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No one's even mad though why are we overreacting here

Because if manix seriously requests himself to be modkilled and gets modkilled I'm gonna be overly pissed. But I mean whatever.

I actually am pissed off at stuff which is why Eclipse came in and posted.

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Right I meant that towards Manix mostly. No one's friendships are hurt, no one cares about what he did, it's just part of the game. If people actually get truly upset over an internet game that was designed for everyone to have fun and get their mind off of life's actual problems they need to get their priorities straightened out. That aside though Manix has to live up to his actions so trying to get himself modkilled because of false reasoning would actually end up ruining the game for some people.

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fun facts: I was trying to sleep, and I just let my mind wonder. It came to what happened earlier, and I still feel a little crappy for it. I know that logically what I did was probably the right thing to do in my situation (for the game), but I still feel bad for having to betray my group like that. I don't like backstabbing people, particularly in a group that has trust between them. I just... I wouldn't have if I had the choice. I felt like the choice was taken away from me at that point, and I don't like it when that happens... particularly when I'm forced into a situation that I'd rather take the option that helps everyone, instead of being forced into the one that only benefits me. I like helping people, and making sure people aren't feeling down and such. I'd help them in any way possible, at least I'd try.

I'm just not cut out to be a traitor, here and in real life.

##this has been your obligatory off topic post

I needed to write this somewhere, and I don't know if anyone will care, but it's here just in case you ever wanted some insight

(going to try and go to sleep again now)

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Best way to "help" is to remind yourself that this is a game. As a mole, your job is to help your original team, and that means being as stealthy as possible without being found, while finding the mole on your team, so you can (strategy stuffs which I'll spill postgame). I didn't mind my job as a mole, until a certain someone blew it. ;/

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I admit I said those above things. So? I have info that info is beneficial to me as well as to other players. What is lynching me though going to do? Then you just lose your person to talk to for info? I have info and i can give you info if you are willing to trade with me. People chose to trade with me, they should have known what could happen when they told me the things they told me. I am free to use the info i learned against them, just like they could use the info they learned against me or other players. It's how a player chooses to play the game, just like you are trying to use the words i said to you to get a lynch against me. I could use the words X player has said to me to get them on my side. Or to get someone to not vote me.

Uh... I'm sorry for the stupid question, but how do you have info? You won't possibly give info about the members of your own group.

You can easily achieve info on other factions through said person. THEN KILL HIM.

Why do you want to live longer? Do you have an important role? It is as if you want to survive as much as you can before kicking the bucket officially which I stole from Lolrus last night when playing Boardgame.

Just gonna state this.

Someone out there is trying to kill me, I'm sure multiple people are but that's beside the point. Someone specific is trying to get me killed but is trying to use a different factions kill. You should totes be wary of said person.

Can you not state why, and how you know this?

You aren't answering the question properly.


I already stated in thread why blackmailing isn't beneficial and BBM stated a reason for it as well.

Take a look at this.

<Shinori> So.

<Shinori> Stop trying to lynch me

<Shinori> unless you want your whole team revealed

How is this -not- blackmail?

Okay. Coming out with all the information I know.

- I am a traitor. I was recruited into the South faction, but I am aligned with a different faction.

- Scorri is our leader, don't bother trying to kill her.

- Aere has the killing power for South, and you should probably get on that and get rid of him immediately.

- Helios is a driver as well, so keep that in mind.

- Kay is the traitor who would help the South instead of her normal faction. Watch out!

- I am not actually a lynch bomb, but the Cheater for my team.

- I will keep you updated with their actions.

- Current actions:

Drive Core and BBM

Kill Rapier

Play the 8 of Diamonds

Do not cheat

K, we good?

##Vote: Helios

Lynch the driver so we can kill Aere easily.

... Why do I have to die? XD

You convinced me, dude.

##Vote: Aere

Also, don't try to get modkilled because you feel bad about what you've done. That is your wincon, and that's how we are supposed to play: Achieve our victory no matter what.


Can you tell me by PM all you know about me? I want to check if you really know all these things.

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