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The second batch of DLC

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I may have worded it slightly wrong, I'll fix it later, but AFAIK it's unclear which future this is. They just call it "another future". It could be the future seen in the main story or a different altogether. I believe Mark's future is called another future as well, so it could even be that future.

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Freaking timeline splits.

I hate them so much.

It just wrecks at your heart (at least mine) to think about the fact that you see the kids that had their parents ripped away from them while you have your own versions of those children in your team.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Another episode, I suppose.

I get the feeling that you rescue 4 children in each episode...

The movie and the episode desciption call the future another future where Naga failed to help them.

The wording also differs a bit. The DLC video/description call it "zetsubo no mirai" (hopeless future), which is differently worded than the "horobi no mirai" (future of destruciton?) Lucina described in the end of Chapter 13.

I take is that IS meant to make the DLCs feature the future the children are from, even though that would create even more questions. Some children don't even know about their parents, so going to rescue them would make the whole thing on not knowing their parents invalid.

Avoiding the whole time travel thing makes writing the story a much easier task - something IS probably realised by now, I guess.

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I get the feeling that you rescue 4 children in each episode...

Yeah, it looks that way. Looks like we'll be rescuing Chambray and three other guys in FoD2, then Lucina and the three other remaining characters in FoD3.

With this in mind, it seems like another 4-star map set like LvD, with the third map being 5-star, which is really odd at this point. I really hope there are more maps beyond these three, to have maps that put up more of a fight and involve doing more than just rescuing the kids.

But I think that's a safe bet. After all, we're still waiting on two Resort maps, and that would leave only three maps to pair them with, two being series finales where they wouldn't likely show up. And if UT4 was the hardest DLC, they'd have to save it for last, which seems highly unlikely. So I don't think we have to worry about this.

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I think they announced FoD was 5 maps (but I'm too lazy to check the trailer to confirm).

Nope. They explicitly mention numbers for OWR and UT, but nothing for FoD. I was guessing 5 or 8 maps, and now I'm really leaning towards 8, or something close. I do still think FoD will have the one 6-star set concluding in the only 7-star map, but as they appear to be taking a diversion, that leaves that set for later.

If they're going for exactly 8 to make the numbers even with Series 1, they could very well do it like UT and make a pair of four-map sets rather than the classic three-map sets. Of course, it might just be more staggered. The current trio could be all 4-star, two 4-star and one 5-star, or one 4-star, one 5-star, and one 6-star.

Whatever turns out to be the case, I'm mainly curious about who or what we'll get as a reward for saving the NPC children in the current set. With it making such a big deal about rescuing them, we surely stand to gain something. What seems odd, though, is recalling this on the context of UT A. Rescue was blocked there even though it wouldn't help much with saving the NPCs, and it looks like it would do even more here.

But things might also not be quite the same in the other maps. Looking at the trailer, it shows conversations with Cynthia and Wood. Cynthia's map definitely looks like this one, but Wood's is outdoors, making conditions likely different. Wood will probably show up in the second map in the series, along with Azure, as Lucina and Selena are being left for the third, and all four of them have similar fighting styles.

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I've been thinking about the future timeline, and the children characters, and a thought occurred to me. What if there are more children than just the ones that traveled back in time? For instance, what if, at least in the new future timeline, Sairi had a child, or Tiki? It's possible that we could end up running into new second generation characters, and maybe even recruit them.

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Whatever turns out to be the case, I'm mainly curious about who or what we'll get as a reward for saving the NPC children in the current set. With it making such a big deal about rescuing them, we surely stand to gain something. What seems odd, though, is recalling this on the context of UT A. Rescue was blocked there even though it wouldn't help much with saving the NPCs, and it looks like it would do even more here.

Maybe just more guest characters + something extra occasionally? The set up seems similar to Ultimate Training, and if they included guests there even though they don't participate in the story at all, it seems like they could easily include guests here too.

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No, Nintendo wants your money.

Maybe if you're lucky, they'll do it for the English release. It would probably be more viable, since the content has already been made, instead of right now where IS is clearly making the DLC as they go along.

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Well this is... weird.

The map's boss appears to be male Mark - at least, if you have male MU. Not sure whether it'd be male or female Mark with female MU. He's a Sorcerer with Goetia and Counter, and has his own battle theme. He has no battle conversation with female Mark, unfortunately.

No apparent reward for this, even when saving all four children. This is really odd... In any case, after saving them and routing the map, there was a series of conversations: the four girls, then Krom and Naga, then Lucina and Tiki. The last ends with Tiki being attacked by someone that looks like cloaked Gimle/MU.

It looks like they're going for an overarching story here, so the numbers are to be like ST and require purchasing the previous maps first. This better mean they'll have rewards eventually...

I didn't actually go for any of the parent conversations. There was some notification when beginning the map, sounding like it's trying to get you to do something for a character like the UT maps, but I can't tell what. Hmm...

Also, no new SpotPass.

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Wasn't Paris supposed to be the last SpotPass character?

As in the previous Fire Emblem spotpass characters that have blue auras around them and CANNOT support. Not "actual FE13 characters that are unlocked via spotpass chapters".

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Have you by any chance noted the children's stats? Looks like the same rules of inheritance work here. The map's probably a lot easier if the children actually existed in that file (or at least their parents already determined). I haven't settled on Noire, Degel and Nn's parents yet, so their stats are extremely low, leading to them dying very early on (yay Turn 1 deaths). Haven't really paid too much attention, but the doors open on Turn 8. Reinforcements start on beginning of Turn 2, end on Turn 7. Everything starts moving on Turn 8's EP. Well, that's what I've observed so far...

2: 2 Sages

3: 4 Sages, Sorcerer, Trickster

4: 2 Sages

5: Sorcerer, Trickster

6: 2 Sages, Sorcerer, Trickster

7: 2 Warriors, Swordmaster, Trickster

Boss looks like male Mark even with a female MU. Also can't tell what the notice was.

Ever weirder, Mark seems to welcome his death...

Edited by Remnant Sage
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Well, the official site updated and it looks like there's no character after all. On the bright side, they did announce Future of Despair 2, which will be available next week for 250 yen. Also, I can't read Japanese, but it looks like there's a note on the top saying that to buy this episode, you also have to purchase episode 1.


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Have you by any chance noted the children's stats? Looks like the same rules of inheritance work here. The map's probably a lot easier if the children actually existed in that file (or at least their parents already determined). I haven't settled on Noire, Degel and Nn's parents yet, so their stats are extremely low, leading to them dying very early on (yay Turn 1 deaths). Haven't really paid too much attention, but the doors open on Turn 8. Reinforcements start on beginning of Turn 2, end on Turn 7. Everything starts moving on Turn 8's EP. Well, that's what I've observed so far...

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. Although I only actually played my NM file where the children were all doing just fine; Degel in particular wasn't even damaged by the Mercenaries.

And hmm, well, good to see they're not delaying longer than they need to.

I'm surprised they still aren't giving us more OWR maps yet, though. Looks like we can assume they'll be paired with even later FoDs.

Edited by Othin
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