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That should be a FE class.


What would their battle animations be like? edit: would it be more like a stabbing motion, or a slash?

Edited by Raven
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Long story short? Sometimes, you don't WANT people to know you're gender because they'll treat you differently over it. And don't tell me that it doesn't happen because it did.

I can understand that. In the past, on sites with no gender optons, I was often mistaken for a girl. Now that got pretty weird, especially when people tried messaging me about it. It actually stretched to online games too, where people would assume I was a girl because I was the healer and nice to all of them :P.

Crash, people have the right to put whatever they like down. It's just like birthday and age, people are going to treat you differently depending on how they picture you. It's easier just to remove that.

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I can understand that. In the past, on sites with no gender optons, I was often mistaken for a girl. Now that got pretty weird, especially when people tried messaging me about it. It actually stretched to online games too, where people would assume I was a girl because I was the healer and nice to all of them :P.

several SF members have mistakenly thought that I was a girl

so uh

I feel you shin

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Just what this topic needed. Rape jokes.

And here I thought it had suffered enough already.

It was a tasteless and insensitive joke, and I did consider whether or not I should post it. I know rape isn't a matter to be taken lightly itself (I am very much against it as an action, as I'm sure everyone else is) but in the context I put it in it's all right. I know some will disagree with my opinion. Sorry if you're offended by it.

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Well, it's to be expected on this forum.

People here, use the word "rape" as an replacement for pretty much any word.

I wonder if this is exclusive to these forums, gamers in general, or maybe even the English language as a whole.

This is actually something that puzzled me since I've been here.

Edited by BrightBow
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It might be common, but that doesn't mean I have to sit back and say nothing when people casually joke about something that's hurt friends and family members.

Raven, I didn't think you meant to hurt anybody, but I would not consider rape/sexual assault to be safe joking material when an estimated one in six women and one in ten men are survivors.

Edited by kdanger
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I could be a girl for all you know

wait shit you mean you aren't???

People here, use the word "rape" as an replacement for pretty much any word.

I wonder if this is exclusive to these forums

nerd culture is just retarded

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It might be common, but that doesn't mean I have to sit back and say nothing when people casually joke about something that's hurt friends and family members.

And here I thought it had suffered enough already.

Please don't get me wrong. That line wasn't intended as a "That's just how these things are" kind of line.

Admittedly, it is this kind of line, now that I took another look at it. I can't deny that.

I was merely trying to express my puzzlement over this without it turning into that other thread in "Serious Discussion", where people insist that the usage of the word "faggot" has nothing to do with discrimination anymore, since that one was already pretty painful to read.

What I do think about this issue is:

It is unfair if the members of the gender that forms the majority of a community speak and joke so casually about a crime, which in everyones perception is performed exclusively against the outnumbered gender.

Because I can't help to think, that members of the smaller group would often be made uncomfortable in such a case.

Which, of course, is the case with rape:

a) Most of the time, women are the victims of the act.

b) In the perception of most people it's even a crime committed exclusively by men against women. Not true of course, but that's how people perceive it. To the point where the male victims aren't even acknowledged most of the time.

c) Women tend to form the minority in a lot of nerd communities, like this one.

So from my personal perspective, I can't say I am surprised when females don't want to make their gender visible. And that the rape joke actually helped to illustrate that issue.

Of course, I might be completely wrong since my perspective is highly limited.

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People here, use the word "rape" as an replacement for pretty much any word.

Ok can I just get a clarification for what this means?

(I was going to replace random words in the above sentence with rape but I decided not to).

It's not that I think you actually mean the absurd thing, but I don't understand what you were actually trying to say :(

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Ok can I just get a clarification for what this means?

(I was going to replace random words in the above sentence with rape but I decided not to).

It's not that I think you actually mean the absurd thing, but I don't understand what you were actually trying to say :(

People here, use the term all the time for stuff that has nothing to do with rape.

When a unit is good, that unit "rapes"

When a unit is better then another unit, then that units "rapes" that other unit.

When a unit is bad, that units gets "raped"

And lots of other fun stuff. :/:

Thankfully this has mellowed down since the Rating Threads are over. Of course, thats merely the case because the right context isn't brought up that often anymore.

Since I don't want to call people by names by quoting them (and since I need to go to sleep. All that coffee can't be good for my health), you might want to take a look yourself.

Go to the search here:


"Search in section": "Forums"

"Find in forum": "General Fire Emblem Forums"

"Display results": "Posts"

Search for "Rape"

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