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Your favorite and least favorite levels and in Fire Emblem.

Gold Vanguard

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My favorite has to be levels with snow in them. I don't know but there's something about snow I love.

But I hate fricken fog of war!!! I always keep my units bunch together. I just sit there and wait for those damn Swordmasters with Killing Blades and Wo Dao's.

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sometimes integrity contributes to these list threads


FE4 Final because there's something about the way that Gen 2 teams come together that just pleases me way down deep.

FE8 19 (Rausten Court) because fuck yes.

FE10 4-E-3 because reaming the collective nation of Goldoa is very pleasing.


FE4 2 because the entire thing is stupid for every reason except Fury.


FE10 3-8. I really don't know why, but I fucking hate Incandescent Glow.

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FE10 1-9, One Survives has to be FE's worst map idea ever. Horrible, horrible chapter.

FE4's chapter 2 is also terrible because of length and DICK WITH THE SHIELD RING.

I also don't like FE11's chapter 19 because the enemies are laughably easy here in comparison to what comes the next chapter, and the layout is what.

FE5's Chapter 4 is fun, because I find it makes an escape chatper really... real.

FE4 has Chapter 8, which I really like for some reason. Great music, decent difficulty, and Sety!!

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My favorites are any I get a character I like and my least favorites are the ones when I still don't have the characters I like.

Other than that meh. Don't care.

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FE10 1-9, One Survives has to be FE's worst map idea ever. Horrible, horrible chapter.

you mean because you still haven't thought of unequiping the black knight and letting the enemy waste thier weapons on him, or by doing that ruins how the chapter is suppose to play out?

cause i can understand both points.

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FE10 1-9, One Survives has to be FE's worst map idea ever. Horrible, horrible chapter.

Personally, I don't see it as such.

That being said...

FE6 chapter 14 just has to be the worst map idea in all FE. Ugh.

FE10 4-4 also is no fun.

FE6 8x... Curse Henning. A boss like that has no business appearing that early in the game, and FE6's throne being hax does not help at all.

I also don't like the Sacae maps in FE6 at all. Irritating, the lot of them are. Especially chapter 20.

I like 3-E. Makes for a great climax to part 3.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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FE6 7 is a lot worse than 14 for me. And 8x boss is terrible on Hard Mode.

14 is pretty cakewalk when I have both promoted Rutger and Dieck and I've played it enough times that the fog doesn't matter anymore :p

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Most hated:

FE4: C10, Alvis is a bitch

FE6: FoW desert...

FE7: 19x, because I'm a completionist and the fact that Kishuna is so very hard to kill is extremely annoying.

FE8: 18, because I just really dislike the map design here

FE9: Final, for the same reason as C18 FE8- also the game gives you bad advice for tackling this chapter because you're expected to have Aether on Ike and that makes killing Ashnard horribly annoying.

FE10: 2-E, because you get a bunch of shitty units and two competent fighters, who have an increasingly higher chance of dying the more time you take. It kinda pigeonholes you into a certain style of completing it- rushing with Elincia/Haar, which is annoying.

Most liked:

FE4: C8 because you get SETY and SETY is cool.

FE6: C24 (the one with Jahn?) because I like the design.

FE7: CoD because it's challenging and has a really strategic method of completion that's fun. Also BBD is fun.

FE8: C19 is fun.

FE9: None really stand out to me, eh. Maybe the chapter where you have to rescue Geoffrey?

FE10: 2-P is fun because of all the clouds.

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Another vote for FE6 14 as worst

Hey! Let's combine some of the most annoying chapter types in Fire Emblem

I don't get the hate for 8x. That's the point bosses STOPPED being pure hax for me.

Bold: My sentiments exactly.

As for 8x, the chapter itself is pretty easy, but I repeat, a boss like Henning has no business popping up that early in the game. He's fast enough to double near everyone you have, and compounded with FE6 weapons having sucky accuracy and FE6 thrones having an ungodly evade boost...

FE6 7 is a lot worse than 14 for me. And 8x boss is terrible on Hard Mode.

14 is pretty cakewalk when I have both promoted Rutger and Dieck and I've played it enough times that the fog doesn't matter anymore :p

Woulda mentioned that one, but I felt 14 was more deserving of mention.

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I feel that although 14 might be worse for most first timers, I find 7 is worse when you've played FE6 enough time. By the time you are at 14, you have 3 fliers. Even if you didn't train Thany and Tate, Miledy comes the chapter right before with awesometastic bases so she can handle herself and it's easy enough to keep the pegs out of battle given you didn't train them if you're just using them to drop promoted units over cliffs (in my case, Rutger and Dieck as I tend to have both promoted by 12 at the latest). With most FoW maps, once you played it enough times, the fog ceases to be a major issue since the player might have memorised the rough locations of enemies by that point.

With 7, it's enemy stats, and hit rates, and your units just not doing enough damage. So it's annoying every single time no matter how many times I've played this game. So for me, who's played FE6 a lot, personally 7 takes the cake over 14. I'd even put 20 Ilia over 14, hate those damn status staves.

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I feel that although 14 might be worse for most first timers, I find 7 is worse when you've played FE6 enough time. By the time you are at 14, you have 3 fliers. Even if you didn't train Thany and Tate, Miledy comes the chapter right before with awesometastic bases so she can handle herself and it's easy enough to keep the pegs out of battle given you didn't train them if you're just using them to drop promoted units over cliffs (in my case, Rutger and Dieck as I tend to have both promoted by 12 at the latest). With most FoW maps, once you played it enough times, the fog ceases to be a major issue since the player might have memorised the rough locations of enemies by that point.

With 7, it's enemy stats, and hit rates, and your units just not doing enough damage. So it's annoying every single time no matter how many times I've played this game. So for me, who's played FE6 a lot, personally 7 takes the cake over 14. I'd even put 20 Ilia over 14, hate those damn status staves.

I felt 14 was more worthy of mention because that chapter has a lot of the most annoying crap a chapter could possibly have. Though 7 is also pretty bad.

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FE7: Four-Fanged Offense (Linus), Cog of Destiny, Victory or Death, Crazed Beast

FE8: Duhhh...dont have many faves here. I like the chapter where you get Syrene though.

FE9: The Atonement, Clash!

FE10: Elincia's Gambit, River Crossing, Retreat, Blood Contract, Revelations (Yes. I loved 4-4)

Not-so Faves:

FE7: Any of Lyn's mode chapters, Battle Before Dawn, Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth), Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd. Dueahgh), False Friends

FE8: Empire's Reach (eyagh), Flourspar's Oath, Last Hope, Father and Son

FE9: Entrusted, The Great Bridge

FE10: Most of Part 1, Incandescent Glow, Winds of Rebellion

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FE9: Chapters 2, 3, 10, 16, 17 (all 4 parts), 18, 20

FE10: 1-7, 1-9, 2-3, 2-E, 3-5, 3-10, 3-13, 3-E, 4-1, 4-2, 4-4, 4E1, 4E3

Not-so Faves

FE9: Chapters 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 15, 23, 25, 27, Endgame

FE10: 1-8, 1-E, 2-1, 3-2, 3-6, 3-9, 3-11, 3-12, 4-P

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FE4 Final. the music, fighting the entire grandbell army, pretty awesome

FE5 Endgame again. love fighting the dark warlords and Veld's battle theme is just awesome

FE6 Chapter 7. I am probably the only one who likes this tongue.gif

FE10 3-13. I love defend maps

FE12 Chapter 21.

Most hated

FE4 Chapter 2. So boring

FE5 chapter 18 because recruiting Xavier is the worst thing ever.

FE10 4-3. hate desert maps. I also remember stefan getting crit by Numida who had a 2% chance Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

FE12 Chapter 19 on Lunatic. fuck this chapter.

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FE4: Final - The feeling of victory retaking Grandbell going through that chapter gets me every time. The music is amazing, as well.

FE6: Chapter 21 - I love the music in this chapter, and I for one enjoy the difficulty of this chapter.

FE7: Chapter 22 (Hector Normal/Hard Mode) - I dunno what I love about this chapter, but I always felt psyched playing through it. It's honestly nothing special, but I still enjoy it a ton.

FE8: Chapter 13 (Ephraim's Route) - Selena was a good antagonist (though she knew right from wrong, she was still very loyal to Grado and Vigarde), and I like how large the map of this chapter is.

FE9: Chapter 18 - This chapter is always the most memorable to me, because Ike promoting just made him a terror on the field. And the dialogue of the game struck me a lot more than it did earlier.

Least favorites:

FE4: Chapter 7 - I hate the sand and I hate the dark mages. Not to mention this chapter gets tedious fast for me.

FE6: Chapter 16 - I find this chapter rather boring. Plus, Douglass is kinda annoying.

FE7: Jerme's map - Boring and annoying to finish quickly in drafts.

FE8: Chapter 9 (Eirika's route) - Same as Jerme's map for me.

FE9: Chapter 12 - I never liked those ravens.

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FE10: 1-E, 2-3, 2-E, 3-6, 3-9, 3-10, 3-12, 3-13, 3-E, 4-P, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5.

Least Favorites:

FE10: 1-8, 2-2, 3-P (I hate those damn beasts), 3-1 (fuck trying to avoid undrafted units engage battle with FoW), 3-3 (God, running through all the map), 3-4 (ClimbFacepalm_emote_gif.gif), 3-8 (Damn lava tiles), 4-1 (I hate FOG OF WAR)!

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Man I just remembered a chapter I hate more than FE6 Chapter 7

FE12 Lunatic Chapter 19.

Mainly because of turn 6 12 dracoknights ambushspawn on your ass and that was not fun.

yeah. Recruiting the wolfguard made it even more annoying :/

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