knoll sees the major events unfold around the characters. Is there some sort of protagonistic force that can save the world fighting out there? That's open to interpretation based solely on what you'd see happen. I dunno, I like discovery and collection elements. Could be really engaging with this narrative.

Edited by Arch
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The idea is kind of like a mystery novel with an emphasis on collection. In lieu of a traditional sequel, in which you'd follow a protagonist through saving the world through some apocalypse scenario, Knoll sees the major events unfold around the characters. Is there some sort of protagonistic force that can save the world fighting out there? That's open to interpretation based solely on what you'd see happen. I dunno, I like discovery and collection elements. Could be really engaging with this narrative.

Only one protagonist can save the world and that protagonist is...forever level 1 Amelia

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~It's an Elibian night.~

To be honest, anything that stars Cormag and Knoll has me set, although CormagXTana is the sweetest pairing in the game.

Edited by Ninian
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That Magvel sequel. It seems like a great concept.

the power imbued within the book sends Knoll knoll into a temporary vegetative state,


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Sorry bruh, he ain't talkin' about your idea. It was more of an exercise, really, just to spend a few hours and come up with a framing device and concept. You're free to take inspiration, though. Edited by Arch
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ROFL can you please stop trying to be the center of attention here

This thread would be so much better without your posts, no offense but no one cares

lol I thought he was talking about my magvel nights idea, it was my bad calm down. I didnt see archs earlier post about it. Its not like you're contributing

Sorry bruh, he ain't talkin' about your idea. It was more of an exercise, really, just to spend a few hours and come up with a framing device and concept. You're free to take inspiration, though.

It's really good, I gotta ask though, why does it say "caellach"? Isnt he dead? Also doesnt the apocalyptic event occur during fe8? Thanks, if you need or want help I'm in. I'd love to get a quality fe8 hack out. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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