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FAYZ Mafia - Game Over


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Game takes place at an unspecified time before Fear.

Alright thanks. This means that Taylor could've turned at this point.

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except now we don't have anyone to shoot the other claim god dammit cam

sk is such a precious role and you wasted it

wasted it

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Well, shit. Aere is modkilled, but he kind of pointed out scorri pretty much encouraged him to, so uh... There's no real way to deal with this without getting somebody pissed. Either way though, this will be one hell of a postgame.

15. No posting role PMs, or quoting results (real or fabricated). Character name, and role only.

N0 and N1, my bad. I picked Kay n0 because she's Kay.

I dost counterclaim on Prims D1 because I didn't know if there were more than one investigating roles. We have two vig claims and two SG claims, so... That's why I investigated him N1.

If you're asking my action flavor, it's asking to look at their power level. I get no answer flavor, just alignment, role, and character name.

Aere has been modkilled!

His role was...

Dear Aere,

You are Diana Landris, Coates Cop.

You are a freak with the power to sense the powers of others. You use your good looks to seduce people into getting what you want, and Caine himself has fallen for you.

You were the one Caine first revealed his powers to, and encouraged him to train them, to use them on people you disliked, or for revenge.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM "Read USER's power level". You will be informed of that user's name, role, and alliance at the start of the day phase.

You are allied with Coates. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Aere: Please claim flavor as to why you're a cop please.

Everyone else, please keep claiming characters. Go.

scorri has been modkilled!

Her role was...

Dear scorri,

You are Sam Temple, Town Vigilante.

You are a freak with the power to shoot light out of your palms. Before the coming of the FAYZ you were rarely in the spotlight, but in life or death situations you were prepared to take control, even when others are at a loss.

Caine Soren, leader of one of the aggressive factions is in actuallity your fraternal twin brother, however you were unaware of this fact until the coming of the FAYZ, as your mother put him up for adoption shortly after his birth.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM "Burn USER to a crisp". You will kill said user with your light powers, however you may not use this on consecutive days due to the amount of energy it drains from you.

You are allied with Perdido Beach. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.


If day 1 didn't happen like it did, I would make it night 2 now. But since there's been barely 24 hours of talking so far, you get another 48 hours to talk. But there's no lynching at this time.

Sorry for how badly this turned out, hopefully I'll be able to explain a little better in postgame.

Day 2 continues, lynchless. You have 48 hours to talk.

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Knew that Aere was Diana. For once reading something comes back to help me!

OK so what now. We STILL have our dual safeguard claim. And only 2 mafioso now (did we lose MYLO?).

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This game is nearly over, so I don't think you'll need me as a sub. Not interested in being informed, so instead I'll comment randomly. Starting with. . .the game lost an equal number of players to modkills as lynch/deaths D1/N1. Good job.

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