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Your favorite character of each class?


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I don't consider Elincia to be a main character. She has less significance than either Ike OR Micaiah in both games she has a role in, actually.

I'm sorry, does "less significant" mean "insignificant" now? Because she sure isn't.

EDIT: Oh, right, I forgot. Your opinion is right and mine is wrong. My bad.

Also you forgot to put Alm in your disclaimer in the OP. Just helping.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I'm sorry, does "less significant" mean "insignificant" now? Because she sure isn't.

EDIT: Oh, right, I forgot. Your opinion is right and mine is wrong. My bad.

I never said that. Elincia is definitely not insignificant. But she's not significant enough, imo, to be called a main character. And I never said anybody's opinions were wrong or right. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Also you forgot to put Alm in your disclaimer in the OP. Just helping.

Ah, you're right. Thank you.

Also, I'm done with this silly argument. If anyone argues further about my opinions or the rule I've added, I'm going to ask that this thread be locked.

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No, I haven't played it because I don't emulate. But that doesn't mean I can't still apply my logic. All I have to know is their significance in the game, whether or not they're a main character, and what their class lines are.

Faulty logic is not an excuse for being ignorant.

Alm is a lord. He is the main character of his game, his class is not shared by anyone, he is the uncontested leader of his party, he is required in every single map, he uses the goddamn Falchion to be the only unit in the game capable of killing the final boss, who is a god in a tower (this should remind you of someone) [EDIT: I guess Nosferatu can kill Doma too]. Do you see where I'm going with this? His class name not being fancy has no bearing on the fact that he is his game's equivalent to a lord. Celica does less than him. Where are you even getting that she is a lord from, her class name being Princess? Lachesis isn't a lord...

Edited by Strider
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I never said that. Elincia is definitely not insignificant. But she's not significant enough, imo, to be called a main character. And I never said anybody's opinions were wrong or right. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Also, I'm done with this silly argument. If anyone argues further about my opinions or the rule I've added, I'm going to ask that this thread be locked.

Alright, dear, whatever you say. I'll stop if you really want me to~

But I'll close by hoping fervently that people continue to list Micaiah as a Lord, because she is.

EDIT: yes this is passive-aggression and yes you would be feeding my ego to bite so I recommend you don't because if you do I'll go for the last word and this won't ever stop~

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I'M MAKING A POST BEFORE THIS THREAD GETS LOCKED AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME (unless of course, if this thread gets locked before I post...)


Aside from everything being listed about being forced and seizing and all that kind of stuff, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, every lord in FE is a royal in some way with the exception of Ike because he's that one guy. (please note that just because royal=lord in some cases, it doesn't apply to every single case of nobility)

Micaiah is the true Apostle of Begnion, and she also takes the throne of Daein by FE10's end. When you take that, put it with being forced, pretty much being the main character until Ike and friends come and steal the spotlight (you cannot say that Micaiah was not the focus of the Daein and Crimea chapters before Ike showed up), and so on and so forth and say that she's not a lord. You can't.

She fits all of the criteria except for having the "lord" (or class of similar status) class, which gives you one point against the rest of the points that you are refuting of all of the criteria that makes a lord a lord.

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Lord: Micaiah - I haven't played FE10, but from what I gather, she's an interesting twist for a lord.

Pony Knight: Alec, the mighty womanzing turban! Biraku is a close second.

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Shanam - terrible unit, amazing character.

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Bartre - Amazing ham.

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: The League of A's guy, he's swell.

Mercenary/Hero: Dieck - crushing dragons, completely shirtless.

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Fiora - Always been pretty reliable, and an interesting character.

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: Miledy - there is no other choice. Trabant is a close second.

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Shinon - Winner of jerk of the year.

Thwomp: Ardan - One step closer to general!

Wizard: Hugh - His dedication to his granmother's headaches around her back is incredible.

Priest: Father Saul - God's gift to women.

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: Nanna, although she does later become a Paladin :P.

Stealer: Dew - Child soldiers forever!

Laguz: Naelesa - Suave turkey man in a suit.

Nomad: Shin - Should be obvious

Edited by Admiral Shin
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Lord - Eliwood is a pretty swell guy, although Leaf and Ike are very close 2nd's in my mind

Mount - This is tough, I'm gonna have go with... Hmm Geoffrey, Fin or Sain can just go with those 3 in mind

Myrm - Zihark, although I like quite a few others in the class, Mareeta, Eyvel, Fir, Karel, Shanan and Lucia to name a few

Fighter - Othin hands down

Soldier - Nephenee

Mercenary/Hero - Ogma

Pegasus Knight - Fiora with Florina in close 2nd

Wyvern - a 3 way tie between Minerva/Miledy/Jill

Archer - Briggid <3, Igrene <3, Louise <3

Armor - Gilliam

Mage - Close contest between Tormod, Erk, Nino, Saleh, Asvel, Sety, Lute, Lilina [goes on and on because he isn't sure of a favorite mage]

Priest - Saul because lol

Cleric - Sara, Aideen or Ellen

Troubadour [am separating these because there are a few differences] - Ethlin

Thief - Matthew hands down, Sothe is a close 2nd

Beast Laguz - Muarim for the Tigers, Lethe for Cats

Bird Laguz - Tibarn enough said

Dragon Laguz - Nasir

Now to add a few I noticed were missing

Dragons in other FE's - Fa

Nomad/Horsemen - Wolf

Dancer - Feena

Edited by Captain Jedi
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I have some time to kill, so why not, I guess.

Lord: Leaf- He's interesting in that unlike many of the other lords (at least to my not-English-Major eyes), he actually changes over the course of the game. At the beginning of FE5, he's pretty naive and idealistic, which causes him to make several mistakes which have real consequences (in FE8, Eirika can also be described as naieve and idealistic, but she really only pays for it in one scene towards the end). Also having two games to work with and being the lord of one of them is quite nice considering the spartan nature of character development in the SNES days. Gameplay wise he's amazing in FE4, and actually really underrated in FE5. He's so clutch in the hardest part of the game, and can use King Sword to be a more support oriented character later on.

Social Knight (and all the derivatives it entails): Fin- Fin is interesting because by all accounts, he's just the standard loyal knight, no different from Noish. But...there's just something that endears him to me. Perhaps it's because of the little hints that someone up over there in IS really likes him, from the fact that he gets a statistical bonus in Ch. 1 (does anyone else even get those in Gen. 1) to being playable in Gen 2 to being a god in FE5. Maybe it's because he's more relatable, especially in FE5, with his conversations with Glade and Selfina. Well, whatever the case, I can't deny that Fin is my favourite Social Knight, even if he's actually the much cooler but less functionally useful Lance Knight.

Myrmidon: Shanan- Shanan is another character who returns from Gen. 1, although he wasn't playable in such. Shanan doesn't really get all that many lines, but he looks badass, he's amazing at killing things with Balmung, and possibly the best character in 0% growths FE4. That's good enough for me. Also I like that he's teaching Celice swordsmanship, that means we can blame him for Celice being amazing (as if genetics had anything to do with it amirite).

Mercenary: Harken- Harken is fantastic. He's so clutch in HHM, and he can even wreck HNM, even without the bonuses. He completely obseletes the other character you can get instead of him, Karel, which goes to show how good he is. I like how he's the last survivor of Elbert's crew of untimely not alive knights. He's got the whole survivor guilt thing, just as Fiora, except it actually defines his character instead of being relegated and completely fixed in a recruitment conversation. Also remember, Nergal completely destroyed Elbert's knights. Too often, you're told about how competent something is, only to never find out about it (Aritian knights), or worse yet, be dissapointed (Ositian Knights in FE7). By getting Harken on your team, who is ridiculously good, it gets the player to thinking, "Wow, this Nergal person must be a BAMF if he could easily kill all of Elbert's knights and not be trampled to death 5 times over".

Pegasus Knight: Thany- Odd choice, no? I'll have to say, it's not really for gameplay reasons. Sure, she's amazing in TAS' (such as Toothache's which you should really

if you have the spare time), but she's easily STR screwed and a real PITA to train on Hard Mode. Maybe it has something to do with my nostalgia for Lion King, but I appreciate her "Doesn't give a fuck" attitude towards everything.

Wyvern Knight: Altenna- She looks good, and has Gae Bolg. Isn't that a good enough reason? Fine, I guess I'll try to BS...er, remember, a couple more points. Her being the older sister of Leaf is a nice gender inversion of a trope or whatever it's called, as she's the more experienced of the two. Being connected to Trabant, who himself was a viable candidate for this position (I love to hate him, you see) is bonus points for her. Also because she is secretly in love with Fin.

Archer: Ronan- No elaborate story reason for this one, after all he just joins your party and never says another word. He's not even good gameplay wise! But there's just something about how he has ridiculous base move and movement stars. It just gives me some incentive to use an otherwise mediocre character, not to mention all of the

jokes I can make.because of his name and his hilariously high MAGIC growth.

Nomad: Shincompetence- Because HM, otherwise he's an apathetic fuck, but who cares, he's too good in HM to not love him. Also I may/may not be biased towards him because of a certain egotistical satan pope that shall not be named.

Knight: Doga- GutsDoga.png

Nuff said.

Mage: Asvel- His personality is a bit clingy, but he's so invaluable gameplay wise and has the decency to put pants on after promotion that he rockets to the top of my list. I just wish he got more of a personality, but alas, can't have everything unless you're Fin.

Monk: Julia- I don't know why I like her so much, but there you go. Perhaps it's because she slowly grows to hate Celice after realizing he's a big jerk (Editor's Note- may not actually be the case), or how she goes from being slightly more useful than Diadora to being Sety 2.0 upon promotion, or something else entirely.

Cleric: Saphy- Saphy is so wonderful, she swears upon the warrior goddess or something, calls Tina a twat, and comes with Repair. She could use some more fleshing out story wise (certainly isn't as interesting as say, Serra), but again, so clutch gameplay wise that I can't leave her off the list.

Thief: Dew- Despite starting out godawful, Dew can become fantastic if you put the right amount of effort into him (wiithout any turns lost, might I add). Even if he comes decently early, I'm still nominating him as the secret best Est, for he starts to become great combat wise near the end of Gen. 1. Also his few convoes are all hilarious, and he's a likeable scamp overall.

Manekete: Fa- Because she's the second cutest one (behind Bantu) and actually acts like a child, so I don't feel creeped out or anything, unlike say Myrrh, who is way too clingy for my tastes.

Dancer: Lalum- Because she's so happy and inconsiderate but really has feelings inside awwwwwwwwwwwww~

Edited by Refa
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What in the Seven Hells happened in this thread?

My take on Lords: If it seizes, its a Lord. Micaiah seizes, therefore she is a Lord.

That's kinda shaky, honestly. Seizing is definitely one criterion, but what Lucia does in 2-2 is Seizing by everything but name. Geoffrey Seizes in 2-3, for that matter.

yes ike go undermine the people agreeing with you

EDIT: Actually, you'd probably have a really good case with "if it seizes repeatedly" since I can't think of any other unit who Seizes in multiple chapters who isn't a Lord.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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EDIT: Actually, you'd probably have a really good case with "if it seizes repeatedly" since I can't think of any other unit who Seizes in multiple chapters who isn't a Lord.

On the other hand, there are lords who don't seize.

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That's kinda shaky, honestly. Seizing is definitely one criterion, but what Lucia does in 2-2 is Seizing by everything but name. Geoffrey Seizes in 2-3, for that matter.

yes ike go undermine the people agreeing with you

EDIT: Actually, you'd probably have a really good case with "if it seizes repeatedly" since I can't think of any other unit who Seizes in multiple chapters who isn't a Lord.

Merher. I forgot about Geoffrey to be honest. He seizes in one chapter, correct? So yeah i guess i could say "If it seizes repeatedly it's a Lord."

For Alm's case, there is no seize mechanic in his game right? I only remember playing FE2 for like two chapters because the patch i had sucked. But isnt his class Lord? I cant recall. Im pretty sure he still counts though due to lack of seize mechanic. :P:

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Lord: Micaiah - I haven't played FE10, but from what I gather, she's an interesting twist for a lord.

If you didn't see the edit in the OP, I advise you to read it. Micaiah is not considered a lord for the purpose of this thread.

And if people keep breaking my rule, I'll ask for this thread to be locked.

EDIT: Florina: It was stated earlier that Alm's class is Fighter -> Hero.

Edited by Anacybele
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And if people keep breaking my rule, I'll ask for this thread to be locked.

Do it. That would just make my day.

Merher. I forgot about Geoffrey to be honest. He seizes in one chapter, correct? So yeah i guess i could say "If it seizes repeatedly it's a Lord."

For Alm's case, there is no seize mechanic in his game right? I only remember playing FE2 for like two chapters because the patch i had sucked. But isnt his class Lord? I cant recall. Im pretty sure he still counts though due to lack of seize mechanic. :P:

Geoffrey Seizes in one chapter and at least Laura and Lucia are the only people allowed to Arrive in one each (which is literally seizing by a different name if only one person can do it) but I can't think of any who do it repeatedly. So yeah, multiple times is a pretty good call.

FE2 has absolutely no Seizes, it's true. Luka's just mad that Alm is disqualified from being a Lord due to silly reasons, and I was mostly making a joke at Alm's expense.

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If you didn't see the edit in the OP, I advise you to read it. Micaiah is not considered a lord for the purpose of this thread.

And if people keep breaking my rule, I'll ask for this thread to be locked.

I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. I'm entitled to my opinion and putting "rules" in the OP doesn't mean anything. You can't put arbitrary limits on things that you don't want to hear - this seems to be a recurring problem with you. I genuinely find Micaiah an interesting character, and I felt like posting that.

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Oh for the love of...holy moly, Ive never seen someone so stubborn. Look, Micaiah IS a lord. By definition, someone that causes gameover, seizes for multiple chapters, plot-important character, etc. IS a lord. Sure, Lucia Geoffrey and some others can seize in some maps, but that doesnt mean they are lords as they stop causing game overs later and step aside for other characters later. Is that SO hard to comprehend? Heck, Ike isnt even a lord in PoR earlygame by your definition. Lord is much more than just a class, its what is used to define the main character.

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Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.


This whole conversation reminded me of this. What, you thought I was going to post something important?

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If you didn't see the edit in the OP, I advise you to read it. Micaiah is not considered a lord for the purpose of this thread.

You can't put arbitrary limits on things that you don't want to hear - this seems to be a recurring problem with you.

Yes, definitely...

Ana just because you don't like seeing it doesn't mean you should be a jerk about it and get mad every time someone else says something that you don't agree with. And I'm really trying to get your attention on this because you're still being super stubborn. I wish you could see how horrible it makes you look by trying to enforce this.

In your head it means nothing trying to regulate what people say in here and I'm really disappointed in how much you don't understand... And how much you refuse to.

I don't know why I keep tricking myself into trying to help you realize any of these things.... =[

Because... you can go ahead and believe what you want. That's fine. People have started to accept this by now.

But you still shouldn't force people to adhere to your beliefs "or else I'll have this thread closed"

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How on earth did this thread spiral into such a shitstorm?

Anacybele, it's okay if you yourself don't consider Micaiah or Alm lords. But you shouldn't tell everyone else to not put them on the "lord" section of their lists. It may be your thread, but your objection is just as subjective as everyone else's are. You're fighting a losing battle. We're not trying to force you to agree that Micaiah and Alm are lords if you don't believe so. I ask that you stop trying to force your opinion on everyone else.

No, trying to argue that Micaiah and Alm can be considered lords isn't them forcing their opinion on you. They're trying to justify their thoughts to you because you keep shooting them down.

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