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A request


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I found dear Gilliam there. Now I imagine I am meant to consistently edit him up until he appears on the map at the near opening of chapter 1? I edited him in the prologue, and was resulted in the same usual way. He has dark magic at D, all the stats I gave him, and likely growth, but still retains his iron spear and knight class.

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  • 2 months later...

What the hell.

This would have taken one hour for an experienced hacker (or one day for 5-6 portraits) yet no one did the job for this man who only wanted to play the game with his family and didn't have the time to go through hacking and everything?

At the end it seems like the whole project failed because he alone didn't have time to fix things or understand them.

What the hell, seriously. -___-

Franklin, I know that the topic is 2 months old, but I'd be glad to do this hack for you if you ask.

See ya

Edited by AlfredKamon
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This would have taken one hour for an experienced hacker (or one day for 5-6 portraits) yet no one did the job for this man who only wanted to play the game with his family and didn't have the time to go through hacking and everything?

In an effort central community, will you please explain to me why HIS time is more important than mine and I have to "do it FOR him"?

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In an effort central community, will you please explain to me why HIS time is more important than mine and I have to "do it FOR him"?

The sentence wasn't referred to you in particular in general, but if you put it that way, well... you have a selfish mentality, I should say.

People spend tons of hours for themselves, and sometimes for pretty useless and time-consuming purposes. Spending ONE hour of that time to help someone in need who is kindly asking for your time isn't that bad, is it?

But if you go "my time is holy, I don't want to waste it for random people", well, you're free to think that.

I just don't agree.

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I'm not saying "we're leaving him out to dry because we can". It is just that the ROM hacking community as a whole will not move just for someone's simple request.

There is a general disinterest in doing so, simply because we have seen the countless amount of people who simply post a thread, and disappear forever after a while.

We generally help by giving out advice, but expecting us to roll over like that is simply not part of our mindset.

You might want to have the "Good Samaritan" mindset, but over time, it will tire you out. Wanting to help people is fine, but you're going to need to discern what is worth your time in the ROM hacking community and what isn't.

The first thing to understand is that hackers actually like hard problems and good, thought-provoking questions about them. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here. If you give us an interesting question to chew on we'll be grateful to you; good questions are a stimulus and a gift. Good questions help us develop our understanding, and often reveal problems we might not have noticed or thought about otherwise. Among hackers, “Good question!” is a strong and sincere compliment.

Despite this, hackers have a reputation for meeting simple questions with what looks like hostility or arrogance. It sometimes looks like we're reflexively rude to newbies and the ignorant. But this isn't really true.

What we are, unapologetically, is hostile to people who seem to be unwilling to think or to do their own homework before asking questions. People like that are time sinks — they take without giving back, and they waste time we could have spent on another question more interesting and another person more worthy of an answer.

If he comes back, we'll help him be able to do it on his own.

But doing it FOR him isn't in the typical hacker's agenda. "What's it going to accomplish in the long run?"

What he wants to do is simple. That's true. But there's at least a few hundred of simple hacks like that. And for an experienced hacker, the only thing we'd see as worth our time is to help them when they run into problems.

"Will the effort I put into this going to be worth it in my eyes?"

Edit: Granted, I can't get on your case for wanting to help the guy, but the whole "WHAT THE HELL" expecting us to do stuff for him is a little on the judgmental side. We have our own priorities. Deciding to help him out in the way we have been is enough in our eyes. Your enthusiasm for helping him is very respectable, but expecting us to do the same isn't. Spending an hour for someone you don't know in the slightest isn't a small investment to some people. We do this for fun and of our own free will. Condemning us for refusing to do work for someone for free is being pretty rude.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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it's almost like we actually have an hour to spend


why am i the selfish one for wanting to spend time with my friends or on my homework when he's the one asking me to help his family

Edited by CT075
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I can see your point but I still don't share it.

I prefer thinking as a single person instead of a community, frankly.

I don't like either the ones who ask for help without trying at all doing that particular thing with their strenghts, but I can discern the single cases.

This one is a man with a wife, a family and lots of problems and if I can help him with one hour of mine instead of having him spending lots of hours in learning this stuff he probably won't use ever again, well, then I'm glad to do it.

Also because I know I have this time, and I speak for myself.

If you think you don't have one hour to dedicate to this cause, you're free to do so. But "not having time" and "wanting to spend that time for themselves" are two different things.

Before I said that I discern single cases.

I probably wouldn't use my time for a brat who wants a whole game done and doesn't even ask it politely, and doesn't even try doing it with his strenghts.

But this man had already tried doing what he was asking for. He didn't accomplish it, he didn't have time to learn how to hack properly and he kindly asked someone to do that for him, explaining his reasons which have a point.

And the whole reaction had substancially been "Do it yourself. I help you learning, but you must spend tons of hours learning how to hack by yourself. I don't want to spend some time doing this for you".

Well, wow.

Did my attitude seem rude in front of this?

It's good that you help people here, I want to say this. It's good. But the attitude! I find the general attitude here to be ruder, honestly.

Despite this, hackers have a reputation for meeting simple questions with what looks like hostility or arrogance. It sometimes looks like we're reflexively rude to newbies and the ignorant. But this isn't really true.

What we are, unapologetically, is hostile to people who seem to be unwilling to think or to do their own homework before asking questions. People like that are time sinks — they take without giving back, and they waste time we could have spent on another question more interesting and another person more worthy of an answer.

You have taken this too literally, and you just think that every 'simple' question or request comes from people who don't think with their head. You have generalized this concept.

I myself am no genius and I am not born with all this hacking knowledge: some things may seem easy for me and some others extremely difficult. I see tons of topics about inserting portraits and animations and I did that without any particular difficulty, but I have limits in other fields. This doesn't mean that if I have problems in those fields and I do 'simple' questions, not that I haven't worked on them at all and I'm not trying my hardest in my free time to get them working. It just may seem 'simple' for someone who has mastered those techniques but it's hard as hell for everyone else. If I can put the knowledge I've aquired to be useful to others, I'm glad to do so, and I don't discern 'simple' or 'not simple' since it's a relative term. But you people only help gladly those who can somehow reward you, who can help you develop or which simply interest you, and you answer coldly and arrogantly to those with 'simple' (for you) matters and to those who ask something which is important to them and insignificant to you. Sometimes is good to help others selflessly, you know? And I'm the one being rude here.

Edited by AlfredKamon
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how is my not helping him affect him in any way

it's not like i'm refusing him food or anything

i'm refusing to hack his fucking game for him


why am i the selfish one for having my own friends and family that i spend my time on

I prefer thinking as a single person instead of a community, frankly.

at the moment this single person is thinking of you as a pretentious tryhard

I don't like either the ones who ask for help without trying at all doing that particular thing with their strenghts, but I can discern the single cases.

oh good we agree

This one is a man with a wife, a family and lots of problems and if I can help him with one hour of mine instead of having him spending lots of hours in learning this stuff he probably won't use ever again, well, then I'm glad to do it.

Also because I know I have this time, and I speak for myself.

then do it instead of decrying us for not doing it

if you have the time and knowledge to do it, good for you

because honestly (and i speak for myself and presumably the other people who also didn't step forward) i don't

If you think you don't have one hour to dedicate to this cause, you're free to do so. But "not having time" and "wanting to spend that time for themselves" are two different things.

are they really

But this man had already tried doing what he was asking for. He didn't accomplish it, he didn't have time to learn how to hack properly and he kindly asked someone to do that for him, explaining his reasons which have a point.

he has a wife and a job and shit to do

good for him

no really

what makes you think that i don't

And the whole reaction had substancially been "Do it yourself. I help you learning, but you must spend tons of hours learning how to hack by yourself. I don't want to spend some time doing this for you".

it's almost like the rest of us haven't spent that amount of time learning this ourselves!

Well, wow.

Did my attitude seem rude in front of this?


It's good that you help people here, I want to say this. It's good. But the attitude! I find the general attitude here to be ruder, honestly.

cyron aside all i heard was people saying that they have their own problems

I myself am no genius and I am not born with all this hacking knowledge:

i'm not either

some things may seem easy for me and some others extremely difficult. I see tons of topics about inserting portraits and animations and I did that without any particular difficulty, but I have limits in other fields. This doesn't mean that if I have problems in those fields and I do 'simple' questions, not that I haven't worked on them at all and I'm not trying my hardest in my free time to get them working. It just may seem 'simple' for someone who has mastered those techniques but it's hard as hell for everyone else.

i know

maybe we should write step-by-step guides

If I can put the knowledge I've aquired to be useful to others, I'm glad to do so, and I don't discern 'simple' or 'not simple' since it's a relative term.

'clicking a button' is simple relative to 'asking a question'

But you people only help gladly those who can somehow reward you, who can help you develop or which simply interest you, and you answer coldly and arrogantly to those with 'simple' (for you) matters and to those who ask something which is important to them and insignificant to you.

remind me what's so important about learning how to hack a video game

Sometimes is good to help others selflessly, you know? And I'm the one being rude here.

i'm sorry

the wind must have added some undertones from all the way up from that horse of yours

Edited by CT075
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how is my not helping him affect him in any way

it's not like i'm refusing him food or anything

i'm refusing to hack his fucking game for him

Did my attitude seem rude in front of this?

It's good that you help people here, I want to say this. It's good. But the attitude! I find the general attitude here to be ruder, honestly.


You can't be serious.

then do it instead of decrying us for not doing it

if you have the time and knowledge to do it, good for you

because honestly (and i speak for myself and presumably the other people who also didn't step forward) i don't

I do and I will do it when the person comes back to tell me details.

If you don't, then don't just speak pretending that everyone else doesn't.

To my previous definition, it's "selfish" who has free time which spends on negligible things instead of helping someone with his knowledge.


-> If you don't have free time you aren't selfish, thus you shouldn't be offended.

-> If you have free time and you spend it on things you feel like important, good for you. You're not selfish and you shouldn't be offended.

-> If you have free time and you spend it on negligible things like lurking for hours on the web and you reply there without directly helping in an hour or less, then you are selfish. Feeling offended or not it's up to you.

he has a wife and a job and shit to do

good for him

no really

what makes you think that i don't

See the first arrow of the previous.

it's almost like the rest of us haven't spent that amount of time learning this ourselves!

Oh good. Everyone has spent 10k hours in doing this, let everyone else spend the same amount of time.

Good logic.

If I can save some worthy person's time, I do so.


Not as rude as you certainly.

cyron aside all i heard was people saying that they have their own problems

This isn't an excuse to treat coldly and badly people you don't even know.

If you have problems, don't let those problems get on other people.

If you feel like shit one day and you think you may be rude, just don't even post.

remind me what's so important about learning how to hack a video game

So basically every answer here shouldn't be taken seriously because this is all about hacking a videogame.


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No, you're on a high horse because you're arrogant as hell. You don't give a damn about the person in question, you just want to appear high and fucking mighty because of your supposed generosity. NOBODY IS FOOLED.

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See it the way you want.

I'm doing this just because I find it kind and right.

I don't really care "appearing high and mighty" here, to be honest.

I find offended that this community sees it that way.

I just said what I thought.

I won't reply to this anymore.

If the person comes, I'll be glad to help her.

If she comes and I help her, I won't even report it here.

That's all.

See ya

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Then go ahead and help someone, enjoy helping them, quit judging people who don't want to take the time to do so like you're so much better than them.

No one is judging you for wanting to help so try to reciprocate that. Not everyone wants to take time to do something for people they do not know.

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speaking solely for myself, it'd probably be way easier for me to just do the damn job instead of bitching about why everyone else isn't

Feeling offended or not it's up to you.

You can't be serious.

try me

I do and I will do it when the person comes back to tell me details.

If you don't, then don't just speak pretending that everyone else doesn't.

To my previous definition, it's "selfish" who has free time which spends on negligible things instead of helping someone with his knowledge.


-> If you don't have free time you aren't selfish, thus you shouldn't be offended.

-> If you have free time and you spend it on things you feel like important, good for you. You're not selfish and you shouldn't be offended.

-> If you have free time and you spend it on negligible things like lurking for hours on the web and you reply there without directly helping in an hour or less, then you are selfish. Feeling offended or not it's up to you.

i didn't ask

Oh good. Everyone has spent 10k hours in doing this, let everyone else spend the same amount of time.

Good logic.

oh good we understand each other

If I can save some worthy person's time, I do so.

i'm fairly sure it's faster to read a tutorial than to ask for help

This isn't an excuse to treat coldly and badly people you don't even know.

If you have problems, don't let those problems get on other people.

If you feel like shit one day and you think you may be rude, just don't even post.



So basically every answer here shouldn't be taken seriously because this is all about hacking a videogame.


oh good

you can read

Edited by CT075
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Alfred, I don't quite understand what you're getting at, I mean, you claim to be able to help this person, but i'm pretty sure you at one point had to resort to using a tutorial or trying something on your own, correct?

Now, I consider myself pretty stupid when it comes to technical things, but even I was able to reclass the cast of FE8 in a short time, and that was 2 years ago, when I had first started playing with nightmare. It's not that hard if you actually try to learn how to do certain things, and what TC is requesting is too simple, not to mention that reclassing is usually the first thing new hackers go for when it comes to hacking a FE game.

You need to look at what you're saying and realize that your logic is severely flawed. If it wasn't for people like Cam putting in countless hours of his time to work on editors and ASM and the like, not to mention the time he had to spend reading tutorials and trying things on his own (sound familiar?), we wouldn't have the kind of editing programs we have today. What you're saying is just ignorant of the time that has been spent by other people so you don't have to, and because of that, you can do in 5 minutes what took someone else years to figure out in the first place.

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What the hell.

This would have taken one hour for an experienced hacker (or one day for 5-6 portraits) yet no one did the job for this man who only wanted to play the game with his family and didn't have the time to go through hacking and everything?

At the end it seems like the whole project failed because he alone didn't have time to fix things or understand them.

What the hell, seriously. -___-

Franklin, I know that the topic is 2 months old, but I'd be glad to do this hack for you if you ask.

See ya

Don't necropost. If you wanted to help you could have pm'd him.


Thread locked because of pointless arguing. If you want to continue your petty squabble then pm each other.



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