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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Well, my thoughts on Kay are as follows: I think that the points she makes are valid. I can understand where she is going with them. I'll try to explain them then let her confirm if that is what she meant.

Scum knows who each other are, right? They have Quick Topic chat too. So, if scum knows each other, then, if Prims was scum, he would be able to tell, from the list of scum players, whether or not Manix is scum. Prims will not be able to tell whether Manix is Survivor or not in this way (since both Survivor and town are not scum). Thus, Prims might suspect that Manix is an important power role that is trying to deflect attention from scum by claiming to be a Survivor. This explains Prims suspecting Manix of being a town power role. In this case, Prims can actually kill Manix, and claim to be a Vig that shot the claimed Survivor. He could hide out and pretend to be a town player like that. Using the whole example stated here, I believe that Kay meant that if Prims were indeed scum, he would definitely find it more beneficial to lynch Manix. In fact, Kay meant that scum would want to lynch or kill off Manix in the game. Thus, if Prims does want to keep Manix in the game, through an inverse relationship, it shows that Prims is not necessarily scummy.

I think from that, Kay was actually trying to make sense of and help Manix in her reaction test to see if Prims was scummy or townie at that point in time.

Would this change any of your reads on Kay? Comments and thoughts please.

No, this is not what I had meant. I meant, if Prims was scum and Manix was nonscum, Prims would know Manix was not lying to hide being scum. Therefore, Manix would be either survivor, which scum wouldn't really want dead because survivor is basically guaranteed to joint with scum at LYLO, assuming everyone is purely playing to win, and is otherwise presumably like a vanilla townie. Therefore, scum would want a mislynch over a survivor lynch, and Prims meta indicates to me that he actively pushes for mislynches as scum, IIRC. So, I think it is likely that he wouldn't commit to wanting a survivor lynch to that extent, again, as scum, with no other motives than wanting a survivor lynch over a mafia lynch.

I was ruling out the possibility of the additional motive of Prims suspecting Manix of being a lying townie. I made the assumption of thinking Manix would play typically and not fakeclaim as town just to get reactions, though, so this was a flawed theory. Instead, I thought the most likely reason for Manix to fakeclaim was to remove himself, as a town power role, from the list of nightkill targets.

So, I was saying that based on this, Prims was likely to be town, and if he wasn't, Manix was likely to be mafia also.

Does that clear it up?

@Prims: I legitimately thought Kay wasn't gonna be off which is why I thought I could get a quicker response from her, but then she didn't post until a couple hours ago so that plan failed ;/. Hindsight probably makes it look bad but I don't have future sight in my moveslot. Also yeah you described me pretty well in your meta analysis haha.

This is reasonable because Helios knows me pretty well and had reason to think I would be online. Just saying.

Is it waffling or active lurking to ask the town for more discussions before deciding? Cause I wasn't really that active when most of the posts are made, and I can't really get a solid scumread out yet.

Active lurking. It's also not great to ask "would it be scummy if I did this?".

ok well this blitz person is active lurking super fucking hard and has contributed nada

ironic considering his vote on me too


##Vote: Blitz

Blitz has limited internet access and is in a weird timezone. He's not active lurking, he's just plain not around, likely enough. That said I'm not really thinking he's town, but the inactivity is reasonable.

By no hard feelings, I mean no voting me back because I voted Paperblade, no blaming me if he gets wagoned or lynched type of thing.

This could potentially be noobtown but it's still terrible.

Target me :> I want to be ~confirmed town~.

Though actually this is probably a terrible thing to talk about in case scum has a bus driver or some other countermeasure whatever.

Then why are you talking about it?

I don't understand the case on Helios. Scumreads on Boron/Excellen, BBM, and Mancer. Not as much on Mancer because he could be noobtown but I don't wanna give him too much of a pass.

Rein is annoyingly unhelpful and should post content instead of commenting on how to ISO, but what else is new.

I should be online more tonight.


##Vote: BBM

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Urg obviously I cannot focus worth a shit, but I'm gonna remain in game as long as I can, since I have a sub-less reputation I want to uphold.

Something seemed off about Helios...I'm gonna reread this.

Also seg welcome to Elie does scummy shit day 1 every game since ever.

If no one gets my case on bbm, then I'm done pursuing it.


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And what is the reason for your scumread on Boron/Excellen, for that matter?

Also, Elieson, you are aware that there are more people currently who think I am scummy than there were when you first started suspecting me, right? If you really thought I was scummy, this would be a questionable time to drop your case on me.

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Ok nvm. This is not working. I'm simply wasting my slot away by playing.

Against my wishes, it's pretty much for the best. Levity, sub me out.

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I think, like, one person really mentioned me. Prims, I'm noting down what I don't like, and if I think it's worth a vote, I'll vote. Otherwise, it's my observations, which may or may not be useful when people read backwards. I scatter my thoughts in my posts, because it's the only way I can help. While you and Paper reacted way too strongly to Manix's lame claim, I don't think either of you are worth a vote at the moment, because there's, like, way worse things ATM.

I'm not a fan of the current Mancer wagon (I wanted a commitment out of him, which he did), but that's not bugging me as much as the Rein block. Why is the miller getting votes?

The following things do not sit right with me.

> Helios is scummy

> vote SEG

> not thinking that Blitz is town

> votes BBM and says he's scummy and doesn't explain why

Another "so and so is scummy with no explanation" post

I'm fine with a Blitz lynch, so my vote stays. I do NOT like Kay's recent content, and am not averse to lynching her, either. I want to see what Psych does in Elieson's slot, and Helios is behind my current scum reads of Blitz/Kay.

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So what is the reason for your scumread on me?

You post a lot but your reads aren't anything that interesting and your votes less so.

And what is the reason for your scumread on Boron/Excellen, for that matter?

Same thing basically. It's not a big thing but Boron justified her vote against me way more than necessary, her case was seemingly bad anyway (incoherence is not really scummy?), and didn't really post much other content. Excellen basically just made a listpost and then vanished, which is reasonable since he just subbed in, it's just not enough to change my opinion of his slot.

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sup I'm miller

##Vote SEG

welcome back

also, Rein's claim sounds believable

so I have to leave for school and I just subbed in and really only read to page 3 or something the other day and then didn't keep up but I just felt like pointing these two posts out. do note that rein never talks about his claim again and is basically huge scum

by that I mean it's really weird and don't have the time for legit evidence against him

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"I have you now!" Psych shouted in my headcanon Darth Vader voice for him as he proceeded to pull out a giant gun and blast Blitz to death. Levity and Guillermo watched in awe as the rest of the musicians in the warped vortex room put their hands over their hearts in respect for the recently deceased.

Dear Blitz,

You are Víctor Jara.



You are the Town Ghost. Even after your death, your image and songs will still remain alive; enough so that your voice will still be able to be heard in the thread. You are allowed to post in the thread after death, but because you are merely a voice after you die, you cannot vote, nor can you be targeted.

You are allied with the Town and win when your faction eliminates all threats.

All votes have been automatically reset. The day continues as normal.

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I legit don't have a reason I just snap decided between rein and blitz whoops.

if it's any consolation

I am Gepe

I am a one shot vig, but if I shoot a mafia during the day I die, I think if I shoot them at night i'm fine, but whatever, I used it up

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