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The second batch of DLC

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May I inquire as to what you mean by this? If it's regarding Masked Marth, then......

Just my idea of a pun based on the time lords from Doctor Who and Marth's Star Lord title (And lack of an actual promotion). It was merely an expression from my dislike of the whole time travel concept. It doesn't mean anything concrete.

Edited by BrightBow
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Thank you for your elaborate response.

Well then...

First of all, you're going on the reoccurring prejudice that because something is cliche, it's bad. This isn't true. Things that are cliche are just as developed as any other base for a character of the same level of detail. They cliches, in my opinion, is to take them and change their details, making them something that (in execution, not design) is original. This is what this game does. Maybe not to the same extent as other games, but it is acceptable due to the thirt-something characters this game works with.

Also, yes, these characters are defined by their quirks. All characters start that way. What makes them detailed is how they are executed. How they act when put in scenarios. Almost every character in this game has a slew of support conversations adding backstory, character development, and other such spices that make for a 3-dimensional character.

Well, when I said cheesy, I specifically meant cliches I don't like at all. Like a Woman getting hysteric over her or other Womens breasts for example.

It was not exactly the best way to phrase it, admittedly. I mean, I like cheesy at times. Like, I really loved the scene in Kingdom Hearts 3D where Sora makes another one of his friendship speeches.

And I meant quirks which are so overblown, there is nothing else to the characters.

Like Ilyana for example. You know when she is involved, it will in some way be about her enormous appetite.

But admittedly, that doesn't matter. Because I was definitely prejudiced about the characterization. I really got carried away with my pessimism there and leaned myself way to far out of the window with my statement.

Yeah, a lot of people have mentioned story holes in this game, but think about it. This isn't a movie, or a book. It doesn't rely on story as much as they do. Some plot holes in it don't matter that much, and what matters in the long run is if the story is exciting and comprehensible. Also, just because you aren't a fan of time travel plots doesn't mean no one else does.

But it does matter that much to me. :(:

Like, really. I have Path of Radiance listed as my favorite Fire Emblem game even though I think the game mechanics are merely halfhearted rehashes of the SNES games.

But the story has themes made enough sense to withstand my countless over-thinking attempts.

So, Fire Emblem is mostly about story and atmosphere for me. If the story is a waste, that's quite an impairment towards my enjoyment.

First of all, that time lord joke was pretty funny. Props to that.

Secondly, you don't seem to understand something. DLC isn't part of the story. Yes, it has A story, but so does fan fiction. That doesn't mean it's Canon. If you think it's a disservice, deny it's existence. it's not like it's a required part of the game. This is like complaining about how a glitch in the game, when abused, can let you skip a portion of it. You can just ignore it if you want to.

The difference is, that a glitch was never intended to be there in the first place. Their existence is an unfortunate accident.

And ignoring isn't so easy. You can't really ignore something that is unpleasant. Like a noisy roommate or an ugly stench. You can merely act like it doesn't affect you.

Instead of demanding the audience to filter the stuff from their perception, that somehow doesn't actually happen even though it's clearly visible on the screen, then why not avoid having any garbage in the first place and make it a pleasant ride?

Though, seeing everyone in swimsuit is a purpose for a lot of people I imagine. For me, it's a distraction of the things which are actually important and makes it ore difficult to take the whole thing seriously.

Just like a noisy classmate, who will keep annoying me while I try to work.

Too bad the thing you're complaining about isn't even part of the overall experience.

The way I see it, if it is part of the game, it's a part of the overall experience.

That they make more money, creating supply and demand, encouraging them to make more copies of the series. It's called capitalism.

The point was, that if they don't produce games I want, then I don't get anything out of it and therefore I have no reason to be "grateful".

And sorry in advance, but if you write a post now I will not be able to respond, since I will have to go to sleep for now. I'm already pretty dizzy. And I do have a tight working schedule tomorrow, so I don't know when I will even be able to write anything.

Edited by BrightBow
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The way I see it, if it is part of the game, it's a part of the overall experience.

It's not part of the game. You choose to make it part of the game. If you never spend money on the DLC then it never happens in the game. I do not see the point you're trying to make.

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shut up shut up shut up

if you're so disgusted with the game don't read stuff about the game don't talk about the game aaaaaaaaaaa

You do have a point but it's still kinda funny coming from you. Didn't you share Banzai's rather negative and somewhat nitpicking stance on FE7 in the Quintessenz thread?

It's not part of the game. You choose to make it part of the game. If you never spend money on the DLC then it never happens in the game. I do not see the point you're trying to make.

I guess you could say that. So that means, my posts have no ties to the topic anymore. I'm sorry.

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...Are you okay? You've been acting... different. :C

I act a lot of ways!

You do have a point but it's still kinda funny coming from you. Didn't you share Banzai's rather negative and somewhat nitpicking stance on FE7 in the Quintessenz thread?

Picking apart stories is fun! I'm a much more positive and rational person than I was a year ago, anyway. Seems to me internet posts have a statute of limitations of like six months, tops.

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The point was, that if they don't produce games I want, then I don't get anything out of it and therefore I have no reason to be "grateful".

This upsets me. I HATE the console games. Absolutely hate them. I just prefer the handheld experience. However, I understand that other people do like them, and it's where the series started. So even though it's not the game that I wanted, I still bought it and played it. Because I wanted the series to grow and I wanted to get more installments of the series. And finally I'm getting that handheld FE I've wanted for so long! I'm not looking forward to wantonly staring at the next shiny WiiU FE. ;_;

Not too long ago, a lot of people were concerned if they'd have to go Operation Firefall to get this game localized. If IS has to release some animetrope fanservice to appeal to a wider audience, or to at least generate more talk of the series, I'm okay with that.

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...Are you okay? You've been acting... different. :C

I think I'm with L95 on this one... You do seem quite different than when even I started posting here, Othin. :<

On topic: I'll echo what others have said. I'm not crazy about the beach DLC just because of the fanservice, but I'll buy it and probably enjoy it nonetheless. It's like Twiiliere said, been waiting forever for another installment, and I'll take what I can get given that I love the series.

Edited by Xjezhekír
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I wouldn't be extremely pissed or anything if I didn't see the future, per se, but don't you think it would have added a lot more if I did? Several chapters weren't particularly plot-important (yet were still in the game) to increase game time. I would have rather had these chapters in instead as they're much more relevant. I realize these were made post-release, but I would have liked it if they had time to develop these before releasing the game. It would make me empathize with the children characters a lot more (not to mention the lack of supports and cutscenes children get versus their parents). I also realize sometimes things can't be helped and deadlines are strict, but it's just wishful thinking on my part. I don't feel particularly pleased to pay for important content. For me, background stories matter a lot; they feel integral to the plot in my eyes. I don't think this should have been a post-release thing given the heavy amount of dialogue they included in these maps.

It's not even "the real future" though. It's a similar future, but it's not the actual background of the children characters. In the original future, they escaped to the past and met their parents. In the world shown by the DLC, they're being captured and almost killed and will all die if you don't go there, save them and kill Gimle in the future itself.

It's not an actual prologue to the main story. Those kids afterwards won't go to the past, and Gimle won't follow them, because the future is saved already. This DLC isn't really part of the main story even if it gives light to some of its elements.

Edited by NeonZ
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shut up shut up shut up

if you're so disgusted with the game don't read stuff about the game don't talk about the game aaaaaaaaaaa

I'd advise ignoring him Othin. Everyone knows BrightBow has terrible opinions.

I find it amusing btw that its a few optional fanservice maps that make the guy proclaim "RUINED FOREVER". I will admit I do think the time travel plot is probably bad, and the game is too animu for its own good, but I'm not going to write the game off just because of the existence of women with swimsuits in it.

On another side note, wtf at playing FE for the plot. FE has always been a series that put gameplay over story; most video game plots are also shit and FE is no exception.

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I'd advise ignoring him Othin. Everyone knows BrightBow has terrible opinions.

I find it amusing btw that its a few optional fanservice maps that make the guy proclaim "RUINED FOREVER". I will admit I do think the time travel plot is probably bad, and the game is too animu for its own good, but I'm not going to write the game off just because of the existence of women with swimsuits in it.

On another side note, wtf at playing FE for the plot. FE has always been a series that put gameplay over story; most video game plots are also shit and FE is no exception.

Sometimes Time Travel plots can be good, if they're executed well. The Jurys still out for me, I'll complain when the english version comes out.

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I like that some of the children characters are getting yukata scenes this time around. But uh...the one pic that was posted on the site?


That is either a woman, or a trap, for I cannot tell who that is. I want to assume it's Wood from the hand pose, but the way the hands are positioned and the odd smile on the face...I CAN'T TELL! >_<

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I like that some of the children characters are getting yukata scenes this time around. But uh...the one pic that was posted on the site?


That is either a woman, or a trap, for I cannot tell who that is. I want to assume it's Wood from the hand pose, but the way the hands are positioned and the odd smile on the face...I CAN'T TELL! >_<

OMG it must be Wood! -squeal flail excitment-

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^I think it's just Wood striking a pose.

Great! It's a good thing that the yukatas are available in a class more characters have access to. I wonder if the swordmaster class being always available for the 2 male winners (including the top of them) had an effect like the sorcerer class for the 2 female winners last time. Nah, it's probably a case of convenience (use of the model) + coincidence. I didn't expect yukatas though; I thought they'd go with towel-robes but these are better suited for the kids.

I wonder what's next. An extra series 2 map and then series 3 just in time for the holiday season? They've already squeezed over $100 from players buying the game and most (or all) DLC; I'm sure they want more out of everyone's pockets.

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^Hmm, snow-themed DLC might be a good idea, you know, for the holiday season. :P

Christmas in Japan is for couples. It's a lovey-dovey holiday, not really like how you would expect in North America and other countries.

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The hot spring and beach DLC sound pretty dumb, but eh, it's not the end of the world. If they went in an ~anime~ direction though, I just wish they had gotten dumber with it. I want to see a FE Sentai team. I want to see Krom as a space pirate. I want to see Nonozilla destroying a city. Stuff that you can laugh off instead of generic fanservice.

On another side note, wtf at playing FE for the plot. FE has always been a series that put gameplay over story; most video game plots are also shit and FE is no exception.

What are you talking about, FE has always been fantastically wrihahahaha

Some people would unironically say this though.

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Christmas in Japan is for couples. It's a lovey-dovey holiday, not really like how you would expect in North America and other countries.

Well shit.

Still, though....It could just be a "winter themed" DLC set, possibly with a lovey-dovey Christmas chapter. ...Or no winter set but a Christmas chapter in a set. Curious what they'd do for it, if they did.

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I call Wood, given the posture. Lucina and Selena probably wouldn't strike a pose like this, so this should be Wood. Even though it looks feminine.

"Hand in the general vicinity of face".

Yep, Wood is my guess as well. XDDDDDD

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