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Welcome to the Greil Mercenaries. What would you like to order today?

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Come on down to the Greil Mercenaries, the best restaurant around the world. Busy is so good we have people bolting all around from the multiverse.


BK Burger: $3.99 (Medium size:$4.99,Ashnard Large:$5.99)

Astra Shake:$3.99 (Comes in 5 different flavors.)

Luna fries:$2.99( Medium size:$3.99, Ashnard Large: $4.99)

Grilled Tigersteak :$6.99 (Not mad out of real Tiger Laguz)

Elthunder Chicken:$5.99

Fimbulvetr Ice:$.99

Energy Rings:$3.99

Godesss Soda:$4.99(Free Refills on the seventh day of the month,lucky lucky)

Angelic Sauce:$1.99


Chilly Hector Hotdog:$6.99

Uhmmmmm.....DAFUQ IS THIS SHIT?:$12.99

Hawkeye desert cake:$9.99

Grilled Boot:$6.99

Fried Pegasus:$6.99

Elfire Taco:$6.99

Masked Marshmallows:$.99

Heron Ice Cream:$2.99(Flavors: Crimea vanilla,Daein chocolate,Begnion strawberry, Laguz Mint)

"NEW" Fried Wyverns:$7.99


For those that can eat 10 BK burgers(Ashnard Large)will win a T shirt that says"I fight for my friends!!" With the Ike seal of approval.


Edited by Gold Knight
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................Of course not. It was made by the gentle hands of the herons, made ice cold by there lovely songs.

So... Laguz slavery? o.ô

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I request a Dheginsea large =[

I'm sorry sir but we don't have a Dheginsea large.......................yet(After the events of RD) That will be $7.99 please.

Edited by Gold Knight
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I'm sorry sir but we don't have a Dheginsea large.......................yet(After the events of RD) That will be $7.99 please.


That's why I requested it xb

Oh wait I forgot my moneyz =[

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