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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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I want to apologize to Levity and everyone else who played this game for being a lame butt and subbing out on D1. And just to set the record clear, I didn't sub out because I was playing terribly. I was sick during all of D1 this game. I had a headache, could barely see the computer screen, and was stressing. I was going to tough it out, but Levity asked me if I needed a sub in the scum quicktopic after I started freaking out, and I figured that if the MOD asks you if you need a sub you should do so. I subbed because I felt that I wasn't going to be at my best, and you guys deserved better than a player who couldn't commit. Excellen did well, kudos dude. I apologize for looking scummy. (I would've looked scummy this game regardless of alignment.)

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Excellen: thanks for subbing in and all but why did you claim BP Follower? :X those kind of roles don't really happen in these games since it's almost as strong as bomb cop. when I suggested Boron claim Follower I meant alone, not as a subability of BP. had i still been alive i would have suggested you say you were just follower and claimed bp as a gambit to keep scum off you but ALAS

(aside from that you boron and bbm were cool buddies tho)

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Paper was incredibly OP. BPV SK who could drive and was also lynchproof D1 and immune to all actions N1.

Also, sorry Levity, I wasn't actually giving the game up, I was trying to pull a Hail Mary and try to lie to the town and get Shinori lynched for an ITP win, but then Paper gave up. :(

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Also, sorry Levity, I wasn't actually giving the game up, I was trying to pull a Hail Mary and try to lie to the town and get Shinori lynched for an ITP win, but then Paper gave up. :(


that would've owned for real

it would've owned even harder if he somehow didn't kill you the following night and you claimed it was TOWN GAMBIT.

Edited by Prims
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Dear Paperblade,



“He is a complete artist, magnificent and unsurpassed in roles which require power and violence. At present time no other artist comes near Vinay’s interpretation of Otello.”—Arturo Toscanini

Ramón Vinay was born in Chillán; his mother was Chilean and his father was French. As an opera singer, he began as a baritone, and he made his debut as Don Alfonso in La Favorita in an opera touring company. He took intensive vocal studies and in 1944 began singing as a tenor, and shortly afterwards acquired his role of Otello in that same year.

As a forceful and majestic opera singer, you have had much practice in playing dramatic and tragic roles; through this, you have decided to conduct an… experiment of sorts.

You are the Self-Aligned Faggot.

For the first day and night phase you are will be at the peak of your performance; so many crowds will love you that they would be unable to lynch you for that day, and become too distracted if they attempt to target you in the night. From then on out, your performances will save you from one attempt on your life. You can, however, still die to a lynch, and also be targeted by all nonkilling actions.

During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with “Night X: This will be <USER>’s last performance." USER will die. You will not have a distinctive flavor method of killing. You must kill every night.

In addition, during the night phase you may respond to your role PM with "Night X: Dazzle <USER1> and <USER2> with special effects." This will confuse them, and any roles targeting USER1 will be redirected to USER2 and vice versa. You may use this on yourself only once. You may idle this ability.

You are allied with yourself, and win when you are the last gay-ass dumbshit standing.

Dear BBM,

You are Los Bunkers.


Los Bunkers is an alternative rock band from Concepción, Chile. It was formed in 1999 and they are well known for their contemporary rock style based on that of the 1960s; The Beatles were a huge influence, and were their reason for uniting. As time went on, they became more interested in their folk roots.

Being a much more recent group, you found it easy to gain others’ trust by experimenting with sounds from the original folk movement. You decided to use your growing interest to your advantage, and you display a variety of skills as reflected by the individuals in your band.

You are the Mafia Ninja Janitor Silencer. Your abilities include:

Ninja: You are unable to be detected by any tracker/watcher abilities when performing the factional kill.

Janitor: During the night, you may respond to your role PM OR in the Quicktopic with “Night X: Storing <USER>’s body under the stage.” USER’s name, role, and alignment will not be revealed upon death. You may use this only once. This takes the factional kill. Your Ninja ability will not apply when using the Janitor.

Silencer: During the night, you may respond to your role PM OR In the Quicktopic with ”Night X: Performing a private concert for <USER>. USER will be so enthralled with your music during the day that they will be absent for the day meeting. This does not roleblock, and the afflicted user can still place a private vote with the mod. You may also not use this ability if you are the one performing the factional kill. This has unlimited shots.

Your buddies are Boron and Prims, and your Quicktopic is located here: http://www.quicktopic.com/48/H/4FXG8KjRRxz3Z

You are allied with the Mafia and win when you eliminate all threats and achieve parity with the Town.

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Fun fact: the mafia nightkill got blocked every single night. N1, we targeted Shinori and were foiled by the self-doc, N2 we targeted Kay and were foiled by Eclipse's jail, and N3, we targeted Shinori again, but were redirected by Paper onto his own BPV.

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