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Underrated fe4 pairings and the perfect dad


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Y'know, not for srs LTC, but pairings that are pretty good with the resources needed.

Like LexXLachesis, JamkaXAyra, ArdanXAideen, LexXBriggid, LExXAnyonebutAideen, NoishXLachesis.

Also, Lex seems to be the perfect dad, since.


Kids turn into stonewall dodgers with ELite+Ambush.

Also fairly fast.




COmbat!Fee at her finest.

Also Tanky Sety.


IDK about this one, I guess Lana lvls fast?


Patty, Elite, high str/def growths.


COrple makes Sharlow obsolete?


Delmud becomes a great frontliner and just needs the pursuit ring!.

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Sounds adequate for a draft, if there's free Ardan. Aside from that... I guess post-promo Lana can Ambush?

And for underrated pairings, Levin/Fury

Edited by Baldrick
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I've done AzelxFury... it's not stellar. Fee's pretty weak and Sety would much rather have staves than A rank Fire. NoishxLachesis isn't bad, the lack of pursuit hurts though.

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Fin x Tiltyu.

It's basically Lex x Tiltyu, but is harder to set-up and requires the kids to get healed again at the beginning of every turn. In exchange for this though, they can double, which if you're not really caring about LTC, is probably worth it.

Also Lex x anyone is a good pairing just because of Elite. If any skill comes anywhere close to Pursuit, that's the one. Now imagine if he had Pursuit too.

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Fin Tiltyu is like... not even close to Lex Tiltyu

The thing about Lex Tiltyu is that even though Arthur's magic growth is horrible, it doesn't matter because his damage is so high from Wrath and he gets a level lead with Elite which leads to him stomping until the tail end of chapter 10. He can't really say the same when Fin is his dad, even with Prayer pursuit deals less damage than Wrath (not accounting for the pursuit ring) and he doesn't have either Neir blood, a level lead, or huge oneshot damage to protect him, he's just relying on Prayer procs

I mean, it's not horrible, but you can't really compare it to Lex. I still adamantly think Lex is Tiltyu's best suitor outside of Levin

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...What? You do know that Wrath comes from Tiltyu, not Lex, right? Arthur and Tinny ALWAYS have Wrath, no matter who their dad is. Lex gives them Elite and Ambush (which is the important one, as it allows them to OHKO units when they're at low health before they get attacked), and Fin gives Prayer and Pursuit. Prayer fulfills the same function as Ambush in that it allows the kids to stay alive longer, and Pursuit, allows Fin!Arthur/Tinny to attack twice, because even with a Magic Ring they stop OHKOing after a while. They'll be lower-leveled than Lex!Arthur/Tinny, to be sure, but it can be worth it because they ORKO for longer. They'll promote later, but it's casual play anyways, and it's not like the extra levels are getting them many more MAG procs.

Edited by VP Viper
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...What? You do know that Wrath comes from Tiltyu, not Lex, right? Arthur and Tinny ALWAYS have Wrath, no matter who their dad is. Lex gives them Elite and Ambush (which is the important one, as it allows them to OHKO units when they're at low health before they get attacked), and Fin gives Prayer and Pursuit. Prayer fulfills the same function as Ambush in that it allows the kids to stay alive longer, and Pursuit, allows Fin!Arthur/Tinny to attack twice, because even with a Magic Ring they stop OHKOing after a while. They'll be lower-leveled than Lex!Arthur/Tinny, to be sure, but it can be worth it because they ORKO for longer. They'll promote later, but it's casual play anyways, and it's not like the extra levels are getting them many more MAG procs.

Yea, my bad, I was pretty exhausted while I wrote it and kind of threw out some random wrong stuff

The major difference is that with Lex, Arthur can solo the Melgan army in chapter 7 with only Charisma and get double EXP out of it, which gets him his promotion in chapter 8. Fin might be able to do the same, but you need to manipulate it such that he's at very low HP (rather than just below half), he'll struggle with Ishtor and Blume, and he'll get significantly less EXP and probably won't promote at the start of chapter 8, which is when you really want him up and running because he massacres dragon knights easily. This assumes he gets the Pursuit ring in C7, but there's likely not going to be anyone else that really wants it then (unless you have like, a Lester without pursuit or something, but I think it's not unreasonable to let Arthur have it)

I guess there might be some reliable way to manipulate it so that Arthur's HP remains at a critical value of < 5 every round when Fin is his father, but I haven't tried it

Edited by Silvercrow
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The main attraction of Fin over Lex is Pursuit. If Lex!Arthur is getting the Pursuit Ring, then I might as well argue that Fin!Arthur is getting the Elite Ring.

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The main attraction of Fin over Lex is Pursuit. If Lex!Arthur is getting the Pursuit Ring, then I might as well argue that Fin!Arthur is getting the Elite Ring.

You could give it to him, but I think he has more competition. Before chapter 8, the people who want Pursuit are just whoever you don't give pursuit to in pairings, which is either Lester or Delmud. Neither of them are nearly as strong as Arthur is with Pursuit, and they at least have access to Brave weapons (unless you did a really weird Lester pairing)

I think it's a lot more to ask for Celice to give up the Elite ring

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In that respect, doesn't Leaf want the pursuit ring then?

Yea, but you can take it off Arthur and give it to him in chapter 8. A promoted Arthur no longer needs it

There's no real way to get it to him otherwise in chapter 7 unless you have Ethlin pass it down, but you probably don't want to give it up for 2 chapters in Gen1 just for that

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If this isn't serious LTC, Celice isn't guaranteed the Elite Ring. And even if he does have it, Celice can be done with the Elite Ring by C7 if he's allowed to take the lion's share of kills in C6.

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Is ClaudeXLAchesis any good, since we can just hand Delmud a pursuit ring.

Uh... it could work out. It's basically Nanna trading combat for utility since she can't double but can use B staves and then you get a pretty similar Delmud to Azel!Delmud from a stats POV. But competition for the Pursuit Ring can be really high so it would depend on your other pairings, I guess.

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Fortunately, we don't have to consider Lex/Noish!Delmud as competition when looking at Claude!Delmud's chances of getting it. Lex!Arthur might want the Pursuit Ring, btw.

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