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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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I am assuming that BBM is claiming vanilla or some durdle role like BPV, which really means nothing to me because it's an easy mafia claim but he could just as easily be telling the truth.

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If I'm going to get lynched this phase, I'd ask people to look at my final list of reads after I die. Also look at the people who've said very little about me up to this point, because I feel like the majority of people on my wagon right now are town and that the scum are letting town in-fight.

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Huh, day 1 and most of day 2 had me sure BBM is scum. But the recent tone in his posts is making me doubt myself(seriously what is my problem with waffling near phase end?).

His "claim" could just as easily be a cop out as the truth, but I don't see the benefit in the cop out as scum.

Also when does scum ever tell the town to look at the people who do/don't vote them like that? Seems pointless since when you flip scum that opinion pretty much becomes void.

Up until these recent posts I was practically sure.

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Okay so we're probably not lynching Kopfjager since he just replaced in. I'll wait on his content following his finished read.


##Vote: Rapier (L-3)

Prefer this to BBM unless somebody can sell me on Manix pressing a terribad, overdefensive point on BBM not being in the same vein as him pressing a terribad, overdensive point on me. Still think BBM would be more dedicated to bussing as well.

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Bluh, sorry I've been super busy today, and haven't really been paying attention to this mafia, sorry guys.

Uh... yeah, I'm still on Marth. Meh. I don't really know. I still feel like something's not quite right, but it's pretty clear he's not going to get lynched today.

I don't really feel the Rapier lynch, I feel like he just got confused wrt gut vs logic and then unvoted and then revoted. I think town here.

Similar thing with Bananas. I feel like he's just been playing like his normal townie self. He's been inactive, but he's in a weird time zone I think and meh. I get a townish read here.

I don't like BBM's play today, I feel like things that haven't been defending himself have been frantic attempts to get the attention off himself less than actually trying to scum hunt. So for now,


##Vote: BBM

Besides BBM, I'm not liking Core's inactivity and play style beyond that. So unless Kopfjager convinces me differently, he's my other strong scum read right now.

I don't really like this post because it feels like you're just handwaving all the suspicion on Rapier and SB, which really feels wrong IMO. I find it hard to believe that I'd get second thoughts simply because of a self-vote, being confused like that doesn't really work. And only to hammer later? Ok, you don't have to see the case on Rapier but...

Your new read on SB troubles me. See, during D2 the people who popped up in your scumdar(as far as I can remember) were: SB, Weapons, and Manix. Then you arrived at a point where you couldn't choose between Manix and SB. Quite obviously, the fact that you were considering lynching SB shows that you thought he was pretty scummy. Now, tell me, over a span of 2/3rd of a phase, what has SB exactly done that makes him townie? He has still done the same thing he did the past few day phases- not contribute much and ask pointless questions. Pretty much why people got suspicious of him. Just because he has the timezone problem doesn't mean he can't be scum, nor should you suddenly get a town read because of that. So do elaborate, what exactly has he done to look townish in your eyes?

Also I prefer a Rapier lynch to the BBM lynch. As others have said, and I agree with that, Rapier's vote from last phase doesn't make any sense. And considering Paper saw him online hours ago its questionable why he hasn't showed up yet.

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Well, I think we've only got something like 8 hours left to go, so we should decide on a lynch target, and fast. I still think Core looked scummy, but seeing as he's just subbed out and only Prims wanted to lynch him anyways, that lynch is probably not happening today. Rapier's end of D2 actions aren't great, but I feel hesitant to lynch somebody who hasn't posted all day and has had no chance at defending himself at all (not even on D1 because I don't think anybody said anything against him then). He could easily have a power role that we could be mislynching.

I would really like it if Rapier got forcesubbed for inactivity and we got a 24 hour extension for his sub to catch up on the game. Mods?

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SB actually asked so he's first priority. Waiting to ask Kaoz.


BBM (5): Ducky, Weapons, Iris, KopfJager, scorri (L-2)

Rapier (4): Prims, Bluedoom, Paperblade, Shinori, Prims (L-3)

Kopfjager (1): Prims, BBM

Bluedoom (1): BBM, Scorri, SB

Serious Bananas (0): Shinori, Weapons, Bluedoom

Shinori (0): Paperblade

About 8.5 hours until phase end. Might extend.

Edited by Strider
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Questionable- if Rapier isn't here to defend himself, I'd rather prefer I get lynched over someone who could quite easily have a much more helpful role for the town than mine. And I honestly don't think Rapier has been scummy enough to get lynched without even hearing an explanation or claim or anything.

Plus if Rapier really was online earlier, I'd think he would have seen messages from his scumbuddies telling him to at least make a cursory appearance so that he doesn't get lynched over what's basically inactivity.

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Hmm. :/ BBM's recent posts look and sound much better than before, and I'm questioning my read on him. Like I said earlier, I would be okay with a Rapier lynch, but feel uncomfortable with lynching someone who won't claim beforehand (however, this has happened to Rapier multiple times, and he's turned up both as scum or town).

Plus if Rapier really was online earlier, I'd think he would have seen messages from his scumbuddies telling him to at least make a cursory appearance so that he doesn't get lynched over what's basically inactivity.

I don't like assuming, but at the same time, if Rapier is scum, his scumbuddies could have told him to lay low, etc., like I've seen in other mafias -- Helios in EO, perhaps?

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That's possible, but I think there's a difference between laying low like Helios in EO or SB in SSBU, and not making a single post the whole phase.

Anyways, since nobody really wants to lynch Core/Wen, and I don't want to lynch Rapier, I'm going to reread the thread to look for someone I wouldn't mind lynching over myself.

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Questionable- if Rapier isn't here to defend himself, I'd rather prefer I get lynched over someone who could quite easily have a much more helpful role for the town than mine.

This reads like you know he's going to flip town. Lynching somebody who might be scum > lynching town pretty much always.

How are we even sure Rapier won't pop up to claim?

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Well, I said that he could quite easily have a better role than mine because going by simple numbers, it's more likely he's town than scum, and if he's town, it's again more likely that he has a better role than me than that he doesn't. So... yeah. I'd prefer the 100% chance that you lynch a shitty town role like me than the 50% chance or whatever that it could be a power role. And before you bring up Manix's PR claim, Manix had had a whole phase of scummy posts that made his claim less likely, while Rapier has had maybe one or two posts that weren't even that scummy from several days ago. So IMO, lynching Rapier is taking a gamble.

If Rapier pops up to claim in the next few hours, then depending on what he says, I'd be much less averse to his lynch, but eh.

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Okay, I reread Scorri's posts, and something about them doesn't sit right with me. First off, a lot of her early posts have a sort of snippy passive-aggressive tone to them where she's defending herself about her early play in trying to start discussion. Then she tunneled for a while on Weapons, and then dropped that sort of suddenly, considering the amount of time she'd spent badgering him about explaining is reads and stuff. The post that caused her to drop it consisted of only like two lines that were relevant to the game. It felt kind of odd. Then she jumped on Manix for the rest of the phase. D3, the posts she's made haven't been very dedicated to scumhunting either- one post against Manix and one post against me.

If we don't get an extension, lynching her would be a late wagon, which I normally dislike, but I'd quite honestly prefer it to taking a gamble on Rapier if he doesn't show up in the next 6-7 hours.

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I simply don't think the case against Rapier is a very good one, and I have no qualms with taking the fall for someone who, role-wise, anyways, could potentially be much more helpful to the town than me.

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Damn it.

Finished reading, and all I can say at the moment is that the one guy I felt had a good case on him kinda made me doubt it again just now...


That said, most of the alternatives offered (Core/me, Rapier, SB) are mostly on the basis of inactivity, making it harder to judge anything.

I'm open to suggestions at the moment. Nobody alive really strikes me as a strong scum read so far...

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...Both Rapier and I need 3 more votes to get lynched, and if there's no extension, we've got less than six hours left. Come on, where is everybody? I think lynching a third person is out of the question at this point, so I'd like everybody who hasn't weighed in on the matter to say which of us two they'd rather see lynched at the moment.

Like I said before, I'd prefer I get lynched over Rapier because I know 100% that I do not have a role that can help the town, while there is a 50% chance or whatever that Rapier does.

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Because I could be Town? And because you have nothing backing up your vote, except "oh lol inactivity"?

Then again, I didn't read much, so I might have missed something.

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