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Revert to the Dark (OOC/Discussion)

You Know Shinon Is God

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I've been a bit busy lately and haven't gotten a chance to to post again in the RP but I should hopefuly get a chance tomorow to post. Also I have plans for to continue with Reyson. I however don't know what to do with Zelgius since Florina sorta left the conversation between Zelgius and Sephiran hanging there but I will think of something. I plan on letting Ashnard sit around and do nothing else with him till things start to progress more.

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Yeah, I'm gonna post soon if nobody else does and speed it up, straight to Gallia, and start conflict there. So if anyone's gonna post, be sure to do so before I post with Ike again, because if I movethe GMs, I kinda have to move the time along, too, which means everyone else moves with the time. ^^;

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Thats actually better for me. I did have plans to do something for Reyson but it wouldn't have really progessed the story however with time passing by it would be alot easier for Zelgius and Ashnard and somewhat for Reyson since I now have a idea what to do with him when you post your post.

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I'm pretty interested on this. My roleplaying skills are pretty average and my grammar isn't spectacular, but I want to pick Edward if you let me. I think he's one of the characters who I can stay IC.

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I say "Timeskip" and the whole party comes flooding in. :P

But yeah, I can post a timeskip with both Ike and Pelleas. It helps too in that we don't have a Micaiah, so we don't have to go through all that.

EDIT: Sorry, guys. Stuff is going on, so my time is limited online right now. I know you're all waiting on me, so I'll try getting to my post soon.

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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Snowy: I'm waiting for the timeskip, but I might post something tonight if I feel sufficiently inspired.

Bal: At this stage, it's the former, so I suppose that means it needs to be moved.

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Yeah, sorry, guys. One of you can go ahead with the skip. I'll write all the little catch up stuff if need be.

And I'd prefer it stay as a sign-up/chat. It's basically for us to figure out our plans AND for sign-ups. Someone recently came by and signed up as Edward, so... I know at least someone's been looking at it as a sign-up.

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How about I split the thread. The sign-ups and such will stay here of course, and the chat will go to Chat?

Edit: If you are curious what sort of things should go where, I'd be more than happy to point out examples or clarify. A tidy sign-up thread is a benefit to everyone, but especially newcomers.

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So, as in, keep this one as a chat or and create a separate sign-up thread?

And yeah - this forum seems to work a LOT idfferently than all the other forums I've ever joined. That would help. :)

Everyone else, I should be able to start posting tomorrow. On the assumption I get my comp. back. The video card in it died, so I haven't been able to use it and I've been on someone else's, so I'm kinda limited to time. ;A;But yeah, hopefully tomorrow.

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