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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Paperblade said that if you were lying, you'd be scum. Why would that be the case? There was no reasoning behind this. Why can't Manix be a town fake claiming Survivor? I know of some other people who might do such fake claims on Day 1 when they are town.

here's the thing; scum are more likely to fake survivor as a way to get a free pass

town faking survivor is kinda counterproductive in a way; but I felt I could work with it

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@Mancer: [spoiler=Blood Tests] I get blood tests once or twice a month because of my health problems. They're really not painful at all (I don't even flinch but then again I'm a badass). Like Manix said it's just a little prick, your blood rushes out into some tubes, and your done. It only gets annoying if the person drawing your blood can't find your vein and has to poke you a billion times and keeps blowing up your veins. Just make sure to drink LOTS of water before you go so that you're hydrated, since that way your blood vessels will be a lot bigger. Depending on how much they draw you may feel a little light headed, but you won't faint so no worries. Again make sure to drink lots of water after your done too, and eat some sugar too to get your blood sugar back up a little and you'll feel a little less lightheaded.

Okay so people are just saying "yeah Helios...idk about him I get a weird feeling though" like it's the new thing. On top of that you're being extremely vague about it. Can you guys explain why you feel this way so I can clear up these misunderstandings?

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Okay so people are just saying "yeah Helios...idk about him I get a weird feeling though" like it's the new thing. On top of that you're being extremely vague about it. Can you guys explain why you feel this way so I can clear up these misunderstandings?

I'm mostly skimming >_>

the content is probably there but right now I'm too lazy to deal with it

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Thanks for the advice, guys.

Yet Paperblade left out the possibility that Manix could be town claiming Survivor (no matter how detrimental to the town it could be). He was too sure in his post, IMO. Too decisive as what I said earlier.

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If there's only one kill and a guy goes "Hey I'm vig I shot USER" that draws serious doubt onto the "vig" claim

I didn't think Manix was town because town claiming third party is rly dumb, but I was pretty sure he wasn't Survivor because he sat there and scumhunted which seems counterproductive to a Survivor claim (which you would do so that you don't have to make an effort to actually play the game).

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Guys, we're not lynching Rein today - see what I just said about his Miller claim. My only real issue with his slot is the lack of posting frequency (which isn't actually too bad when you remember the day's only been going for 24 hours). His Helios vote post isn't lackluster, just concise.

Why are people uninterested in lynching Elie to the extent that nobody even posts about him? Yeah, he's sick, but last I checked that doesn't prevent your playerslot from being scum.


I'm supposed to give people a free pass because they're busy or not feeling well?

Uh, you kinda are, given that all your reads on busy people ended in "but they're sick" as justification for not pressing them too hard.

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Just popping in for a sec to say: I haven't caught up note-wise but I've at least caught up reading-wise from where I last posted. Gotta grab some food so I don't pass out and then I'll be posting something. So y'all know I haven't disappeared forever. Might take a bit. But yeah. I'm hurr.

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easy2read votals:

Helios (3): Paperblade, Rein, BBM

Mancer (2): Manix, Elieson

Shinori (2): Meesh, Kay

BBM (1): Helios

Elieson (1): Prims

Meesh (1): Shinori

Paperblade (1): Mancer

Rein (1): Boron

SEG (1): Blitz

Not Voting: SEG

I'm actually surprised how few wagons there are given the 9 pages. We really need up-to-date thoughts from Shinori, Meesh and Kay at this point (cut by Meesh, hi). Not really interested in turning any of the players with only 1 vote into wagons right now, either.

@Mod: What's the status on SEG's ability to post?

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Checked Elieson's iso to see what he's been posting

His first two posts give me the impression he isn't actually reading. His first post he goes "We have nothing to go on" and "we won't lynch scum if we're ITPhunting." Uh, except there was an ITP claim that you didn't comment on?

Second post he asks for the miller claim (rather than, like, ctrl+f for miller). Rest of it also seems waffly.

I also don't like that his defense against BBM is "I'm sick"

Blitz's play right now bothers me.

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Yea. Tell bbm to make a real case and stop basing half of his scumreads on crappy "I'm sick" reasons. Whenever he posts that after his logic, it nullifies his entire process, making for a pretty useless argument.

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Fudge I had a big post and I accidentally lost it... ugh will have to start again.

I don't see where Helios/Elie are getting that my reads are waffly. Maybe I have too many of them, but I've never second guessed any of them other than to say that some of them are sick/busy and to say that I'm not 100% sure that they are scum. And if that's waffling, so be it.

I also don't like Prims's listpost. He has Paper as his towniest read out of those not roleconfirm, but then says that Paper didn't say much about the Mancer debate. His bit about Eclipse points out something that she does which is not good, but then says she normally does that as town, and then goes on again to press her about something else. His bits about me and then especially Helios are really waffly as well. I was starting to feel it earlier, but now I'm much more confident that Helios and Prims might be scumbuddies.

Also, Helios/Prims, just because Kay wasn't there doesn't mean that he couldn't have been tunneling on her. A lot of his content immediately after the Kay vote is centred around defending it and himself, rather than scumhunting. He focuses a bit on Rein and that's really it, except Rein has claimed Miller.

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Yea. Tell bbm to make a real case and stop basing half of his scumreads on crappy "I'm sick" reasons. Whenever he posts that after his logic, it nullifies his entire process, making for a pretty useless argument.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Elieson

THis is incredibly blatant misrepresentation, I have never found someone scummy because they were sick. I found them scummy for other reasons, and I wasn't going to keep those to myself just because they happened to be sick. Also, you're saying that half my scumreads are because the people are sick, and then basing half your defence on the people being sick. Sick people can be scum too.

I still think Helios is scummy but Elieson is just making stuff up now.

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I also don't like Prims's listpost. He has Paper as his towniest read out of those not roleconfirm, but then says that Paper didn't say much about the Mancer debate. His bit about Eclipse points out something that she does which is not good, but then says she normally does that as town, and then goes on again to press her about something else. His bits about me and then especially Helios are really waffly as well. I was starting to feel it earlier, but now I'm much more confident that Helios and Prims might be scumbuddies.

Why should I explain a town read that isn't under fire? Working with townies is the best way to get organized so it's not scummy to ask them questions. Plus the list put people in general groups rather than an exact order. Also lol associative tells without flips.

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You're listing them as probable town anyways- what further harm is explaining that town read going to do? On the other hand, calling them town while simultaneously pressing them about scummy things they're doing is just playing both sides. And it not being in exact order doesn't really change the underlying point, which you're dodging. The point is about you waffling, and you didn't say anything about the waffling on Helios, I notice, just about the townreads.

And my bit about the distancing was much smaller than the rest of the paragraph about you, which was focused entirely on your post. Once again, you're ignoring the entire message and picking out little bits out of it to focus on.

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I stated my reasons for this before, but basically:

  • [*]Claimed lynching survivor is a scum move originally, then later claim it's a town move in order to try and use it in an argument against me.
(yes I know you unvoted me but I feel this is relevant enough to address anyway)

I suppose I was not very clear with my first post because I don't think voting survivor is necessarily townie or scummy. Sorry for my lack of clarity there. Town doesn't mind because nine times out of ten, a survivor is going to sit around like a useless asshole all game and vote with the mafia when it matters, and mafia doesn't mind a survivor lynch cause it means one of them isn't being lynched. At this point I wouldn't prefer you being lynched the most though.

##Unvote (Helios), ##Vote Elieson

What are you doing, man? You're not contributing, you're barely reading, your defenses are half-assed as fuck. If you're legitimately sick ask for a sub or something, you have a lot of things to do already.

Go home and be a family man.

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Shinori (2): Meesh, Kay, Paperblade, Manix

Mancer (2): BBM, Eclipse, Manix, Elieson

Elieson (4): Prims, Paperblade, BBM, Rein

BBM (1): Blitz, Helios

Meesh (1): Manix, Shinori

SEG (1): Rein, Blitz

Paperblade (1): Mancer

Blitz (1): Eclipse

Rein (1): Helios, Boron

Excellen (0): Elieson

Prims (0): Helios

Kay (0): Helios, Boron

Scorri (0): Shinori

Manix (0): Prims, Elieson

Helios (0): Rein, Paperblade, BBM

I hope im getting these right

edit: you may have noticed blitz is there twice.

i require assisstance.

edit1: nevermind

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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