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How did you feel on your first day of school?

Gold Vanguard

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Well since today is my second day of Highschool I say that at its not as bad as people say it is. It not like on T.V with the cheerleaders and the jocks and the bamboozing,etc. All you have to do is just keep up with your work and your straight.

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My first day of my sophomore year is tomorrow, so I dunno yet.


I have a funny story to share: before I was a Freshmen I had a fear of going to high school for some reason and when I was there for my first day I was sooo nervous that when I first got into my first class I puked and had to go home for a couple hours! And now I look back at it and just laugh! Of course I don't feel like that today!

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Well since today is my second day of Highschool I say that at its not as bad as people say it is. It not like on T.V with the cheerleaders and the jocks and the bamboozing,etc. All you have to do is just keep up with your work and your straight.

I start my senior year on the 29th. Why are you guys starting so early?

It can get pretty bad, but it does depend on the school. I was absolutely miserable my Freshman year at my town's local high school, so I switched to a magnet school. Best move I ever made. But it all depends on what school and other circumstances so don't worry.

Edited by Isaac55
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Preschool: Cried a ton and wouldn't let go of my mom lol. Then feel asleep on a little kid couch.

Kindergarten: Was super excited.

Middle School: Probably nervous.

High school: Also probably nervous.

College: Really really nervous lol.

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College was really just meh. There was a little anxiety because I got lost on campus, but that was it.

Was homeschooled everything prior so no reactions there.

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preschool - i was like a child genius so i hated simple things like drawing and threw hissy fits

highschool - no nerves

university - new city, getting lost on campus getting lost in general. also learning how to study since i never did that in high school

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I've been to the same school all my life, so... uh... I've had a pretty smooth and easy time with school, really.

On my first day of school, I remember being really nervous and scared. After my parents dropped me off, I headed down to the first floor of the school and waited in front of the door for several minutes 'till I finally just decided to go in. I actually had a pretty nice first day from what I can remember.

Ha ha, my final year starts September 4th. I'm actually very excited to finish everything. The way I feel now is such a contrast to the way I felt on my first day. :>

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Ah, stories? I have one, too.

My first day of Kindergarten was strange, to say the least. I had to go to a Catholic school, so I was confused on why we always prayed. I didn't feel that confused on a first day until my freshmen year, where I had to go to public school. I was the new kid, and I didn't know anyone, but I was surprised on how easily I settled in.

Freshmen year was also the first time I had a locker combination, and I, sadly, couldn't open it easily until after Christmas break.

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Firs day of kindergarden, hated it, cried and wanted to go home, stayed there for five day until my dad forced me to go. Ended up loving it. Since it was a small town, my class remained with the same people up until 4th grade (people started leaving and class got smaller, plus i left after it).

5th grade it was the 14th of october in a school in the USA far away from were i was born. I can't say i remember much of anything, it was a bilingual class so there wasn't any real language barriers in my class room (outside of it someone that knew more english was usually with me).

6th grade changed schools in the same town to go to another bilingual class. I enjoyed it there, despite none of my friends from the other school being there I liked it there. It was a small class room (like 10 or so people).

7th grade was my first time in a fully english class room. I wasn't really scared, but my accent was thick. I didn't know at the time so i didn't care really. This was a horrible year academically wise (my worst one was 5th grade bbut that was partly because of the language barrier, the teacher dictated in english and i couldn't copy things down of course i never really remember ever looking at my notes anyhow for any thing at that point, I digress but 7th grade was when i tried my luck with the jokesters in my school. Not the best idea. Hated it and on eight grade decided to separate from them)

9th grade was my first high school year. In the morning didn't have any one to talk with during the time everyone waits for class... I was kinda scared after being told people were mean in high school and would pressure you to join gangs and what not. Total lie, heck i never even got bullied in high school. Of course part of that was because i decided to mind my own business.

Half of tenth grade i moved to Canada, it was January. Had to wait till february for the semester to end. I was kind of apathetic to the change really, I was rather used to not having many friends if any at all in classes rather. The mornings were the same too, didn't have anyone tot alk to but this time i got to go to my class room early :newyears: The people that spoke spanish were few and knew each other well. I didn't like them, but no one else to be in the cafeteria kinda made it hard for me to avoid them really, of course i would sit there and mind my own business and not join their conversation. Again in 11th grade i went fully class mode and avoided them for the most part.

Thats like half of my life... Its kind of impressive just how much of my life up to this point has to do with school...

Also, after sixth grade, the halls i used multiplied and i got lost very frequently and messed up my schedule every first day.

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Elementary: Don't remember.

Can't remember ^that far at least...

I'm pretty sure I was nervous every single day though. It's just that once things started to get going along during the day I felt much more comfortable.

High school was pretty non-dramatic for me.

I wasn't lost when I got into my huge college campus because of a week's orientation and my campus map XD

But I am always nervous on my first days.

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Elementary: Was in a bad part of Los Angeles, but I was just a first-grader, so it wasn't bad. It was cold as hell, since I had to be there at just about 6:30 AM every day and wait in the breakfast line for an hour because my mom always had to leave early. I was one of...three white kids? Didn't feel weird at all though. I loved elementary, for the most part, and from what I can remember.

Middle: Extremely nervous. Just moved to a new area, everyone was white. I felt uncomfortable here, oddly enough. I was the quiet weird kid, I suppose.

High: I was late to my first class and sat at a ping-pong table, as the classroom ran low on seats. This particular class changed my life for the better, however, so it's all good. Sitting at the very front, even in front of the teachers, was pretty cool.

College: Starts in a month. My pseudo-intellectual self is in for a world of mental hurt and change. Can't wait. :D

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Dependes. I always thought that serious business would issue. BULLSHIT! Professors sucked BALLS, they couldn't even punish properly the fkers that behaved unproperly in school cause they were scared of something I ignore! This is Italian middle-high scool, a school lead by pussies!

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First day or time with anything, not just school, is still a first day. A lot of people get nervous.

Unfortunately for me ever since sixth grade my class keeps getting shuffled. (ok, except for year 10) so I pretty much feel nervous every year.

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Elementary: I don't know, I didn't really give a shit back then.

6th grade: I guess I was sort of nervous, but I don't know.

7th: Not nervous at all.

8th: I was like, "I got this shit."

9th: I knew a bunch of people from summer band camp so I wasn't nervous, I'm actually looking forward to it.

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I moved before going into middle school, so I knew nobody and pretty much messed up my social life for a few years.

Now I'm going into junior year in hs, and it really won't be a big deal. I'll chill with the same people, it'll just be summer with school and work and such.

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Jeez, the youngsters are starting school already? I'm still waiting for my summer break. yay summer courses

For me, every year in high school I always felt good going to school, because it meant social interaction with people my own age (I grew up out in the boonies).

First year of college was awesome, and felt like a refreshing start to a new chapter.

Now I'm just ready to friggin graduate. ._.

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Elementary school was to long ago to remember.

Middle School was fine because I had my loyal click of buddies and we were all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on the world.

My freshman and sophomore year I looked like I was a senior so i didn't catch any shit, even on the class pride days when kids got hazed to all ends (a kid in my class got taped to a pole).

Junior year I transfered to a different school and someone thought I was a new teacher and senior year someone thought I was a student teacher.

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