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romneyyyyyyyyyy romney wtf are you doing


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I watched a bit of the beginning of the debate. Here's my impressions:

Obama - smiles a bit at his notes every now and then, seems to be looking at said notes quite a bit.

Romney - spends more time smirking at Obama than looking at his notes.

In the gigantic mafia game that is politics, Obama strikes me as more town. :P:

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Am I the only one that did't get the joke?

Anyway I did't watch the debate since it aired on 3 o clock at nigh over here, but from the information I heard about it Romney both won and lost. He was "better" in the debate, but he failed to completely destroy Obama and Obama did't make any big mistakes that could harm him.

Edited by Sasori
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Am I the only one that did't get the joke?

Anyway I did't watch the debate since it aired on 3 o clock at nigh over here, but from the information I heard about it Romney both won and lost. He was "better" in the debate, but he failed to completely destroy Obama and Obama did't make any big mistakes that could harm him.

Yeah, go check the mafia subforum for what I'm talking about.

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