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no means no


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No. You don't fucking do it. Unless you've actually agreed on some alternate form of consent you don't fucking take that risk. "Apparently" my ass. Consent is important. You sit down and shut up and take no for an answer.

You don't take any goddamn chances that maybe that no really was a yes if you don't know it for a fact.

Bullshit like "no means yes" HURTS PEOPLE.

Not sorry that I'm angry. At all.

Excellen expressed it poorly, but depending on the person some "no"s are seriously anything but. Not in a majority of the time for such a person, but it's pretty easy to tell when such a person is being serious or not.

It shouldn't need explanation, I guess, but I think if you've been in a relationship you have probably already been in situations where the verbal statement is entirely different from what they're really trying to say, or what they really feel.

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Yes obviously those two things can be compared perfectly~!

Of course, and it's not hypocritical on their part at all!

Can we just agree that no means no unless designated safe words are a thing, or something?

What if your safe word is "yes"?

Then yes means no, therefore no means yes.

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Can we just agree that no means no unless designated safe words are a thing, or something?

That works.

i don't think you can compare rape to pepper spraying a rapist

unless you're a fucking nutjob

I think Baldo was being sarcastic or facetious.

If he's not, then you're absolutely 100% correct.

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Ummm that kinda looked like a fail at sarcastically agreeing with me x3

Well I don't actually think what I said, Crash was on the money. Sometimes I say things to mock people who take ftff threads seriously.

i don't think you can compare rape to pepper spraying a rapist

unless you're a fucking nutjob

Yes, I know one inflicts significant psychological trauma and the other can't reasonably compare, but the rapist deserved it so it all evens out. See what I mean?

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What can I say? I'm so puny they wouldn't believe I'd be any problem ;~;

Not even I would!!

Keep secured a black leather belt that you don't actually need to hold your pants up, then if somebody requires a firm answer in the negatory, use it to bonk them

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Well I don't actually think what I said, Crash was on the money. Sometimes I say things to mock people who take ftff threads seriously.

Once somebody turns it into a serious conversation (that can't be helped when serious topics get brought up to begin with, no matter how jokingly it gets brought up) then everyone else starts taking it seriously as well. And of course on the internet you can't really tell a difference~

There's no rule in FFtF that everything said in here has to be a joke or else majority of the internet would've been banned by now

That still doesn't relate to what I was talking about though... It changes nothing XD It looks like your wording just failed on what message you were trying to get across x3

Keep secured a black leather belt that you don't actually need to hold your pants up, then if somebody requires a firm answer in the negatory, use it to bonk them


Edited by Freohr Datia
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Can a capital have a capital?

I mean like, could we make it so that Washington DC was in Maryland and Maryland was the capital state of the US w/ Washington DC being the capital city. Or is ile de france could be considered the capital province (or whatever) of France.

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