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Most Underrated Character


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Since we have most overrated, might as well have most underrated, right?

Personally...I'd probably vote for Isadora. Not for ranks, she's very mediocre there, but in an efficient playthrough she's quite handy. Her Con looks low, but this is offset by both her high Spd and the upcoming Body Ring. Her durability, while not great, is pretty decent with the Angelic Robe she comes with. Isadora's offensive parameters usually outclass most other units by the time she joins, including most of the other cavaliers if promoted (Base Isadora has about 3 Str and 6 Spd over 10/1 Lowen, and 10/1 Lowen is a fair estimate for C21 HHM). These parameters along with her weapon ranks allow her to ORKO the sages in Genesis for instance. However, she's usually ranked several tiers below the other cavaliers, even falling behind mediocre foot units like Guy and Erk.

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FE9 Stefan. The best infantry unit in Ike's army unless you purposely pump up Mia or Boyd or someone specific to be better.

Edited by Mr. Wanker
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FE9 Stefan. The best infantry unit in Ike's army unless you purposely pump up Mia or Boyd or someone specific to be better.

Except he costs turns to recruit and efficient FE9 is about mounts. In non efficient play, I agree he's decent but by no means all that phenomenal because again he's not very likely to see a good amount of combat unless you go out of your way for it.

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Characters I like but others don't? Okay.

FE10 Micaiah and Sothe. To this day I still find people who think Sothe is awful when he's one of the best characters in the game (not as much as back in the day, though, thankfully). Micaiah isn't nearly as good, but she's better than a lot of people give her credit for.

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I agreed with Isadora. She may be the worst of the Paladins, but GBA Paladins are broken so that doesn't really matter.

I've found that a lot of people underrate Heath. He comes a little late for an unpromoted unit, but he has HHM bonuses, good growths and flight.

Geitz is also pretty underrated. Then again, you have to heavily use mediocre units to even get him so that's understandable.

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Doesn't Isadora have a really extremely loud fanbase? Are they just a vocal minority?

Also, seconding Micaiah. She's always treated me really well.

(also fe4 linda ;~;)

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I agree with Isadora being underrated. Her bases may be a tad low, but enemies in FE7 are laughably weak anyway. Give her a body ring and she'll lose no CON from a silver sword, which she comes with anyway.

Even though the drafting community realized his awesomeness, Lowen is still a bit underrated.

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If everyone agrees Isadora is underrated, is she?

I guess I'll go with Tate...fliers are pretty good, but most people prolly cast her aside just because of Miledy when you should be using both of them.

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Along the lines of Tate, Zeiss is actually pretty good on Ilia route with high strength/HP/defense and flight. Has to be fed a few kills to get to promotion, but that doesn't take that long. Seems to be that many underrated units are good compared to the whole cast, just not great compared to others in their class.

@Underratedness I was mainly going off of tier listings across FE communities, not necessarily just this one.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Nah really i find Nealuchi in RD to be pretty underrated. Sure he isnt fantastic but hes around more than Vika and can actually outclass her quite a bit when raised. Mostly strike level.

Lowen is quite underrated, yes. Hes not the best of the cavs but hes not bad. Hes got mad defense and HP most of the time and gets the job done.

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No way is lowen jjust barely promoting by the time you reach Isadorable.

People promote before Four Fangs Offense?

News to me.

Okay, that was slightly tongue in cheek, but comes straight from a ranked playthrough / unit cycling mentality.

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Along the lines of Tate, Zeiss is actually pretty good on Ilia route with high strength/HP/defense and flight. Has to be fed a few kills to get to promotion, but that doesn't take that long. Seems to be that many underrated units are good compared to the whole cast, just not great compared to others in their class.

will agree with this; zeiss was very good in 0% and definitely left a good impression on me, although getting him to promotion is surprisingly difficult in a short span of time. also agree with tate being underrated, but she is significantly less outstanding on NM and her offense is terrible either way.

i can't think of any other examples; we've done pretty well in giving characters their fair appraisals. i don't personally think that isadora is underrated any longer, at least not among this community.

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While I'd love to say 'Mia', I honestly fine Amelia to be far more underrated than she deserves. In efficiency she sucks because of her low joining level, yea, but that's part of why I despise 'efficient' playthrough. With just a little bit of work she comes out pretty strong and becomes a great unit on the whole.

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I dunno.

Some FE4 character. Maybe.

I also agree with Micaiah...simply because I think she's the last unit I saw someone complaining about regarding a FE game I've played, that I didn't think was crap.

That might not even really happen anymore on the FE boards, I dunno.

As for Amelia, I think one reason I don't like her much on paper out of efficiency is, you have 3 cavs and a paladin already, and I'm not really that excited about grinding a bad unit to get a knight (hey, it's not just her low joining level, it's her low joining everything...except for the uses of her javelin, because she probably won't hit anything if she uses it, so it'll stay at full uses until you recruit her). At least with Ewan, you can get another dark magic user (ya, that's right. if you use Ewan and Knoll you can get a SUMMONER and a DRUID and you don't have to beat grado ruins like...more than once. Gotta lvl 'em all).

EDIT-Ya ok if it's a second run or whatever, you can keep her as a super trainee and that's a UNIQUE CLASS.

Edited by L1049
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