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Does anyone LIKE Sothe?


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I'm planning on making a video, and I need to know if there are people who like Sothe, and if they do, why. A friend of mine likes Sothe, and I'll ask him his opinion tomorrow, but what does SerenesForest think? Who here LIKES Path of Radiance Sothe? [Oh, and keep in mind, we're talking about Normal Sothe, not hacked-Assassin Sothe.]

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In terms of character or as a combat unit?

Both, really. I prefer a general opinion on the character, providing as much opinion as you can...

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Buh.. he's okay. He's a cute, quiet kid with a knife.

He comes off better if he's around Tormod though, cuz then they can be a duo that way and play off each other's traits.

Actually, I think Sothe's a lot like Soren. Just less angsting and less manipulative? Yeah. I think that's accurate.

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Personally, I think Sothe is a nice addition to the game.

As a street kid, he is as low on the social ladder as you can get without being owned by someone. This allows him to offer an unique perspective.

Edited by BrightBow
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He has abs and shows them.

Fangirls probably swoon over him and dream of being Micaiah

That's Radiant Dawn Sothe. We're talking about Path of Radiance Sothe.

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Call me a cheapskate, but I like the fact that he picks locks for free. (Even after promotion, Volke charges 50g per lock.)

And even if his max stats in PoR aren't much better than his default stats in RD, I feel this strange compulsion to max him out in PoR anyway...

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I tried using him once in Easy mode, got him to level 20 for RD bonuses (which made him a bit less mediocre in RD). He's pretty much the same as Volke in that he's only really much good for stealing and stuff. He's useless as a combat unit because Knives are terrible in PoR.

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I used Sothe in my most recent playthrough intended for transfers, trained almost entirely through a bexp dump, but he performs well enough in his thiefly duties. Volke can obviously perform something resembling offense whereas Sothe struggles to kill anything that's not a bishop or mage, but Sothe is good enough since combat is not his role anyway, and he is better in a transfer run since he figures so prominently in P1 and parts of P3 of RD.

As for his personality, I think he's okay, but his support with Astrid seems a little contradictory to Sothe's real feelings, even within PoR and discounting RD. Sothe talks a few good words about Ashnard and Daein in the chapter 22 base convo, so why is he suddenly calling the Daein soldiers scum, when he's from Daein? A country that he actually likes? Most of what Sothe talks about in regards to Micaiah also seems a little strange that Micaiah would up and leave him and for some reason be in Begnion, when RD makes no mention of this disappearance ever again, only that Sothe and Micaiah reunite sometime in the interim. So while I think he's interesting as a character of the lowest background from the enemy nation, he's virtually a brand new character in the sequel and there isn't much continuity except for the fact that Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade are hinted at.

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As for his personality, I think he's okay, but his support with Astrid seems a little contradictory to Sothe's real feelings, even within PoR and discounting RD. Sothe talks a few good words about Ashnard and Daein in the chapter 22 base convo, so why is he suddenly calling the Daein soldiers scum, when he's from Daein? A country that he actually likes? Most of what Sothe talks about in regards to Micaiah also seems a little strange that Micaiah would up and leave him and for some reason be in Begnion, when RD makes no mention of this disappearance ever again, only that Sothe and Micaiah reunite sometime in the interim. So while I think he's interesting as a character of the lowest background from the enemy nation, he's virtually a brand new character in the sequel and there isn't much continuity except for the fact that Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade are hinted at.

Well, given that he is a member from an enemy nation, I can see that he would try to act like he is not related to them. Just to be safe.

As for Micaiah and Sothe, personally I think that their info conversation in part 5 addressed this point appropriately.

But then again, I haven't seen the convo in years.

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On my first playthough of the game I thought Volke was pretty sketchy so when I got Sothe I benched Volke.

After completing the game and learning that Sothe doesnt promote, I learned better. I havent used him over Volke ever since.

If I need 2 thieves I use him. If I only need 1, Volke gets the call.

Personality and looks-wise I liked Sothe at first, but after seeing him in FE10 I really dont like him that much anymore.

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Oh, not that Sothe?

But seriously FE9!Sothe is kinda... er... let's go into him.

Let's start for him as a unit, now I see what they wanted to do with him as unit a unit to make him different from Volke, Volke is able to promote, Sothe doesn't have pay to open locks. While I do like the idea, the amount of spend to open locks is 50 gold, and since only every 5 or so maps have chest, where you'll at most be paying 300 gold, and gold is thrown at you like the Tellius economy has nothing better to do then give you gold, more probably wanna be using Volke just incase he has to take a couple of hits, and his combat is made nearly useless by FE9!knives and the fact he can't promote and have caps more than 20. Ya... doesn't really have much room as a unit...

As a character, he's just kinda there at first, Ike rescues him and gets 2 supports that really aren't important to his character, but that all changes when you get to his second base conversation. You learn he's a thief from the slums of Daein, and that he's there for looking for someone in Begnion (which IS remember). I feel that a character like that could have been worked with a lot more, but that's probably just me being picky...

But to answer your question, yes, I do like Sothe in Fire Emblem 9, if only for his original character

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No character development

useless in combat

No promotion

and if you do use him to steal chests he will probably cost you a turn or two because if he's caught in enemy range he's most likely going to get 0RKO'd unless you sink him with BEXP but what's the point?

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