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I've noticed that


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Crash, they don't care about being tracked down

It's just that some guys on the internet are stupid and the instant they hear someone's a girl they're gonna start hitting on them because OMG A GIRL LIEKS VIDEO GAMEZ I MUST MARRY HER and white knight for them too and etc and that usually makes someone feel quite uncomfortable

So it's good to use that if they want to avoid that.

Better idea: Report them or ignore them instead of idiotically hiding harmless information.

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Crash, here's another thing: why does it matter whether a random person on the Internet you'll probably never meet is a male or a female? Would it change how you treat or interact with that person? Should it?

I'm going to tell you a story right now. Back when I was new to SF (so new that the FR thing hadn't even started up at that point), I didn't mark my gender as female. I wanted to see whether people thought I were male or female based merely off my posts and words and typing style.

Funny thing: the consensus was that I was male.

The not-so-funny thing: Harpoon, after I told him that I was female, said something like, "but I was taught to treat ladies differently" or some bullshit like that. Fast forward a couple of months where he has the nerve to portray me as an ambition-less housemother type. This is a guy who when he first talked to me thought I was a dude and treated me normally. If he never figured out that I was actually female, I can guarantee that he would've treated me differently.

Long story short? Sometimes, you don't WANT people to know you're gender because they'll treat you differently over it. And don't tell me that it doesn't happen because it did.

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Better idea: Report them or ignore them instead of idiotically hiding harmless information.

Not sure if that's part of the rules or anything... but if it is against the rules then your idea would work

Oh and people suck at ignoring annoying members so that's why they want to hide it instead

Personally I don't see why you are so offended about it but... it doesn't exactly surprise me

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Crash, here's another thing: why does it matter whether a random person on the Internet you'll probably never meet is a male or a female? Would it change how you treat or interact with that person? Should it?

I'm going to tell you a story right now. Back when I was new to SF (so new that the FR thing hadn't even started up at that point), I didn't mark my gender as female. I wanted to see whether people thought I were male or female based merely off my posts and words and typing style.

Funny thing: the consensus was that I was male.

The not-so-funny thing: Harpoon, after I told him that I was female, said something like, "but I was taught to treat ladies differently" or some bullshit like that. Fast forward a couple of months where he has the nerve to portray me as an ambition-less housemother type. This is a guy who when he first talked to me thought I was a dude and treated me normally. If he never figured out that I was actually female, I can guarantee that he would've treated me differently.

Long story short? Sometimes, you don't WANT people to know you're gender because they'll treat you differently over it. And don't tell me that it doesn't happen because it did.


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well yeah you're pretty much right in that some people treat others differently based on their gender and that the option to not tell should be there for anyone to use.

That implies that I'm trying to accomplish anything other the mild morbid amusement of repeatedly poking FFTF topics with a stick.
makes me think, it's good for me


Edited by seph1212
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Boron, I know what you did. And I know why behaviour like Sharpy's sucks BUT THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY IT! It only justifies disciplining gender roled assholes like Sharpy.

Oh and people suck at ignoring annoying members so that's why they want to hide it instead

That's not an excuse!

people, it's craaaaaaaash, this kind of thing should be expected

you all know how silly he is about gender

not that he should be but instead of trying to reason with him we should all just point and laugh :3

No Seph, you should fuck off.

Saying this shit isn't helpful or constructive, it's just senseless sadistic cruelty. I know you hate me SO STOP TALKING ABOUT ME!

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Boron, I know what you did. And I know why behaviour like Sharpy's sucks BUT THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY IT! It only justifies disciplining gender roled assholes like Sharpy.

Crash, which one is easier:

Discipline every "gender-roled asshole like Sharpy"


Putting your gender as "not-telling on an Internet forum

Seriously. Think.

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Boron, I know what you did. And I know why behaviour like Sharpy's sucks BUT THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY IT! It only justifies disciplining gender roled assholes like Sharpy.

lrn2logic dude

what you're saying is also completely unjustified

do you actually ever listen/read properly instead of jumping to your conclusions that can also come off as assholish

I'm pretty much done dealing with people who think they are right no matter what and use isolated cases to prove a point (logically unsound in case you missed the point)

also hypocrisy

Edited by Manix
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