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Your favorite character of each class?


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Aren't people allowed to make rules for threads they create as long as they're reasonable? I simply believed mine to be reasonable.

No. Not in the sense youre thinking. Thats the moderator's job, not ours, to enforce board rules on any given thread. Once you post a thread, it becomes a part of the forum's structure and is more or less public domain. Only if someone is outright flaming and breaking board rules does it warrant the OP to report it and/or state "Guys, can we not do this shit in my thread?" I actually had to have this very conversation with someone several months back (somewhere else) because they were far too possessive of their threads and mini-modding the fuck out of them.

EDIT: For the purpose of this thread, Micaiah and Alm are not considered lords.

:facepalm: This is just so stupid.... Player sees character as main character of game. (in Micaiah's case) Player sees character repeatedly seize chapters as lords do. Player sees character forced deployed in every chapter they appear in. Player sees that character forced in final chapter. For all intents and purposes, that character is considered a lord by the player. DEAL. WITH. IT.

Boron, youre rubbing off on me. Rath is my ultimate favorite Bow Horse Guy. :P:

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also, fuck everyone that didn't list amelia as best knight/general.

fuck you all

To be fair, she's not exactly a good unit. Quite far from it. This isn't the place for such discussions, though.

Just felt like giving some insight why people wouldn't list Amelia among their favorites.

Edited by Little Al
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also, fuck everyone that didn't list amelia as best knight/general.

fuck you all

This is not a best unit discussion, for one, and second, I fail to see why it's worth going through two tiers of 4 move lancelock for a payoff that's not nearly enough to justify the trouble.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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for argument's sake, let's say a lord is a character (not a class) whose death triggers a game over. micaiah is a lord. not too hard to get your heads around.

My favorite lord is Berserk Ashnard.

...... sweatdrop.gif

Also, Amelia is the best knight but Wendy is the best general.

As for the lord thing, it seems like it would be better to say "ok, besides Alm and Micaiah, who's your favorite lord?" and possibly adding "the reason I'm asking is because I don't see them as lords." You have a pretty good shot of finding out who their favorite lord is who fits your specs of what a lord is, but you also have a lesser chance of getting into an argument about who's right and who's wrong about a label.

Well I should do my favorite units of each class.

Lord: Leaf (FE5)

Cavalier: Oifaye

Myrmidon: either Kenshin (FE6) or Shishio (FE9/10) i.e. Karel or Stefan

Fighter: Boyd (both games)

Soldier: Devdan (Neph and Danved also gr9)

Mercenary: Othin

Pegasus: Tanith

Wyvern: Trabant

Archer: Briggid

Armor: Oswin

Mage: either soren or olwen

Priest: dunno they are all boring I think. because, I can't remember one who isn't la RENAULT

Troubador: Ursula


Laguz: the two wolf laguz are the best laguz. Wolf is also a great wolf laguz who only fights in humanoid form.

Heron: Not Rafiel. Lehran and Lorazieh and Leanne and Reyson are all great.


Every Goldoa dragon laguz is amazing, and every not Goldoa dragon manakete is lame. The Goldoa theme is most associated with Kurthnaga and Dheginsea, but the Dheginsea boss theme (which has parts from the Goldoa theme) is only Dheginsea's. So that's why. OK Rajaion is kinda I dunno but Ena, Nasir and Gareth are amazing.

Nomad: All cool. Coolest is all of 'em.

Dark Mage: VEYONA


Love this guy so much.

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To be fair, she's not exactly a good unit. Quite far from it. This isn't the place for such discussions, though.

not a good unit? for a general with such high speed and skill, it's worth the level up. just chuck her in a hallway and you've got a fool-proof steel wall.

This isn't the place for such discussions, though.

are you kidding me.


have you even read the title of the topic

the topic

the topic people talk about in here

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not a good unit? for a general with such high speed and skill, it's worth the level up.

There are plenty of other units in FE8 with just as good, if not better speed and skill.

just chuck her in a hallway and you've got a fool-proof steel wall.

Almost anyone can stand in a chokepoint and tank, since you only need to be able to survive 1, maybe 2 attacks to be able to fill a chokepoint.

Also, if you are not a fool, there is no need to have your units be fool-proof.

are you kidding me.


have you even read the title of the topic

the topic

the topic people talk about in here

The topic asks what people's favourite characters are, but there are many things that you can like a character for other than how well they perform in combat after you grind them to an extremely high level.

Edited by Anouleth
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are you kidding me.


have you even read the title of the topic

the topic

the topic people talk about in here

What people have been saying:

I like X unit out of all units with Y class the best: 2 pages

What is a lord? A miserable pile of secrets!: 5 pages

The merits of units gameplay-wise: ???

Almost anyone can stand in a chokepoint and tank, since you only need to be able to survive 1, maybe 2 attacks to be able to fill a chokepoint.

But not many units can tank competently, which is an important skill no matter how to play (since even in speedruns, being able to kill a dozen or so units on the EP without dying is clutch). An average of 38/16 def at endgame is nothing to write home about, especially if it's meant to be your specialty.

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not a good unit? for a general with such high speed and skill, it's worth the level up. just chuck her in a hallway and you've got a fool-proof steel wall.

If I'm using Amelia at all, I'd make her go Cavalier ---> Paladin and at least try to fix some of her issues. But that's aside the point, and it doesn't fix her most glaring issues. Not only do I ditto what Anouleth said, I also bring up the fact that Amelia starts off pitifully weak. Before you even get something resembling a "fool-proof wall", you have something that's as durable as tissue paper, and as hard-hitting as a spitball. And by the time she even reaches her strongest point, the game is nearly over. That is unless if you like grinding, which FE8 is easily beatable without. You gotta consider how Amelia is before she even reaches her strongest point, and see how she measures up to enemies without things like babying or abuse.
are you kidding me.


have you even read the title of the topic

the topic

the topic people talk about in here

Why yes. Yes I have. It's asking for whoever's your favorite unit among the various classes. NOT who's the best unit from those classes. If it were asking for who's the best, seeing as the word "best" is an objective term, this topic would be assuredly shorter, and you'd see lists like this.

Lord: Sigurd

Cavalier/Paladin/Similar: Seth

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Rutger

Fighter/Warrior: Othin

Soldier/Halberdier: Nephenee

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight: FE12 Catria or FE11 Caeda

Dracoknight/Dragon Master: FE10 Haar

Archer/Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Nomad/Nomadic Trooper/Similar: Shin

Armor Knight/General: Oswin or FE10 Gatrie

Mage/Sage: Asvel

Dark Mage/Sorcerer: Sariya

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Similar: Saphy

Troubadour/Valkyrie/Similar: Priscilla

Thief/Rogue/Similar: Parn

Beast Laguz: Volug

Bird Laguz: FE10 Janaff

Dragon Laguz: FE9 Nasir

Manakete: FE11 Nagi

Dancer/Bard/Heron: FE10 Reyson

Please note that the list you see here was made from the extent of my knowledge of who's widely regarded as the best among those classes.

Edited by Little Al
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not a good unit? for a general with such high speed and skill, it's worth the level up. just chuck her in a hallway and you've got a fool-proof steel wall.

I ditto what Anouleth and Little Al said, for one, and there's still the fact that it's not worth making Amelia go Knight > General, especially when the payoff doesn't even begin to make up for the trouble of having to endure 4 move lance lock for two tiers.

are you kidding me.


have you even read the title of the topic

the topic

the topic people talk about in here


You have got to be joking me. Since when did "favorite" mean "best"???

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You have got to be joking me. Since when did "favorite" mean "best"???

That's always been the case. Mathematically speaking, for any values of "me" and "you," "my opinion" > "your opinion." And you can't disprove math.

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But not many units can tank competently, which is an important skill no matter how to play (since even in speedruns, being able to kill a dozen or so units on the EP without dying is clutch). An average of 38/16 def at endgame is nothing to write home about, especially if it's meant to be your specialty.

He said specifically "you can throw her into a hallway and have a foolproof wall". In other words, implying that she's good at blocking chokepoints. He didn't mention being able to move into an open area and survive many attacks.

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This is not a best unit discussion, for one, and second, I fail to see why it's worth going through two tiers of 4 move lancelock for a payoff that's not nearly enough to justify the trouble.

I think there's something silly about saying this isn't a best unit discussionm and then (in the same "breath") making a point about whether Amelia is the best knight/general. Same goes for Al. If you think this topic isn't the right place to discuss what the "best" units are, why are you discussing what the "best" units are?

That's always been the case. Mathematically speaking, for any values of "me" and "you," "my opinion" > "your opinion." And you can't disprove math.

Me=/=my, you=/=your.

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I think there's something silly about saying this isn't a best unit discussionm and then (in the same "breath") making a point about whether Amelia is the best knight/general. Same goes for Al. If you think this topic isn't the right place to discuss what the "best" units are, why are you discussing what the "best" units are?

Well, I suppose you have a point, but to be honest, I think it was rather silly of whoever got mad over most people not picking Amelia as their favorite knight/general to fuss about it, and even more so to bring up "best" while they were at it.

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He said specifically "you can throw her into a hallway and have a foolproof wall". In other words, implying that she's good at blocking chokepoints. He didn't mention being able to move into an open area and survive many attacks.

I'm saying there's a difference between being able to block chokepoints and being able to tank. The former is basically pointless outside of a defense chapter, whereas the latter has offensive applications as well.

The term "foolproof wall" makes me of the latter. Since all the former needs is a crit either way or a ranged attacker to break down completely.

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Lord: Sigurd

Horse with weapons: Camus

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Lloyd, and he's my favorite from all of them

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Nolan. He looks pretty cool.

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Not much options here, so I'll go with... Nephenee

Mercenary/Hero: Gerik

Pegasi: Elincia. Excluding her, it'd be Mahnya

Wyverns: Haar

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Shinon. He and Denning are probably the only ones of that class I actually like.

Armored: Langbart. Probably the only

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Ishtar~

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Probably Artur

Cleric/Troubadour/Valkyrie: If this includes Mage Knights, Rinehart. If it's restricted to females, but allows Mage Knights, then Selena. If MKs aren't allowed, Ursula.

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: Volke

Beast Laguz: Caineighis

Bird Laguz: Tibarn

Dragon Laguz: Don't care.

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