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I Can't Believe It's Not SFMM3 Minimafia - Game Over


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Delirium (1) - CT075

Manix (1) - WeaponsofMassConstruction

Shinori (1) - Delirium

WeaponsofMassConstruction (1) - Manix

Not Voting - Boron, Shinori, Helios

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to hammer. You have about 50 hours left.

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Core, thought to be playing Core, Mafia Retiree (Vanilla Townie), but actually Core, Mafia Retiree (Scum Godfather), was lynched!

Night ends whenever - probably early if I get all actions in time and everybody's been on since this flip.

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So you guys were all wondering about claim, so I'm gonna claim, since chances are I'll die tonight. Oh yeah, I guess this whole post kinda is my claim since you're not supposed to talk at night. BUT I CAN. Because I'm cool like that. Oh and I'm deathproof too so come at me scum. I guess the point of this was so that if scum tried to have me lynched and then realize that I can't die so I'd get to laugh at them at night. So unless they have a hitman or something, killing me is a waste. Just in case though, I'm gonna do one of those list post things that people do before they die.


Helios: Been cleared homie

Cam: Claimed miller and though he hasn't done much, he hasn't done anything scummy and he voted Core which is cool with me.

Weapons: Albeit unorthodox methods, and not thinking Elieson was scum, he's scumhunted and contributed to activity and therefore looks town to me.

Shinori: Scumhunts and contributes to discussion. Had some questionable posts late D1 and D4 but otherwise hasn't done anything horribly scummy. I'd prefer to lynch the other two guys under him.

Manix: Overreactions D1 and D4, dat tone shift out of nowhere D2 and D3, and though I could be wrong he looks scummier than the people above him IMO.

Boron: Been blending in from the beginning lynch this woman


Alright good luck town!

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##Vote: Boron

imma sheep the cleared player.

also, theory time (FMPOV)

If I die tonight, I would say lynch Weapons or Shinori, I'm not sure which one. Probably Weapons.

If Shinori dies tonight, we lynch Weapons

If Weapons dies tonight, we lynch Shinori

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You guys are making a mistake, I'm not scum. I don't see how I'm "blending in". I don't have much to say, so I'm not saying it. D1 and D2 really screwed me over due to classes and getting sick, and I had a hard time keeping up. So really, aside from "blending in", what have I done that was so scummy?

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Seoyeon was a Vanilla Townie and I don't even remember what role name I gave her anymore.

oh wait she was nags i guess

Night will probably end early but get those actions in anyway.

Edited by Prims
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I hate you all. Were you guys so confident in this lynch that you guys all jumped onto my wagon less than two hours after day phase even began? Not to mention that if I hadn't been lucky and hadn't had my later two classes today you guys would've lynched me during class? I hope you lose, town.

Also, Helios:

In Xenoblade -

Xin Li looks scummy I guess

In this game -

Boron: Been blending in from the beginning lynch this woman


Are you ever going to say anything besides "Boron is scummy", considering that both times you were wrong? :|

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....whoops? Lol what do you want me to say I thought you were scum and I was wrong. I also thought Aere, SB, and for half the game Paper were scum and we saw how wrong I was about that lol. You just didn't do much compared to everyone else alive IMO, and the fact that you didn't barge in to defend yourself and counterargue someone else didn't help either (but I'm pretty sure RL had something to do with this). I and the rest of the town will just have to do our best to avenge your death!

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Also Xenoblade, Anonymafia, and EO are a bad example of my play because I had various health issues screw up my activity and such but tried to power through it (and failed). Speaking of Anonymafia, this looks like it's gonna come down to my vote being either the winning or losing one. Great :/

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